By the gate of hell

"Princess Iona of Fontania, do you repent for your multiple sins? The most brutal including the poisoning of the new Queen Marianne of Fontania?"

I chuckled as the guards held my arms tightly to my sides. I looked up to see the sad expression on my father's face. My stepmother concealed her joy with her fan as her eyes laughed at me. Despite her "kind Queen" bullshit that she puts up, she is quite evil. Even more than me the renowned villainess of the country of Fontania. I have racked up quite the record of villainous acts since my childhood. Many include arson, and my special poisoning. I can't help the good feeling I get when I do a villainous act. I guess that I've just been this way ever since my biological mother died. The day of her funeral my father brought this bitch Marianne. A brothel whore who had succeeded in seducing my father.

Did I try to poison her?

Yes I did.

Do I regret it?

Fuck no.

The only thing I regret is not giving a dose strong enough to kill her. I continued to chuckle as my beaten face dropped blood on the red carpet below. From the moment that I had poisoned Marianne I had set myself at the status of a dead person. I spoke though my pain.

"No I don't Grand Priest. I will never regret what I did to that pompous bitch. The only thing I truly do regret is not giving a dose lethal enough to kill her!"

I started to laugh hysterically as my father stood and walked over to me in anger. My right cheek burned as he slapped me.

"Why did you do this Iona? When did you become like this? When you were a child you were such an obedient child. Why did you turn into this, this... monster?!"

Even more than my cheek my heart stung at the words that y father told me.

I chuckled bitterly.

""Monster", you say? Who was the one who made me become like this? Who made me the evil bitch that I am now? Was it not you, dear father? Why did you leave me all alone when mom died?? Am I not your daughter?"

My father looked at me with cold red eyes. His voice ice cold as he said.

"I have never raised a "monster" like you. Don't flatter yourself by calling yourself my daughter. The small amount of mercy that I can give you is a swift death."

I did not cry through all of the torture that I had went through in the prison for a week now. I did not cry when my mother died. I did not cry when Marianne slot the throat of my beloved kitten in front of me. I did not cry when my only friend betrayed me and seduced the only man that I had loved. I had never cried. But now after hearing my father utter those words, my tears of ten years finally burst out. It was as if a dam had finally broke.

I sobbed as tears continued to fall down my cheeks and decorate the floor below. As my body heaved with sobs, my heart broke into pieces. The small will and strength that I had melted away. Through my tears I heard Marianne say.

"Off with her head."

I turned to see my father glare at me icily as he hugged Marianne close. I sighed as I stopped crying. I looked up at the two of them as the guards set my head on the guillotine. I smiled before I yelled out.

"Mark my words father and Marianne. Even if I am to go to the deepest pits of hell I will come out and haunt the two of you. I will make you heart your lives so much that you will wish that you were never born. Till the next time we meet."

As I closed my eyes, the image of my kind mother reaching her arms out to embrace me filled my mind. I smiled as I jumped into her embrace. The sound of the guillotine dropping was the last thing I heard before the world turned black.


Thank you so much for reading my luvs❤️I hope that you've enjoyed❤️Stay safe😷😍