A meeting with Satan

I quickened my walking speed as I rushed towards the boutique at the end of the long road.

Who's following us? Are they following me or my brothers? For what reason and when did they start?

Questions filled my mind as my brothers ran behind me.

"Iona! Slow down why are you suddenly running?"

I looked at Radford and said.

"Hurry up. I think that someone is following us but I'm not sure."

My brothers' faces darkened before they stopped running.

"Why are we running away Iona?"

I stopped and turned to see them unsheathe their swords. I pursed my lips. God damn it I forgot. These three were renowned for not only their swordsmanship but overall combat skills as well. I smirked. Just letting our pursuer be beat up wouldn't be so satisfactory. Why not toy with him a little?

I turned to my brothers and leaned in to whisper.

"Do you idiots see the boutique at the end of the road here?"

They nodded as Tulio frowned at the word "idiots".

"I want the four of us to run in seperate directions and meet at that boutique in ten minutes. If I'm not back by ten minutes look for me."

Vicktor then said.

"Why are we separating? Should we actually be sticking close to each other? You don't even know how to wield a sword after all Iona."

I coughed blood as I felt an arrow strike my heart. Damn it! Why was I reincarnated into such an innocent and clueless girl! Thank God I've planned for this. I took out a dagger from my cloak pocket.

My brothers stared at me in shock as I twirls the dagger with skill in my hand. As a villainess I had trained in all the arts of torture and pain. If I don't torture this pursuer physically then I sure as hell am going to break him mentally. I smiled. Who thought that this day would be so entertaining?

"We are going to separate because then we can confuse our pursuer in hopes of finding out who he's chasing. And don't worry my brothers, your sister isn't as clueless as I've led you to believe."

Radford then piped up and said.

"So were you lying to us this whole time by acting nice and stupid?"

I smacked Radford's forehead. What right did this fucking idiot have to call me stupid?

"Yes. Now scatter! I'll meet you in ten minutes by the boutique!"

The three brothers nodded and ran in their own directions. I smirked. I wasn't going to run. Instead I'll wait right here in the middle of the road for my pursuer to come. I stroked my chin before shaking my head. Actually, why don't we lure him into a narrow alley to give him a sense of security. I smiled in the direction of my pursuer as I walked into the narrow alley between the fortune teller's tavern and a perfumery.

The sound of footsteps filled my ears as my pursuer took the bait.


So this pursuer was actually following me after all?

Ha! How amusing?

Now who was it that hired this man?

It can't be any of my family members. They're too naive and innocent to do such a thing. The reactions from my brothers were too spontaneous for them to be the cause. That leaves two options. This is either a pursuer hired by the Marquis or by my future husband himself.

In any case if I test him I can determine the motives behind who wants to survey me. Something inside was telling me that it was the Tyrant King's hire because of the way the pursuer followed me. It wasn't as if he wanted to hurt me, instead it was as if he was surveying me. The Marquis would have probably had me killed by now. Well.

How nice to have such a caring husband.

I reached the end of the alley which had a wall as a dead end. I stopped just as my pursuer did. I then turned and faced my pursuer with a smirk. The cloaked figure's face and hair showed while the rest of his body was covered. He flinched as he looked at my snake-like expression.


He was but a young lad. It seems as f he is my age of seventeen as well. His green eyes sparkled along with his violet hair. What a beauty. His expression reminded me that of an injured horse. So helpless yet determined to live. I chuckled.

That was my favorite expression. Once my prey resists my real fun begins. I started to walk forward with the dagger in my hand. I flipped it in between my fingers as my pursuer tripped and landed on his ass. He winced as he looked at me in shock.

I kneeled in front of him and smirked.

"Why are you so afraid of me love? I only want to have a small nice chat with you. Oh is my dagger scaring you? I apologize dear, I'll put it away."

My pursuer exhaled in relief as I lowered my dagger. I then quickly slashed his right cheek with the edge. My pursuer shook in terror. I licked the blood of the dagger as I set it back in my pocket.

"Oh my dear! I'm so sorry! My hand seemed to slightly slip! I'm new to using a dagger after all! Please do be careful with your actions and words as my hand might accidentally slip once more."

My pursuer shook as he whispered.


I smiled as euphoria filled me. Oh how beautiful. The fear which filled his violet eyes as they reflected no one but me. The way his voice trembled as he cried out "monster". The confusion he felt as I talked sweetly yet maliciously slashes his cheek. The color of his crimson blood running down his cheek.

I leaned forward and caressed his slashed cheek. I licked the blood from my fingers. The sweet metallic taste excited my tastebuds. I pinched his chin slightly as I tilted his head upward.

"Now my dear, pray tell me who has ordered you to follow me? Be careful of what you say. They may be your last after all."

The man shook before he opened his mouth. Suddenly a deep yet melodic voice sounded from behind him.

"I did."

I peered over my pursuer to see a large figure. His short black hair gleamed as his misty gray eyes shone. A cloak covered his outfit disallowing me to determine his status. Despite his innocent stance of a simple stand my skin crawled at his murderous aura. My golden eyes gleamed as I felt the evil from his heart surround me. The figure was quite handsome. Handsome enough to make me blush of course.

"Well, well. To who may I owe the pleasure of meeting? I would like to know who is interested in me after all."

His gray eyes were stormy as his luscious lips turned upwards to form a toothy smirk.

"Peregrine Gordys. The rumored Tyrant King. It is nice to meet you in such a hovel my dear wife-to-be. It seems like you are more vicious then the rumors play you out to be."

I smiled.

This man was better than I had expected. He truly was a villain. I smirked as I stood up and outstretched my hand.

"It's nice to meet you my dear husband. Please do take care of me in the future as I may be troublesome at times. I do tend to male quite the plethora of bloody messes with my toys after all."

Peregrine grinned a to out my smile as he chuckled and knelt as he kissed the top of my hand.

"I will be sure to assist my dear wife in any way that I can. Please do amuse me and include me in your bloody messes in the future. I should help you as my duty of being your husband."

I chuckled. What a smooth talker. My eyes slid over to look at my pursuer. He shook as he watched the two of us. We both smiled at my pursuer with malicious smirks. I was a snake and he was my wolf.

How wonderful indeed. This truly was going to be a nice second life indeed.


Thank you so much for reading my luvs❤️Stay safe and be careful!

What do you think of our male lead?❤️