Women who wear colors lead bleak lives

Peregrine stood outside of the boutique with my brothers as I entered alone.

Inside the shop was a true lady's dream. A true innocent lady's dream after all. I felt all of the sadism and evil slip away from my being as I was surrounded by feminine items. Colors that I would have never though existed faced me in the designs of the dresses. Exquisite silks, cottons, and polyesters faced me. The store was two levels. A short staircase led to some exclusive, expensive dresses on the rope floor. The store was domed in its shape with windows on the top allowing for the natural light to hit all of the dresses in the right places. The jewels and gems glistened along with the embroidery.

I continued to walk around the store when a haughty voice sounded.

"Hello Miss but I believe that you may be in the wrong store. This place is for the nobles and alike. The store for pigs is two stores over."

It turned my face and chuckled. A middle aged woman with too much makeup than needed stood in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest. I looked down to see her lavish and flamboyant dress. She resembled a peacock with the amount of ruffled feathers stemming from her hat.

Oh my. Pity filled me as I looked sadly at the woman.

"I apologize ma'am but I would like to ask who had dresses you this morning?"

The woman chuckled as she raised her hand in emphasis.

"Well, because you are a customer nevertheless I will humor you and answer your question. I have the great Beltrius come to my mansion personally and choose my outfit."

My eyes widened as I let out a half assed, "wow". Beltrius was a first rate designer for clothing. Marianne made quite the ruckus the day that he came to dress her before the wedding to my father. Beltrius quit on the spot and refused to dress the bitch. I smiled.

This man must hate this woman so much so that he intentionally dresses her in fake jewelry and cheap fabric. Or she's just bluffing. For some reason the latter convinced me more. I snapped my fan open as the golden edges glistened under the natural sunshine from above. I waved my fan to cover my smirk.

A villainess must never ruin her game from the start. She must slowly corner her target. She must let the target feel confident enough to bluff so that she could make her fall lower than she had been. The best way to ruin someone is to raise them so high that when they fall they can not recover. And once they fall, that isn't the end, but the beginning. That is when the villainess must strike with her fangs and take a bite out of her prey.

I giggled as I looked at this woman. Oh God was this a great day today. This trip had become way more interesting than I had though of it to originally be.

"I apologize for doubting you originally ma'am. Are you the owner of this establishment?"

The woman nodded before she chuckled haughtily and said.

"Again dear, as you may know I am the wife of Count Eloquis. Due to my husband's kindness I will spare you and allow you to respectfully leave."

I chuckled louder than I had intended. The woman looked at me with frustration in her eyes. Oh my, oh my. This woman a measly countess was making little of me, a duke's daughter? Oh Lord the world has gone mad indeed.

"Dear countess, these fabrics that you sell how much is it per article?"

She looked at me and bluntly said.

"Why are you asking about the price when you can't even afford one of my shawls."

I smirked. How interesting. Let me let her have her way and insult me like this for some more time.

"You've caught me countess. I am but a measly maid who is interested in buying an article of clothing for my lady. She had requested that I ask about your prices. Would you please humor me and tell me?"

The countess looked at me with irritation. A small amount of fear filled the corners of her eyes. I smiled behind my fan. Gotcha. Let me start to instill the fear slowly.

"Who is your lady, maid?"

I smiled as I walked over and touched the sleeve of a long tight satin black dress. My eyes appreciated the sight. Oh a color fit for my dark and twisted soul.

"She told me to not disclose that information."

The women then walked up to me quickly and grabbed my hand.

"Stop touching my clothing you ugly, dirty, insolent maid. I now have to throw that clothing out as you have sullied it."

I pulled away my hand as I burst into laughter. Oh this reaction was even better than I had expected. The woman's pale face was flushed as she clenched her fists. Several other noble women in the store started to notice the commotion and watch us.

Oh my the fun hasn't even begun yet we already have an audience. How beautiful. Chaos was what I havoc and specialize in creating. The more flashy the better. The mood is now perfect. Let us tease her once more before pounding her to the floor like the scum that she is.

So far I have set the bait and this fish had taken it. Now was the time to reel it in.

I walked past her and picked up a ruby from the gem display. I then placed it under the light. I then lowered it and spit on the top and wiped it to make it shine brighter. My eyes slid to the side as I docked before the woman swung her hand. I backed away and laughed as she seethed in anger.

If she looked like a pig before now she was a monster. Her teeth seemed to get sharper as she's chased me around the store. I dropped the mannequins as the woman tripped over then. Her screams of anger filled t he store as the noble women watched. I turned to one of them and said.

"This is quite the interesting show, now isn't it? Don't worry love, if you'd like to see more of my antics stay tuned!"

The noblewoman nodded as she laughed. What a responsive crowd. The store was now reduced to a mess. The countess's wig was on the floor as she heaved to breath with her ripped dress which showed her old corset underneath. Sweat beaded her forehead.

I then walked over to her and stretched my hand to hand her my fan.

"Oh dear, I apologize for the ruckus that I've caused. Would you like to use my fan to cool down a bit? Heat is never good for an older woman after all. It could lead to heart problems and possibly even death. Not that anyone would be disturbed with your death. In fact some may even wish it."

The woman yelled as she reached her arms out to wrap her hands around my throat. The feeling of pure euphoria filled me as I watched the desperation and anger on her face. Her eyes reflected her broken self and retracted sanity.

Okay enough fun now. I'm both exhausted and I need to go home. The sun was starting to set. I'll just manage with any dress that I have at home for now. I sidestepped the countess as she fell to the ground. Her dress hiked up to reveal her puffy underwear. The sound of laughter filled the store as the noblewomen shoppers laughed. I smirked before I removed my cloak and said.

"Countess, even if you were to give me your clothing for free I would never put it on my body. This trash is unworthy of the daughter of the Duke after all. Thank you for the entertainment that you have provided. Have a nice day and life. Take care of yourself."

I then clicked my fan closed as I watched the countess look at me in shock with widened eyes. Despair then overtook her face as she realized what she had done. She then reached her hand out and said.

"I'm sorry Iona, please forgive-"

I slammed the boutique door closed to stop her sentence. I smiled as I looked at my brothers and Peregrine talk. Peregrine then looked at me and said.

"Did you find a dress?"

I shook my head as I smiled.

"Nope but I found something better. Something that no amount of clothing could match up to."

I then walked to Peregrine and stood on my tip toes. I lightly pecked his cheek as I winked and said.

"I appreciate you caring for me my dear husband. Don't tell me that you've already missed me even though we were separated only for a couple of minutes?"

Peregrine blushed before he smirked and took my hand in his. He then brought it to his lips as he said.

"But my dear wife, every second away from you feels like a year."

I felt my face explode as I flushed. I pulled my hand away as I fanned my hot face. God above this man truly was going to be the death of me. He was the only person who had kept up with my banter. I smiled as I heard his chuckle. He truly was the right man for me. If I were to be glad about anything in this second life. It would be the fact that it had brought me to you Peregrine.


Thank you so much for reading my luvs! Stay safe and be careful😍❤️😷