Splitting up and Infiltrating the Alien Mothership

Just like how it was when I entered the narwhal aircraft for the first time, the interior of the mothership, or at least the corridor in which we were currently walking at was also lighted by purple lights. There were two lines of purple lights on the corridor ceiling, seemed to be lengthened along until the corridor's end.

There were also another two lines of purple lights lengthened along the corridor floor edge in the exact same manner as the lights on the ceiling. The different thing however, was that the light inside the corridor was significantly brighter and sharper compared to the interior of the narwhal aircraft.

I glanced to the direction behind me as we were getting further from the access we had just entered from, and noticed that there was actually some sort of a vertical sliding door hung up right on top of the opened access. Seeing that, it made me realized that we might have in fact entered from some sort of their emergency access.

After we had taken more steps forward, I could finally only barely see the vertical door again as we reached the corridor's end. Before long, we reached a whole new larger and stranger area, to which I began to look at our whole new and different surroundings in more details.

The first thing that I noticed right away since all of us had entered the mothership, was none other than the floor itself. Unlike the floor of the narwhal aircraft which seemed to be comprised of unrecognizable sound-proof materials, the corridor as well as the new area floor that we were currently standing on looked like it was comprised of small tiny chains and interlocked together very neatly and resulting in a very tight link.

The chains were also so strong, that I believed if there were countless aliens standing on them, it would not even bend downwards for a bit. As for our footsteps sound, I could still hear it even though only very little when we walked, strongly indicating that they were made out of a whole different types of materials.

The next thing that I came to recognize was the height of our new surroundings. To be honest, I could not determine even roughly about the height of the new area that we had just entered, since it seemed to be one of the accesses for reaching the floors above and below, and whenever I looked up, the only thing that my eyes could see was only an endless towering spiral stairs. Also, the towering stairs wall had an octagonal shape, suggesting that it might as well be the core shape of the whole mothership. However, the corridor itself was of a different case although I would also not say that it had a small size.

The height of the corridor was perhaps close or exactly thirty feet, with the width of the corridor no less than twenty feet since there were obviously some large spaces between us when we walked through it just earlier. The purple lights that were lined up on the corridor ceilings also went up alongside the towering spiral stairs by the walls as it ended just at the corridor end, while the ones that were lined up on the corridor floor edge ended right at its end.

Another thing that I came to notice was that there were also three other corridors with the exact same features as the one we had just walked on earlier. Of course, we would most likely not opt to try and approach each of the remaining corridor ends. However, with that in mind I realized that the mothership had at least four possible emergency accesses, and again, at least on the first floor.

"Right, so…" Kyle said, in a rather low voice as she was still looking around our new surroundings, "What are we going to do, next?"

In almost an instant, I realized that most of them were looking at each other, not sure and completely filled with doubts on the next steps that we had to take. As usual, the only two individuals who did not show any or at least that much of a hesitation was Jonathan and Captain Quentin. After a few seconds, Jonathan finally suggested something that half of us deemed to be far too dangerous.

"I guess we should split up and infiltrate deeper that way…" Jonathan responded.

"Wha-, do not you realize how dangerous it is for us to go in smaller groups?!" Kyle immediately argued, with her annoyed expression drawn on her face.

"In that case, do you have any other suggestions?" Jonathan responded as he glared at her very sharply.

Kyle immediately looked down, unable to look at him straight in his eyes anymore. Apparently, Ryan and Della were also shocked to see how sharp Jonathan's eyes could be whenever he glared at something or someone. I also was surprised to see how he reacted towards Kyle's arguing words, but more to the fact about why he seemed to be very upset about it rather than his intimidating glaring eyes. Fortunately, Captain Quentin seemed to be aware of the sudden tense atmosphere, and proceeded to thin the situation.

"Please, listen carefully." he said before he continued, "We have absolutely no clue whatsoever about the remaining time we have left before they will start to make their next big move. Which is why, we have to find and stop them as quickly as we can."

Once Captain Quentin had finished speaking, I could feel the tense atmosphere that surrounded us somehow lifted although not completely. Personally speaking, I could understand full well if Jonathan felt somehow irritated by Kyle's arguing words while she also hesitated to at least suggest anything to all of us. However, I still believe that responding his feeling with an intimidating action was just too much, unless of course if he had something else on his mind.

"Alright, we have reached a conclusion here, good." I said, trying my best to further alleviate the tension, "Now if we were to split up, I suggest we go by three in a group. I would go with Captain and Kyle, is that okay with you three?"

As a response, both Ryan and Della nodded almost instantly while Jonathan just looked away, still looking quite upset. The only one there who seemed to be completely calm was only Captain Quentin, as Kyle also seemed to be still a little bit terrified.

With the group already settled, I also suggested that my group would be the one to ascend the stairs, while Jonathan's group would descend to the lower levels. Since I did not know any more details about the mothership's interior, I reminded the rest of them that those who were going to the upper levels were to find out what was in the peak part of the mothership while the ones who were going downstairs were to find out more about the mothership gravity balancer.

None of them argued or raised any objections, and thus our objectives became clear once more. Jonathan, Ryan, and Della descended the stairs in a hurry without saying anything anymore, perhaps to avoid, or rather escape the remaining tension around us. It took the rest of the three of us a while still standing on the very same area and not saying even a word to each other before we started moving upstairs.

I also looked at my watch to find out what time it was as usual, but very much to my surprise, it no longer functioned and stopped at 00.26 a.m., with 20 seconds left before 00.27 a.m. I immediately told both Captain Quentin and Kyle about it, to which they were put to absolute disbelief before they saw it with their own eyes.

"What? But why?" Kyle said, as she finally began to talk again.

"The only explanation would be because it would run out of battery, but…" I responded her as I turned to Captain Quentin.

"No, I do not buy that possibility. Something in this mothership is disturbing it." Captain Quentin replied, implying that there was another force that directly affected my watch.

The only thing that immediately popped out in my mind was none other than a sudden and drastic change of magnetic field inside the mothership. I told them about the second possibility, to which they then agreed with me about it.

Since gravitational force and magnetic field did not correlate with each other at all, the source of the phenomenon must be coming from the opposite direction of where the gravity balancer was, which meant that it could be on the top of the mothership. We then ventured deeper inside the mothership, by ascending the large spiral stairs without any clues of the current time…