Prologue - A Whole New Threat

Where should I start? It all happened three years ago, just a few days before the year 2032 ended. I was on my first day as an assistant trainer for the Chicago Military Base when suddenly creatures from outer space invaded the whole town in the middle of the night, causing chaos and havoc everywhere inside the town.

Countless of those who survived were mostly forced to fight among themselves for supplies, both food and water, and even weaponries. Luckily, it all happened for no more than five nights, and even though one might argue that it was not that bad, those who directly experienced the incident would have their memories etched with the terror for the rest of their lives, making every words to explain what they had endured and encountered just will never be enough.

The worst part? It did not happen only in Chicago, or only in the United States. It turned out that several other countries also reported to have experienced the same terror. Russia, Japan, Germany, and France all reported to have also encountered the very same incident on one of their major cities.

With the Chicago as the first town to successfully countered the invasion from outer space, emergency broadcasting was immediately made via the venerable Morse code communications technique that could somehow penetrate the fog that isolated each of the major cities. The attempts to penetrate communications with each of the isolated cities were spearheaded by none other than the very same survivor who suggested the idea during his days of survival in Chicago, Virgil Clint.

By the end of the year 2033, all major cities that were invaded in the world had been completely countered. The terrors that had etched into the very core of humanity had then been wiped out, and miraculously all attempts on the recovery of global economics condition had gone better than it had been planned by the first half of the year 2034.

Following the full recovery of global economic condition by the second half of the year 2034, all countries in the whole world starting from the regions of Northern and Southern America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania urged the formation of a global scale organization with a very specific task to counter any further potential terrors from outer space.

Of course, there were countless pros and cons, debates and arguments, and even different agendas and visions and missions from each of the countries' leaders and military forces regarding the final decision and formation of the said organization. However, those things were not the most crucial and vital foundation for the final decision.

It was the agreed terms and conditions that the first founding members and leaders of the organization should definitely be the ones who had directly been involved, as both witness and survivors in the field of the terrors that had taken place at any of the major cities. What made it most complicated, was that they were also should be the ones who are still in active service of any branch in the countries' military force.

There were only two reasons for the terms and conditions that might seem too simple to consider, but indeed fatal nonetheless. The first one being that those who had experienced the terror directly would somehow develop their own survival instinct against the creatures, a skill that will not occur only from many intense and rigorous training, or even from different forms of battlefields or wars, as the war with the guests from out there was undoubtedly one of a whole different kind.

The second reason was that those who would be the founding members and leaders of the organization should have a deep knowledge in ancient warfare and old weaponries. Indeed, it was proven that the creatures could not counter as effective when they were fought against ancient form of weaponries although it was still for reasons unknown and currently all military forces from all countries were actively and aggressively conducting various researches about it.

That being said, technically for the case of United States, there were currently only four obvious candidates for the founding members and/or leaders of the said organization – me, Ryan, Jonathan, and Commodore Quentin. After surviving and countering the extraterrestrial terror that had taken place in Chicago three years ago, I was promoted to the Lieutenant rank in the Navy, Ryan became a First Lieutenant in the Army, Jonathan had been made Major in the Air Force, and Captain Quentin was also promoted to be a Commodore in the Navy.

It was in September 2035, when the half-made global anti-extraterrestrial terror organization received an urgent emergency message from the areas of the region of Southeast Asia about a sudden attack by what seemed to be unseen forces. Few obtained and extracted recordings, both of amateur and official types showed few villages being attacked by some sort of beam blades literally coming out of thin air. So far there were no casualties reported, although many of the villagers experienced serious injuries, but still the kind that would allow them to survive.

The beam blades themselves had barely any resemblance to the aliens' weapons that I had directly witnessed and encountered three years before. That was, except for the fact where the blades seemed to be able to be erected out from something and then got hidden again, a mechanism that was fairly similar to the beam spear used by the alien commander back at the peak of the mothership in Chicago.

I received an emergency call from the organization via my new stationed base in Mississippi just about three hours after they had received the footage, bringing me to another part of the world in Germany with a couple of very urgent agendas on their desks – to find out the root cause of the sudden attack at the villages, and to prevent further harms to the local civilians by any means necessary.

To be honest, I was really surprised when I found out that I was only the military officer who had an experience in direct involvement to previous extraterrestrial terror there, as the rest of the others from various other countries had either still in recovery process, currently undergoing intense training, or were killed in action during their attempts in surviving the ordeal. So far as I had known, Ryan was also currently under rigorous training for the same function, while Jonathan was still in his last stage of complete recovery, and Commodore Quentin was currently in the recruiting process for a leading position of the organization, although all of them were already in active military duty as of then.

Since there were no other options, I was the only one who was capable for the urgent mission. The organization guaranteed me that every of my necessary equipment would be adjusted and familiarized based on how I countered the creatures three years prior, as well as granting me the permission to request for any other additional supplies based on how I saw fit both before I departed and after I had arrived at my destination.

The urgent meeting-turned-mission briefing took around two and a half hours, before I was then told to prepare to depart for my mission. The location that I was going to in roughly four hours was a village in the Western part of Java Island, in Indonesia, one of the countries in the region of Southeast Asia.

Before I departed, and therefore officially starting my mission, I looked again at all of the files inside the two folders handed to me during the briefing in order to grasp more of the urgent situation. As I opened the first page of the files, there was a label on the top side of the file, indicating that it was indeed the very first official operation for the organization that would most definitely decide the fate for the finalization steps for its own formation.

'Operation E.X.T.I.R.T (Extraterrestrial Terrorism and Invasion Response Team) Number I – 26 September 2035'

I took a quite long deep breath, before starting to read the whole files in details. When I finished, it was just about time for me to depart to another part of the world in the region of the equator. As I stood up and followed the officer that would guide me to the plane, I began to wonder if it would be another form of similar terrors from three years ago…