Alien Voyager Aircraft Landing Site in the Distance

The ground blizzard was starting to get lighter right after the gunship began to make its land on their mothership in the distance. Apparently, the gunship would also serve as a land vehicle transporter in the case of emergency. It amazed me how stable it was in lowering the seriously damaged amphibious tank onto the mothership, despite the wind was still blowing pretty violently.

Okay, now is the time for me to move again!

I quickly went back up to the permafrost ground, searching for any decent hiding spots like rocks or small hill that I could use to conceal myself as I made my move closer to the mothership, and found one not too long after I walked straight ahead in a fast pace.

Reaching my first hiding spot out in the surface, I took my time to scout as many things I could see on my new surroundings.

First of all, the sky no longer had any color; not red, or orange like it had been earlier. Nothing came to my head about what could cause it.

And somehow I had this feeling inside me like knew for sure, that for some reason the aliens did something while I was still inside the cave.

Secondly, their mothership had a completely different base shape compared to the previous two that I had witnessed myself five years ago, as well as what Travis had reported in detail a couple of years ago; both of them had a basic shape of an octagon.

But not with the one currently in front of me….

I felt like I saw a dragonfly-like gigantic spacecraft, with many protrusions on above the head part. I was not able to even guess how long and tall the spacecraft was, but certainly it was more than three times bigger than the one from five years ago.

If that is the case, then the question will be… did they not have to land roughly like the previous two?

The shape of this aircraft certainly gives it a much better capability of emergency landing that it would not have to crash like those two in the past….

And that thought made me began to think if the mothership that was currently just on the horizon was actually not a mothership but rather a voyager, because surely with bigger size they would be able to carry more supplies, equipment, vehicle, and armament with them that they would last longer compared to motherships.

No way in hell I would be able to take them out all by myself. Not even with Yeon's and the rest of the whole units….

I have to sneak in, find out as much as I can, and go back to report everything! This is a completely different level of global-scale extraterrestrial crisis!

But… how?!

I crouched for a moment behind the same rock I used to hide behind, considering what I had to take as the next step.

True, I did have the advantage of being alone and that would mean easier to sneak in unnoticed by those aliens especially since I was far smaller than their average sizes. However, I should also note that if I were to be seen, I could only immobilize them by shooting my handgun right towards their eyes.

Even then, my handgun did not have the modification on the barrel bushing that a suppressor would fit to allow a more silent gunshot. And yet, none of us brought any suppressor on our sidearms in the first place.

Regarding the points of access for me to enter the voyager, I was quite optimist that there must be at least four accesses; from the hatch on the top where the gunship landed the damaged amphibious tank into the voyager, from both of the side doors where most of the aliens would make their way in and out, and from the rear where the tank must have been coming out to the permafrost ground from.

I will eliminate either of the side doors option, since it will be the easiest spot for me to get caught.

The consideration left me with only two options; rear access or top hatch access.

I feel like the roof access will be the least guarded since the gunship itself will definitely have some personnel inside that will take a look at their surroundings whenever it is about to land itself or to transport something.

And of course, there will be nothing I can do to evade them should they find me out sneaking there and trying to get inside through the hatch.

So, my only possible option would only be to get inside through the rear.

Fine, as for how crowded it is there, I guess I will have to go closer first….

The ground blizzard was about to take place again, serving as the cue for me to start getting in closer while being covered by the snow. Standing up again, I then rushed to the direction of the rear hatch.

Good thing that the blizzard is happening again, because I do not see any other rock beside that one just now….

Still on my feet and progressively getting nearer, I speculated another possibility that could serve as the time limit for me on the surface.

There is no telling when this blizzard will stop again and forcing me to wait for another one. Is there any other thing that I should be concerned about?

As I was close enough to the voyager, both my ears began to catch up the same heavy and sluggish sound of the gunship. It was then when I found out another factor that would determine if I would be able to sneak in unnoticed.

That is it! The gunship! I have to get to the rear hatch before the gunship flies again, or else the entire personnel inside it will find me out!

To make matters complicated, the ground blizzard was also starting to subside again, making the snowstorm blown by the wind to start getting calmer.

Less than one kilometers left-that was what both my eyes told and convinced me, and never in my life before that they betrayed me for even once.

Great! If only I have the agility like Ryan has, I may have reached that spot!

The spot I was talking about, was actually a small ridge on the surface just about two hundred meters away from the rear hatch. It was also quite far from the side door that if I timed myself correctly to sneak in, the aliens coming in and out from there would also have a hard time noticing something snuck inside through the hatch.

And of course, the ridge was enough for me to hide and wait until the gunship fly away from the voyager again. I was confident that the gunship would also act as a recon vehicle to monitor the voyager's surroundings, which would mean that it would fly away again very soon.

However, it was sooner that I had expected, it had began to hover up again!

Shit! Come on! Just a little further!

I leapt as hard as both my feet could make, and landed just at the spot right behind the ridge. Sitting and pressing my back against the ridge wall, my ears caught the loud and sluggish sound of the gunship flying right on top of and finally away from me.

I made it just in time right before it turned around and fly and found me….

"That was too close…." I closed my eyes hard and took a deep breath about five times.

With the gunship now starting to fly around the voyager in the distance, the only thing left for me was to get inside through the rear hatch, which seemed to be very lightly guarded; as there were only three aliens guarding it.

Fine, nothing like a crawling and climbing the hatch right behind them cannot solve the problem….

At first, I had my doubt on whether or not I would not make any sort of rustling sound while I had my whole body crawling against the snow until I reached one of the corners of the rear hatch. It turned out that none of them seemed to have noticed me approaching a spot even less than ten meters away from them.

It might also because I was currently wearing a dark gray tank top that had a good match with the color of both the permafrost ground and the overall voyager, which most likely gave me an additional visual camouflage.

Heh, this reminds me of that day after I got those venerable firearms out of the museum where I only have this exactly same gray tank top as my upper clothing right now.

Thank goodness I have a good metabolism in my body, or else I will definitely feel an extreme chill now….

Successfully reaching the entrance after I quickly jumped and climbed the rear hatch and snuck away from the three guarding aliens without alerting them, I finally gained entrance to their voyager.

To the first floor of the gigantic aircraft they used to get to Earth again….