Will woke up early than the rest and found Bow on the floor. He surely fell from the couch in his sleep. She came close to observe him. A warm soul. That's all.
" It's time to wake up ", whispered Will.
" Is it? ", asked Bow rubbing his eyes like a little child.
" Yes and little Leo is asking for you ", said Will.
" Okay ", replied Bow. " We are going to visit the University and there you'll have an interview with a English Professor. Be ready."
" Are you serious? ", asked Will. For her professors were like annoying subjects.
" Well, I want you to take me as serious as hell", said Bow.
" It's not like that I don't want to take you serious but sometimes.... you look like a clumsy person", replied Will.
" How? ", asked Bow.
" Don't tell me that you slept on the floor by your own will ", said Will.
" Yes ", replied Bow.
" Why didn't you tell me that you are not used to sleep on a couch, surely, we gave you a corner in the room. Right? Leo ", asked Will.
And Leo barked from the bedroom.
" Are you indirectly telling me that if I start sleeping next to you then you'll be okay with that ", said Bow brightly.
" I was okay but now I think your intentions aren't pretty good ", replied Will.
" Bloody thinker ", said Bow. " Come outside Leo, we are running late. "
Will was nervous. What type of questions and what...
" My boy ", said someone from behind.
" Hey, Dad ", said Bow and reached for him.
His Dad and in this office. Please don't tell her that he would give her lessons. Crap.
" Oh.. my pretty daughter-in-law, I'm Professor Stone Orange ", said Professor.
No...No, will said in her mind.
" I'm.... Will White ..No.... Will Bow Orange ", replied Will. She was stuttering.
" It's pretty nice to finally meet you ", said Professor.
" Dad, I'll be back in twenty minutes ", said Bow and left without looking at her.
No. He couldn't leave her alone with his father on her first meeting. But that was not a meeting but an interview.
" Would you like to drink something? ", asked Professor.
" I'm fine, Professor ", replied Will.
Dad or Professor. Which title was more respectful for him. Both.
" Bow informed me that you are a Book person ", asked Professor.
" Yes ", replied Will.
" I'm going to ask you a few questions, Are you ready? ", asked Professor.
" Yes ", replied Will.
" How did you find my son? ", asked Professor. She looked at him, he was smiling. Was he teasing her? Like father like son.
" I'm supposed to give an interview here ", said Will confidently.
" And you will be happy to know that I'm your interviewer ", said Professor.
" I know but that question was personal ", protested Will.
" My child, I'm also you father-in-law ", said Professor.
" He is perfect ", replied Will shyly.
" How can you describe Novel writing in a single sentence? ", asked Professor.
" To picture our thoughts on a paper ", said Will.
" Is it possible to describe someone you are in love with? ", asked Professor.
" No ", replied Will.
" Explain? ", said Professor.
" I can't picture my emotions exactly. And I think I can't describe him ", replied Will.
" And here " Him " stands for? ", asked Professor.
He was smiling at her. Was he thinking that
" Him " stands for his son?