The Compensation and a Helpless King

King Shubalaraj was right now feeling a lot uncomfortable. That time when Prince Shantanu demanded his daughter for enslavement, he became furious and ordered to capture the foreign prince but the boy band with that prince turned out to be well trained and powerful. So when capture attempts failed and his men being dead, he ordered the Shakya Army for the task and things escalated to a battle between Shakya Army and Kashyapa Clan's crown prince's boy band.

At first, he just wanted to capture the prince, not harm or kill him, he was afraid of enraging this forefather but when he saw that a boy band under this crown prince can fight equally to his army, he felt scared, scared of this young man's future.

Shakya Clan is an ambitious clan, whose ambition was far greater and high to rule the mortal plane as a single ruler but when he saw that the crown prince will cause a great deal of trouble even a hundred times more than he had calculated when he will sit on the throne. He decided to eliminate him saving his plan for the future.

He had anticipated that this forefather will be enraged but for that, he had thought of a good excuse. That time he could say that he was just trying to capture the crown prince but it was his fortune that he died. And as for compensating the crown prince death he would have made some sacrifices and chopped the head of the soldiers who supposedly killed the crown prince.

Crown Prince would have been already dead so no one would have told this forefather that it was his plan and he had sent his sons along with the best of his men to kill him.

Alas… now it was all a dream, Prince Shantanu was still alive with some injuries but his sons were all dead except one while killing him right under the nose of forefather. His dream of killing Prince Shantanu is shattered now.

Even if, they were his sons who were dead and by the very person standing before him, he had no intention of jumping on this white breadman for killing him. He was thinking rapidly with all of his brainpower of a way to being on defensive and save the destruction of his whole clan.

"Forefather Devarat, first this king is apologizing for everything that had happened today." He said stood up, from his throne, walked in front of the forefather, and said that while kneeling on the ground. Stunning all the royalties and nobilities gathered in the courtroom.

"Second, forefather this king was unaware of the fact that even the princes of my kingdom had left for the battle and that is with such a malicious intention."

"Don't worry forefather, this king will punish and kill the mothers of those bastards as well as publicly announce them as whores and bastards."


" Fa..."


Again the whole courtroom was stunned. When the eldest Shakya Prince wanted to say something, he was glared back by his father and "keep your mouth shut" was written all over his face.

When the Shakya King saw all of his sons dead except the eldest one, he thought he was alive just for being the witness of murder attempt but when he heard the accusations of this forefather, he felt relieved cause he was not the main culprit in the eyes of this forefather so he raced his brain and thought that his eldest son was alive for some other reason. He still has his most talented son alive, this was good news for him and that's why he didn't want him to even speak a word right now and again get the attention of forefather.

On hearing that Crown Prince made a disappointed mocking sound but didn't say anything.

"Forefather, you can tell us what you want from us as compensation. I will get everything done for compensating our mistake."

"Why you even dared to attack? If you had fulfilled what I had said then this would never have happened. Your sons would have been alive and you wouldn't have to be this submissive to the forefather."

"Shakya king I'm not here for compensation or anything. I'm just here for the protection of the Crown Prince." Said a solemn voice, "For compensation or anything you should ask for this to our Crown Prince."

King Shubalaraja was disappointed now. He wanted forefather to ask for compensation cause a righteous man like him would never ask for enslaving someone. But when he said that he should ask Crown Prince for the compensation, he felt sour and pain cause he knew what will be the compensation.

The Shakya Princess was his most talented and favorite child, he had not even considered her marriage as of now and even shooed away everyone who had asked her hand for their son. But now he would have to give her to someone and that is for being enslaved, he would still be satisfied if he had to give his daughter in marriage to Kashyapa Clan, in some way it would have been the best outcome but giving her for enslavement?!

Not wanting and expecting some miracle to happen, he asked the Crown Prince.

"Prince Shantanu, can you tell us, how can we compensate you for all the troubles you had to go cause of us?"

Please don't ask that….he prayed in his mind to his Clan's God.


"I have still not changed for what I have come here for. Capture that princess and gift her as a slave to my younger brother."

The Shakya King was enraged on hearing this within himself but still couldn't dare to do anything. Suppressing his anger he called a Court Servant and said.

"Call Princess Saubaleyi here."

"Yes, your majesty" the court servant bowed and left for the task he was given.

"Prince Shantanu, Saubaleyi is this king's only daughter and this one here is a doting father for her. Can you please reconsider this on the request of this king?"

He was unwilling to give her daughter to anyone. This was the first time he was regretting being a king if he wouldn't have a kingdom to look after and an ambitious goal to reach, he would have fought to the death for his daughter.

But alas he is bound by the chains of his duties as a king, he can't leave or throw his kingdom to annihilation to satisfy his fatherly love.

"King Shubalaraja, my youngest brother is the only one I have as a closet blood relative apart from forefather and that girl of yours beaten him to half-dead, you should be happy that I'm not asking her head today."

Said the Crown Prince who was fuming with anger now. Whenever he remembers what happened to his brother, his blood starts boiling and veins popping out of his head and all over the body. He regretted not being there and let his brother almost beaten to death.