The Responsibility of a King

(Before you read.... There are some Sanskrit words used here, please refer to the Author's thought for the meaning of those words in English. )

On the road that goes to the Kashyapa Clan. The army could now see the city gates of the capital. They become excited and increased their speed a little bit.

Meanwhile sitting in his golden chariot Prince Shantanu said something to his teacher hearing which he was taken aback.

"Teacher, do you think brother Vinetra can be a king respected and loved by all?"

Forefather Devarat was surprised when he heard that, this was the first time he had heard his student saying something like that. He had never heard this from him, he even doubted that his student had ever thought this before. Still, he was a man with at least a century of experience so immediately dispersing his surprise he said,

"Shantanu, do you still remember the principles and qualities of a king which I told you on the day you were made Crown Prince?"

"Yes teacher, you told that a king should always follow the principle of 'Dharma', 'Karma', 'Shaurya', 'Shama' and 'Dand'. He should give 'Suraksha' and Comfort to his subjects. A king should never forget these principles."

"Good, now tell me do you think your brother Vinetra could follow these principles?"

"Yes teacher, I'm sure of this. Even you know teacher, brother Vinetra is always a kind-hearted person, he never speaks bad for anyone, and even that day when this girl mocked and beaten him, he never asked for revenge or anything like that."

"I heard from his servants that he was sad and didn't even come out of his courtyard. Even on the day I left for Shakya Clan, he was still in his courtyard."

"He must be sad and thinking about that day. This girl mocked him on being blind and I heard she even said he is not even worthy of being a prince." The beautiful face covered in dark expression while saying this and his eyes flashed toward a young girl walking behind him.

He continued with a cold smile, " I'll make her do 'dandvat naman' in front of him until he forgives her and then gift her to him as a slave.

"Shantanu, I know right now you're burning with anger but you have to calm yourself. You have to keep in mind that even if she's your prisoner right now but she is still a princess of a great clan. Remember a king should never step back when a war is calling, this is his 'dharma' but he should also keep in mind to not provoke war. The one who sacrifices his subjects for his own selfish desires, to quench his thirst can never be a righteous king, that his majesty, your father told."

When he heard the mention of his father, he immediately lost in thoughts, he remembered the day when his brother was born and the whole clan was celebrating.


After taking his brother in his hand from his father, the young prince Shantanu looked at the newborn and determined himself to be the best brother on the plane.

Seeing the determination in his eyes, his father said, " My son, now you have a great responsibility on you. You have to take care of your brother. You will become a king one day and then you'll have to take care of the whole clan and the kingdom so you'll have to start it from today by always taking care of your brother. Remember as his brother you will have to be his closest, you'll have to be his eyes."

Confused with why his father said that the little prince asked, " Father, I couldn't understand what you mean by I have to be his eyes?"

"You'll understand when you grow up, but remember to give him all the joy and happiness in this world, remember to never let him feel sad," said the father with a gentle smile on his face,

"But one last thing that you should never forget is that you can never let him feel jealous," said the king who's now the father of two sons with a stern face.

Understanding something the young prince while looking at his newborn brother in his hand prince said, "Father, forefather had told that being a king is one of the greatest gift given by heaven. Then can you please make him king instead of me, I don't want to be a king."

"Forefather was right, being a king is one the greatest gift given by heaven but it is also one of the greatest responsibilities provided by heaven. Remember you're a prince of the Kashyapa Clan, you should never back down on the duties given to you," enlightening his heir the king said,

"My son, you have to be the king, you can't push your responsibilities on your brother's shoulder. Your brother is not as strong as you and being his elder brother you have to do this for him."

That was one of the last conversations he had with his father. After a few days he left to study at the forefather's palace and while he was studying there he got a letter from his father's most trusted messenger. While giving him the letter he bowed his head deeply and told that his majesty has left the throne and went into the huge mountain wilds for meditation along with both the queens.

He was shocked and couldn't believe that at first but when the forefather told him everything, he almost cried but he remembered something and stopped himself from crying immediately.

He told himself, how could he become weak, he has a brother to take care of and in a few years, he will also have a kingdom to take care of.

Afterward he opened the letter, he was confused with many things and when he asked forefather about it, he said he'll tell him when the time will be right. So even now he's confused by them but there was one thing which he immediately understood after reading that letter and that thing was his father's expectations and wishes.

The wish that one day his son will establish an Empire and the expectation that his son will be a righteous king.


That was the first time he determined himself for being the king his father had wished for and that was also the last day he had thought about dividing the throne and responsibility associated with it, making his brother sit on the throne and making him king while he would shoulder the responsibility of that for his younger brother.