The Error in Forefather's Calculation

The blinding flash stopped just a hair apart his neck. The prince didn't dare to look down. He was now bathing with cold sweat, he froze right there not even daring to take a breath. All of his lower body was trembling.

Everyone sitting on both sides of the carpet jolted up, they were thunderbolted by the turn of events, they were staring at the sword that almost touching the neck of a crown prince of another kingdom. Their eyes were glued on the edge of the sword that was almost touching a pale skin, their minds were going blank with startlement and thinking of the consequences if that edge moved even a little further.

With eyes wide open, paled with consternation and ignoring a murderous glance at her, the princess looked towards the neck of her brother and hair apart the sharp silver edge, with mouth opened in an oval. Her mind was going numb with millions of ideas of saving her brother and regrets pouring inside her head like water from a broken dam.

Prince Vinetra was shocked on hearing a loud shout from forefather and then followed up strong silence, he thought of voicing and asking the reason but instantly let go that thought, he became afraid of that strange silence but still, he didn't dared to break that silence and ask for the reason.

His friend besides was also not in a good state of mind, this was his first time seeing the crown prince, his senior brother figure losing his reasoning and driven by emotions. He had never imagined the person before him will attack a guest of the Kashyapa Clan even without his provocation and that's just to quench his anger and fury. Bewildered he kept staring at the face of the crown prince may be trying to read his thoughts, maybe trying to understand his actions.

The shining silver edge didn't move forward and after a long silence of time it moved backwards and finally aggressively went back inside its scabbard. But no one took a breath of relief, their breath was still hung up. In any ancient clan killing a guest is a sin but even injuring a prince of another kingdom is greater than a sin, it's consequences can plunge their whole population into flames of war, killing many innocent lives.

The blood-red eyes were still staring at the princess filled with murderous glint, they never even blinked the whole time and refusing to leave.

"Crown Prince calm yourself, even if the Princess Saubaleyi is our captive, she is still a princess of Shakya Clan. Her brother, the person before you is the Crown Prince of Shakya Clan. Even if Shakya Clan is not an ancient clan, it's still one of a Great Clan. If you kill him, a crown prince for quenching your fury, you'll cause a war between two kingdoms, even if our clan can defeat them but it will still harm significantly our Clan's resources and devastate our reputation."

"Yes Crown Prince, forefather is saying the reasoning, please calm yourself and think what he said first."

"Yes Your Highness, please calm yourself, even if both of them are scums, you don't need to lower yourself at their levels and dirty your hands."

"Crown Prince, even if Shakya Princess is our captive but her brother came here himself and is not our captive, he is still our guest and we of the Kashyapa Clan are known for honouring our guests and vows."

"Yes Crown Prince, it's our ancient tradition to always honour our vows, our guests and protecting the ones coming to us seeking help even with our life. So we are requesting it, please you, our Crown Prince don't break our ancient traditions just for your fury."

Everyone in the hall tried to calm him with all the reasoning they can come up with. Since the departure of its king, Kashyapa Clan was not in a good shape and it especially can not afford a full-on war with a great clan.

After the king left, all of authoritative and administrative powers fall in the hands of Forefather and he's also one the strongest being on the plane but it doesn't mean he will fight in the battlefield for the clan, the vow he made in the past to never directly involve himself in any war will make things difficult and may even cause an unrepairable damage to the clan if they were to fight a great clan.

So all of them were in no mood to fight with a great clan such as Shakya Clan till their Crown Prince matures to a king. There was also a doubt and fear, what if the other great clans such as Magadha joined in to help, will other ancient clans will come to their aid?

In normal circumstances, there was no doubt in their aid but killing a prince who had come as a guest so breaking centuries-old tradition, will make circumstances complicated and definitely not a normal circumstance, so there was almost no hope that they'll come to help.

After all, no one even they themselves will not go for aid and fight for any ancient clan who did wrong and broke the sacred traditions, so how come other ancient clans will come for their help when they themselves had done wrong.

Even forefather was thinking of the same thing. He was even praying to heavens for calming down his student. It was shocking even for him, it was the first time he had seen his student acting like a madman. If he had not seen with his own eyes his student acting like that he would never have believed it but he had seen it with his own eyes so he was getting worried about the future.

According to his calculations, his student would have been almost mature for sitting on that throne he was sitting, that's why he had even thought of doing his student's Coronation Ceremony in a few months just after his marriage. He had thought several times of that glorious and faithful day when the Kashyapa Clan will again get their King and Queen.

But his calculations crumbled today when he saw his student driven by emotion and almost cause a war, he finally realized he had made an error. Suddenly a glint flashed in his mind, is the Crown Prince still mature enough for being a king?! He immediately shakes his head and buried that glint immediately thinking it just a small error.

He would have never thought that time, that the error which he thought was a small error will make him regret his whole life in future.