The Help

It was early in the morning, the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky, the sparkling dew on the green field making it look like it was filled with rosy crystals. Birds could be seen chirping creating a wonderful melody, which was pleasing to ears. In between the green field a man was sitting with closed eyes and cross legged on the grass in meditation. His face was brilliantly shining with a reddish glow and the white beard look like strands of silver.

He was Forefather Devarat while he was chanting some mantras, a man draped in black clothes came to him. Seeing forefather lost in meditation he stop just a little far away where he could just hear the mantras he was chanting.


Sensing someone standing near him. Forefather chanted his last mantra and slowly opened his eyes. He stood up and with a folded hands before the sun he bowed his neck towards it once again before looking at side at the man standing there.

"Pranaam Forefather." The man said while folding his hands and bowing his head towards the forefather.

"Hmm? Herik.. What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be helping Crown Prince along with vice-commander Urjavat?" Asked forefather with a calm and serene voice matching to the surroundings in which he was standing.

"Forefather, vice-commander Urjavat send me to report you an important incident happened in the camp." The black robed man said with grave eyes and serious expression looking at the forefather.

"What incident?" Seeing the expression on face of the man standing before him, he thought the incident must be a grave one to send a officer like Herik for informing him.

"Forefather, someone tried the assasination attempt on Your Highness while he was resting in his camp."

"What? Who dared to attempt assassination of the Kashyapa Crown Prince? He must be tired of living? You all identified how send that assassin?" Forefather furiously threw a question at him.

"Yes forefather, apparently he was a spy sent by the Pragya King?" The man called Herik reported.

"A spy from the Prayag King. Tell me the whole incident." Seeing something there forefather narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Yes forefather...."


In a throne room a golden robed man was sitting on a majestic throne. While his face look calm with just a few traces of worry and sadness, his eyes looked as sharp as hawk but they were filled with sadness and cruel bloodlust deep inside. That worry was for his children, his eldest son and his beloved daughter as well as the sons who had just died by the hand of someone but he couldn't do anything or revenge for his sons even when the murder stood before him.

He felt ashamed as a father, every night he go to sleep, he hears the wails of his died sons asking for revenge, asking him to do the duty of their father. But he wasn't able to do anything, he was not just a father but also a king. He kept thinking that for weeks now but slowly and steadily he slipped in the grasp of revenge and forgetting his duty as king. The man sitting on the thrown was itching for revenge, this time he was even willing to pay the price for that revenge even if that price is the kingdom. The man sitting on the throne was the prideful king of a great Clan, the Shakya Clan.

Just when he was about to gather the full strength and launch a full on attack on the Kashyapa Clan for getting his revenge, he got a surprised visit by the Kashi King. But what surprised King Shubalaraj was that, the Kashi King didn't came alone but he came with his elite soldiers.

Shakya King had just witnessed a battle with an ancient clan so when he saw that a great clan King Ajatshtaru was with his elites at his door, he thought he was again going in a battle but since he had already made up his mind for the revenge, he thought of surrendering before the Kashi King but with a condition that he'll provide his elites to him for his revenge.

Unexpectedly to him, Kashi king told him that he had come with his elites to help him get his revenge. King Shubalaraja was excited when he heard the news he immediately wanted to set off for the Kashyapa Clan and free his son and daughter along with destroying the whole Kashyapa Clan.

But he was told by the Kashi King to wait for few more days as he had asked Magadha King for help too. He would be sending someone to help. When the King Shubalaraja heard the news that the Magadha King was also coming to his aid, seeing it a golden chance he prepared himself to destroy the whole Kashyapa Clan.

And he just received another wonderful news. The news was that the Prince Shantanu was attacked by an assassin while he was in his camp and the main suspect for this assassination attempt was Prayag King. Who was the Prayag King, he was the friend of the King Shubalaraja so when he heard that his friend send an assassin to assassinate the prince he was deeply moved and thought even the heavens were helping him now.