
On the Wasteland just outside the Prayag Kingdom Fort.

On one end was the Prayag Kingdom and on the other end was the army camp of the Kashyapa Clan lead by Prince Shantanu and between them was a large empty wasteland without any sign of life.

But that was all few days back. At the moment when the first ray of the sun fall on that reddish yellow soil, the humongous fort gates were opened. A loud 'Shankhnaad' was heard on all the gates after which an endless army procession was seen coming out from inside the huge fort.

Soldiers riding on horses, some on elephants, some of them were on chariots as well as most of them were foot soldiers as some of them were covered in red armor while some of them were in silver and some of them were in golden armor from head to waist with either swords or spears in their hand.

"Move faster!" The army officers leading those regiments shouted, the officers had very strict expressions on their faces but their faces were also glowing with bravery and battle spirit.

"We're going to fight a full on battle against a prince of an ancient clan."

Right at the boundaries of Prayag Kingdom outer fort, twenty hundred thousand soldiers assembled in no time. That was the army of the Prayag Kingdom. These hastily assembled soldiers were permitted a day or two of rest before hurrying over for the battle and cause of that all of them were brimming with energy and a spirit to fight for their family and kingdom.

Within the fort, The Prayag King was sitting in his chariot that was ready to head at the frontlines of the army but he was staring at the skies maybe lost in some kind of thoughts.

"What a true pity." The Prayag King sighed in his heart before coming back from his thoughts.

"Your Majesty?!" The soldier driving his golden chariot called him out with surprise hearing what the king had just said while looking at him with a face filled with respect and worship.

The Prayag king looked at the man who had just called him. Glancing at his chariot driver, he said, "It's time. Let's go and see if we can even defeat a child of the ancient clans and how much has they improved over the past few centuries."

The mobilization of this grand army couldn't be hidden from the soldiers stationed in the outer circle of army camp of the Kashyapa Clan. They were already preparing for this day as two days back they received orders that they will be attacking the Prayag Kingdom so naturally they also informed the whole camp by blowing the conch.

After hearning that alarm initially they were surprised cause they hadn't thought that even the Prayag Kingdom had planned of attacking but even then they moved quickly. They remembered the order they had been given.


The Kashyapa Army Camp. In the Prince Shantanu's Camp.

Commander Urjavat, Commander Susmin and Commander Samartha along with some of their subordinates were standing in a line in the camp. There was a giant army map on a large wooden table in the middle of the camp when they heard the Shankhnaad, and a soldier came abruptly inside.

"Your Highness, The Prayag Kingdom Army, they are moving. We just saw that their soldiers are gathering before their fort."

With surprise written on their faces, everyone looked at the prince who nodded but there was no surprise on his face which confused and surprised them even more.

"What?! At what speed they are moving towards us?" Someone asked.

"Don't worry…" The Prince shook his head. "Don't worry, they are not going to do a surprise attack on us. If they wanted to do that, then we all would be already fighting instead of sitting here.

"Oh." The commanders standing there raised their eyebrows.

The prince continued, "And I don't think they can ever do a surprise attack nor can we. The wasteland is stretched in almost hundred kilometers. In straight line the distance between our army and the fort is sixty to seventy kilometers without any sign of life or even a terrain in between to hide their presence.

If they were to plan a surprise attack they would have to travel that distance in a blink of an eye to catch us off-guard. Therefore, we don't need to rush over anything."

Commander Susmin jutted his chest out and said firmly, "Your Highness, as long as you give me the authority to command the soldiers next time, I have full confidence in my ability to hold our ground."

"Very good." Prince Shantanu revealed a hint of a smile on his face.

"Your Highness." Commander Urjavat said solemnly. "I'm worried…that some godkins were hidden inside the kingdom and may join the battle then that would be a force more terrifying and more powerful than we expected. If something like that happens then we would be fighting with the enemy we are not prepared of.

"Hmm?" The Prince looked towards commander Urjavat.

"They will not appear." Prince Shantanu spoke out immediately.

"But what if they use some powerful formations?" Someone again spoke out once again.

"If they want to use some formation attacks…don't worry, they won't be able to." Once again the Prince said calmly.

The use of formations was normal occurrence in the wars and the battles between the ancient clans and the great clans but occurrence of them in the battles of the small kingdoms is unheard of.

Formations range from a simple normal tier to the complicated high tier. A normal formation was used for building some simple traps that can just kill some small animals and injure someone big human size being. As for the complicated high tier formations, a single one could perhaps destroy the entire kingdom as well as terrifyingly high number of people could die.

Although there was a high possibility that Prayag Kingdom had few powerful formations as it was originated from a prince of an ancient clan and the prince knew exactly how powerful formations were afterall he was taught about them by his forefather.