The Surrender


At the side of the Prayag Kingdom, a bloodied figure landed on the ground. His whole upper body did not have a shred of previous crimson red robe instead the whole body was dyed in that crimson color, it looked like somehow that robe was pasted on the skin of that man. But the fresh crimson fluid oozing out from the cuts on the body was telling them that his body was dyed crimson not due to the robe but due to that fluid oozing out from everywhere his body.

Soon everyone's eyes affixed on the deep cut on that man's body starting from his left shoulder to the right of the abdomen. Not just crimson fluid even the flesh from inside was coming out from that cut. Almost everyone was stunned from the turn of events, they were stupefied and almost forgot on what to do.

The man's whole face looked disheveled, his medium long hair ensanguined with sweat and crimson fluid covered almost his whole face. All of that was giving that man a fiendish look but everyone who was looking at that man recognized him. Even with all those injuries and cuts, the man was standing in front of them with eyes wide open staring in front of him. There was not even a tinge of pain or any kind of egret in those fierce-looking eyes. That man was their majesty, the Prayag King.

"Your Majesty!!"

"Someone go call the Royal Vaidya."

Two shouts reverberated in the air with unison and woke up everyone at the Prayag Kingdom's side who were lost looking at their king in that condition.

With the horrified eyes both the advisors shouted while looking at the Prayag King who was standing just a little away from them.

"Prince Shantanu, what is the meaning of this?"

Another shout came from behind the advisors. This time it came from the Prayag Kingdom's army commander, Rudha.

It was simply a duel of Thang-Ta, a defensive art. Prayag King precisely chose that art to show his and his kingdom's self-defensive nature towards the aggression of the Kashyapa Clan and their crown prince. It was in no way a deathmatch so killing was absolutely forbidden but the injuries Prayag King had were nothing less than life-threatening injuries.

Hearing Rudha's angry shout many heated gazes shot towards the Kashyapa's side for an explanation from Prince Shantanu.

But just as those heated gazes landed at the Kashyapa's side, many faces immediately froze, many turned green and purple from horror, many felt their eyes almost popping out of their sockets and many legs trembled furiously as they felt their leg bones had gone soft.

At the Kashyapa's side too, a young man's body dyed in crimson was standing with his eyes locked on the person in front of him.

But one, two, three, four...….on young man's body unlike the Prayag King there were countless bloody cuts like the one on the Prayag King's chest. The previous delicate body was nowhere to be seen. All they could see was, there stood a young man who looked nothing like a young man instead look like a little monster that had just emerged after forcing himself free from the shackles of hell. From head to toe, the whole body was dripping with crimson fluid. The disheveled robe and hair along with those countless cuts were giving him a terrifying appearance.

Next to him stood forefather but surprisingly his eyes were closed, he was neither looking at Prince Shantanu nor the Prayag King. Instead, with those closed eyes his serene face showed that he was unaffected by anything that was happening there.

Looking at him like that many at the Prayag Kingdom's side thought he was trying to contain his killing intent. Thinking that they were becoming more unsure about their future.

All the commanders and vice commanders of the Kashyapa Clan even they themselves were confused about why the forefather was not saying anything or even healing the prince who was injured so gravely. Among them, the atmosphere was getting heated. They were getting hot seeing their prince like that, right now if the forefather or Prince Shantanu ordered them to attack, they will not mind killing every single soul in the Prayag Kingdom.

Suddenly the silence covered the whole region as a strange atmosphere brew there.

After a while of silence.....


A falling sound broke the strange silence as everyone's gazes fall on a man immediately.

Many eyes opened wide all of a sudden with disbelief and many eyes arched. Many jaws dropped and many lips lifted in a smirk on both of the sides.

A man had fallen on the ground. He was kneeling there on both of his knees with his head bowing and the sword along with spear and shield also fallen on the ground next to him.

"...…." The man muttered something inaudible.

"Your Majesty?!" Someone asked with surprise.

"This king accepts his defeat." The Prayag King said with his bowing head and with his hands lifelessly touching the ground.

"This King is surrendering his fate and his Kingdom's fate in Prince Shantanu's hand." The Prayag King added.

"This King just will do as the Prince will order him to do." The Prayag King continued.

"This King just wishes one thing from Prince Shantanu in return and that is to let the people of the Prayag Kingdom including this king live with some dignity." The King paused there.

After a few moments, he again continued, "If Prince Shantanu can promise just that and swear on his clan's name in front of almighty heaven then this King will not even mind dying for the Prince if ordered."