
Sango paced anxiously outside of the cave. It was already midday and the rain had stopped pouring, but there were still no signs of Kagome returning. Kirara stood nearby, ready to transform to her neko youkai form at a moment's notice.

"My beloved Sango, I'm sure Kagome-sama is okay. Do not fret." Miroku joined Kirara and watched the restless taijiya, her eyes scanning the trees for any sign of the woman she had come to consider her best friend and sister.

Another long moment passed and the monk sighed and headed back inside the cave. "I will check on Inuyasha."

Sango absently nodded and continued her pacing. She knew Kagome was deeply hurting and that she refused to show it, especially in front of Shippo. She didn't want to worry her adopted kit. But keeping her emotions bottled up wasn't healthy, it would break her sooner or later.

More worried now, the taijiya silently chided herself for not running after her friend. Now, more than ever, she needed a shoulder to cry on, someone to run to for comfort. Kagome comforts me every time I have a fight with Miroku, but now I couldn't return the favor.

Before Sango could decide to find her, however, two silhouettes appeared in the distance. Silver and black gleamed as they emerged from the trees and the taijiya's eyes widened when she recognized them.

Sesshomaru walked side by side with Kagome and they seemed to be engaged in a conversation. The regal daiyoukai remained reserved in his expression but he spared glances at the miko once in a while. And to Sango's utter surprise, instead of a heartbroken girl that she expected to see, Kagome was… smiling.

I guess I was worried for nothing, Sango thought with relief, smiling as she turned and led Kirara back inside the cave. Whatever Sesshomaru and Kagome were conversing about, the taijiya felt the need to give them privacy. They looked too preoccupied with each other, I felt like an intruder watching them.

Sango's smile grew wider when she realized something. The most powerful youkai and the Shikon miko. They would be perfect for each other, if only fate would have it.