Chapter 6

Back at the Chen Estate, Chen Guo Min decided to head home earlier he had really wanted to see what was up with his doddle flower. The flower that he had kept at home, who was glad to be kept at home seem to have want to shake and escape for him. Maybe he had not paid her enough attention recently was what he thought.

Hearing from his secretary that her husband would be coming home earlier, she decided to take over the cooks work and decided to make dinner. Xie Yue Na although was accustomed to the lavish life now, but she used to have to cook dinner for the family.

Jie Min although refuse to admit it but she loved and enjoyed her mother cooking, although she seems like someone who would mess up while she cooks but her cooking was actually really good. Setting the last dish onto her table, right on time, Chen Guo Min entered the estate with his secretary following behind him. Patting her head before he bid his secretary farewell.

"hubby welcome home" She smiled happily as though she had not seen what had gone down just a while ago. It was as though her eyes were covered by a thin linen to covered and block all the disgusting thing he had done and she can only see the 'good' side.

He was as usually perfunctory towards her and she did her duties like she would usually do. "Go prepare the bath for Master" She ordered one of the maids as she hung Chen Guo Min's outer wear.

Not long after Chen Guo Min left to wash up, Jie Min and Tian Xin returned back home. When they entered the house and saw their father's shoes, they both frowned slightly before holding in their expression again.

Upon entering the house, the drastic difference in treatment between the both of them could be seen again. Xie Yue Na smiled and excitedly brought Tian Xin to the dining room leaving her biological daughter behind. Shaking her head, she could not care about her mother's affection anymore. Her hopes for her mother had died and Jie Min do not care anymore. Leisurely walking behind them, she heard steps down the stairs and turned her head. She saw Chen Guo Min there as he smiled at her affectionately, in the past although her mother did not give her the attention she wanted, this 'father' of hers would.

That was why she was so attached to this man, because her mother loves him and if he loves her, her mother would like her more. That was the naïve girl's thought…

Jie Min held back her disgust as she smiled sweetly at him and waited for him to come down, after all she still got to pretend and not let the cat out of the bag. He walked towards her and snake his arm around her shoulder and walked to the dining room.

Jie Min looked at Tian Xin help written in her eyes, "Jie Min come sit with me" She said excitedly acting like she could not see any wrong.

"okay" Jie Min said happily before she quickly walked over to Tian Xin and sat with her. Chen Guo Min was a little suspicious but he let it slide, it would be nice if both of them become closer.

"It's good that you sisters are finally getting along" He said as he took his sit and everyone ate their meal silently. After dinner, Chen Guo Min had asked Jie Min to his study room and this time there was no escaping it.

Jie Min followed Chen Guo Min up to his room as she stood as far away from him as possible, although she had not experience what she had experience in her dreams but it all felt to real and traumatising to her.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked softly, whenever she was with him alone, she could not act like she normal is.

"I heard from your teacher that you're acting strangely in school? Not only that you skipped school once. What's happening?" Chen Guo Min asked, he was analysing his girl in front of him, analysing if she was out of the normal, wondering what was wrong with her.

"I just felt very suffocated in school, so I needed a break…" Jie Min replied softly.

"And you didn't come find daddy and tell me what's wrong? I want to provide the best for you because you're my daughter, and I want you to come find me if anything is up. I'll be the first to help you"

"Yes, I'm sorry"

"Alright. Now come here" He said demandingly, Jie Min clenched her fists tightly and walked over to him. He caressed her head before kissing her forehead, "Good night my doll, go to bed and sleep early"

Swallowing her disgust, she smiled and nodded her head before leaving the room. Jie Min ran to the toilet and wash her face, trying to clean the dirty mark he had left on her forehead. She plops onto her bed, "I must really get out of this house as soon as possible…"

At that moment, she received a text from her father.

'I'll be moving over to the house down the street to your house, a friend of mine is leaving for a business trip and won't be back for a month which coincides nicely with your birthday.'

She smiles at her father's text; it was extremely comforting for Jie Min to know that her father was near her and she have someone to back her up if she ever needs.

'When will you be moving in?' she asked


'Do you want me to come help you with your moving?'

'no, he probably has someone watching you so just stay put. Tell me if anything is up'

'Okay. Thanks dad'

Thinking back once again on what she had done to her father and choosing to ignore him, Jie Min felt extremely guilty. How could she be so stupid to want love from someone who won't give her the love she wanted but ignore the love that her father have been giving her since she was young…