'So we are in a Mexican standoff. Not really, the princess doesn't know my capabilities. Save her or not?'
Near the dead body of the dragon that had turned into a female woman, Gerald was surrounded by the royal guard that was under the princess command.
"Engage Crowd Control mode! Deploy countermeasures."
[Crowd control mode engaged. Flashbang deployed]
The knights that were charging him with a spear got blinded by 9-bangers that the suit deployed. The knights aborted the spear charge and Gerald shot his assault rifle and switched the mode to HE-AP mode. It made the bullet high explosive in exchange for reduced penetration.
"By the light of gods, holy slash!" With the white sword, the princess swung it once and bazillion sword projectiles were flying towards his direction.
[Projectile detected! Deploying countermeasures]
The swords that were flying toward him got blown away by the active protection system of the suit. He shot the rifle again in full auto. One bullet capable of killing seven soldiers at once, the bullet would pierce non stop until the knights had run out of numbers.
The mages that were holding the staff starting to chant a spell. "Goddess of darkness, give this heretic your darkest time. Black arrows."
Bunch of black arrows flown from the mages that were chanting the spell.
[Alert! Poisonous projectiles detected! Deploying countermeasures]
A lot of HE shotgun shells were ejected from the suit and exploded on the poisonous black arrows, leaving a rain of poison on the knights thus producing friendly fires.
The battle was truly a curb stomp one because Gerald was massacring the knights without breaking a sweat with his .50 Cal smart assault rifle. The one that got too close to him would get shot by the countermeasures of high explosive reactive armor.
The princess that was on top of her horse commanded her troops to fall back to avoid more casualties and let the mechs took care of Gerald. The knights went running with their leader and the mechs came to replace them.
The mech was a 20m tall and weaponized with a sword on their hand, and staff on the back of their bodies. Two of them were carrying a shield and one of them was using the dual sword loadout.
"We! The students of the Yornstein academy will kill any of the Kingdom's enemies. With this Supreme knight, we will destroy you," That was the voice that was coming out of the mech. Gerald just shrugged it off.
The mechs were colored silver, black, and white. It resembled a mech from a certain TV show that was made 200 million years ago.
"Whatever you say dumbass! I don't fear you, bring it on!" Gerald shouted as he looked at the gigantic mech in the distance that was charging towards his direction.
[Warning! A gigantic creature approaching]
He reloaded his empty magazines and switched the mode back to AP mode. The mode should allow him to pierce through the gigantic mech armor.
One of the mechs charges to him while swinging its sword back and forth and made an impenetrable barrier.
[Weak Point Confirmed! Effective weapon: Machete]
"Fifty cal won't work?"
[Inefficient. Ammo is only available for two mechs. Mech armor is too thick, displaying weak points]
The helmet marked multiple circles on the mech. All of them were marked on the joints and torso. Only one of them was marked in the head.
[Displaying attack route and simulation]
A silhouette of him jumping through a slashing sword and slashed one of the mech joints with a machete was displayed, the only thing that he needed to do was to jump into the sword that was swinging behind him like crazy.
"Deploy smoke screen!"
[Smoke Screen Deployed]
A miniature smoke canister was ejected from his suit and made a thick smokescreen that made the mech blind.
[IR view deployed]
The smokescreen that distracted his view got replaced with an advanced black and white camera. He saw the mech had stopped moving and slashing its sword in the wrong direction. He made another plan because the mech had turned its back to him.
"Rodeo time!" He fired a grappling hook to the back of the mech and rode on top of the mech. He found another weak point on top of the mech and he identified it as the mech optical sensor.
He slashed the metal part with his machete and cut it into several pieces. The pilot of the mech didn't realize that he was being rodeoed on top of the mech.
[Confirming a hatch!]
A rectangular door was spotted by the helmet censor. He stabbed his machete through the hatch of the mech. The hatch opened forcefully and revealing its pilot. It was a teenage boy piloting the mech. He also saw the darkened display in front of him that he just destroyed.
"Got you, you cheeky brat!" He opened fire and spent around 20 rounds of .50 cal at the cockpit of the mech. The one that was left of the teenager was a red gooey paste that was scattered around the cockpit.
"Ok, who's next?" Gerald asked himself as he observed the remaining mech.
The rest of them was using a shield as a defensive tool. They were searching for him in the grassland. He decided to do a precise fire at the mech to disable it, he prone down on top of the broken mech and set the assault rifle from CQB to LR. It extended the barrel but requires a bipod to use.
[Adjusting HUD for sniping mode]
[Recalculating Possibilities]
[New weak points have been added]
"Adjusting scope. Target spotted, God bless this bullet," He aimed the .50 Cal rifle at the mech and he shot it. The bullet landed on the joints of the mech. The mech fell to the ground because of its broken leg.
"Guys, what happened? Where is the demon?" One of the mechs said as it seemed to be panicking.
One mech was disabled, one of the pilots had been killed, the only one that was still standing was the commander. The mech commander that rode the black mech.
Gerald ran through the grassland to confront that black mech face to face with his machete. The shouldered staff that the mech was equipped with started to glow in red. It started to fire a barrage of a big explosive red cloud of flame.
[Warning! Countermeasures Obsolete]
"Copy that."
He ran in zigzag in order to avoid the barrage of explosive balls of flames. The flame exploded into a crater the size of a car. Still, he dodged it because he didn't want to take any chances, not because his suit couldn't sustain the damage from the fireballs.
[Locked on target! Auto mode available]
"Engaging auto mode."
The auto mode made the body of the user to move automatically by the best course of action that had been decided by the suit A.I.
He pulled out his machete from the sheath and fired the grappling hook at the mech's head. He landed on the roof of the mech and started to blindly slashed through the mech's cockpit. He finally slashed the cockpit much that he could see the pilot of the mech.
"You fucking brat! Hiding behind your armor!" He found the pilot of the mech to be a female teenager. He pulled her out of the cockpit. "Now you are my hostage."
He brought out a duct tape from the SERE kit and taped the girl's hands and feet. "You better be useful to me. I'm going to confront the princess."
He ran back to the estate. It was the place where the princess most likely to be located. He still wanted to talk to her.