
The palace, the place where the king lived. It was their destination, but things weren't exactly as they planned. Even things were against what had been planned from the start.

The palace had fallen under the control of radicals. Laura identified it from the massive amount of bodies around the palace and the fact that there was a red flag on top of the palace. So... Plan C was in motion, due to the situation.

Three people on a suicide mission were deployed to the area surrounding the palace. Their mission was to stun as many guards and personnel as they could. Their loadout was a stun-grenade launcher and a stun baton. No casualties permitted due to the next plan that they had.

"The plan is simple, get in, shoot some rounds, and clear the palace. Is that clear?" Gerald asked.

"Yes sir," Laura said.

"Understood. Operation Brzt commences," Laura said as she nodded and showed her grenade launcher.

10 rounds magazines grenade launcher, MGL-60, Multirole Grenade Launcher, designed for riot control and warfare. It could launch lethal ammunition or non-lethal ammunition. The choice of ammunition for that mission was a 30mm shock grenade, capable of incapacitating a crowd of people with one grenade. It was designed after the prototype HAIL-MGR-4 miniature grenade launcher.

"What is that long rod?" Rosa asked.

"This is an assault rifle. 7.62x54mm, tranquilizer round, should put an elephant to sleep," he showed a black assault rifle.

AK-890PM, a modernized assault rifle from a very ancient era. It was modified to facilitate the modernizing of infantry rifles. Although majorly underpowered, for a non-lethal mission, it was very valuable due to its reliability.

"Then, if all of you got good stuff, what's the meaning of this?" Rosa asked as she held a stick.

The stick, a plain old regular stick that was picked up from the ground by Gerald two minutes ago. It was rumored to have the ancient power of the blunt force. It was picked up from the nearby forest.

"Ok, Rosa, you will charge through the front door. I will attack from the East while Laura attacks from the West. Copy that?" Gerald asked her women.

"Got it, let's move then," Laura said as both of she and Rosa walked away from Gerald.

Blips started appearing on the round radar of his HUD. Two blips, red and yellow, were moving in two separate directions. He waited for a second while observing the security of the palace.

The size of the palace was smaller than Rosa's estate, so it would be easier to attack them. There were several marksmen all around the roof of the palace. It was a human marksman at the very least and all of them were using a bow.

There were several guards that were patrolling around the gate of the palace. She saw Rosa who was hiding on the bushes, and Laura who was hiding among the thick grassland.

Delta: "Commence the attack. Alpha, it's your turn."

From the bushes, a loud battle cry could be heard and the guards that were patrolling the palace noticed that. They looked at the front entrance before got smacked to the ground by Rosa who was running to them.

Delta: "Echo, Go!"

Sneakily, a figure was walking to the west side of the palace wall. She attached a block of explosive and it blasted the castle wall. A large hole was made. She entered the palace through the smoking rubble.

Alpha: "Entrance clear, all target have been put down."

He zoomed in at the entrance of the palace and he saw several guards who have passed out, but not dead yet. Gerald proceeded to attack from the East. The east side was attacked by him, he blew another hole in the wall using explosives.

Boom, the wall fell down and he jumped straight to the hole. He pulled the trigger, two guards dropped down to the ground. The marksmen were dumbfounded by the attacks from three sides.

Echo: "Delta, could you suppress the marksmen on the roof?"

Delta: "Roger that."

He shot the grappling hook at the roof at the mansion and went after the marksmen that were attacking the west side. He jumped to the east roof and shot several bullets at the marksmen. 7.62 dart flew to their head and putting them to sleep.

Echo: "It's clear now. Moving inside."

The figure that held a tubular rod started running towards the palace and a loud explosion could be heard inside the palace.

Alpha: "Delta, I'm entering the palace from the north side. The yard is clear."

Delta: "Clear the interior. I will enter that area shortly."

He jumped from the roof and scanned the area for anyone that was hiding. Unfortunately, there wasn't anyone left in the yard and he entered the palace from a door that was in front of a garden.

Heavy footsteps could be heard in his direction, it was coming from the right direction. He nodded to the right and saw multiple guards were running to him. But it wasn't because they were after him, it was because they were running away from something.


A loud shout was coming from behind them. It was Rosa who was using a person as a makeshift baseball bat. 'Christ, this is a real 800-pound gorilla, female gorilla.'

She threw the person like a bowling ball and all of the persons that were running after Gerald fell down to the ground like a bowling pin.

"STRIKE!" Gerald shouted as he looked at Rosa.

"Downstairs is clear, this is the last crowds, Echo is moving to the top floor," Rosa said, referring to Laura who was holding the grenade launcher.

"Copy that Alpha, could you check this floor for any hidden threat? I will go after Echo," Gerald said as he walked to a nearby stair.

"Sure," she picked up a person and used it as another makeshift baseball bat.

He climbed across the wooden stairs and noticed that there were multiple guards who had passed out from a massive electric shock. 'Looks like she has done her job,' he thought as he grabbed the hand of one of the guards.

He heard another explosive in that hallway and he saw the person that got out from a room. She had done clearing the top floor from hostiles.

"Room clear sir," she said.

"Good job. Scanning for Lifeform."

[No conscious lifeform presence.]

"Requesting airdrop of "recruitment device"."

[Airdrop Requested]

After that, they regrouped in the front yard of the palace where the airdrop was located. It was a black box that had some futuristic lock on it. They opened the box.

"Is that? A collar?" Rosa asked.

"No, It's a "recruitment device", we just have to put it on their necks."

"What? This is obviously a slave collar," Rosa commented.