( Miyeon's pov)

I heard the bell .

"Weird , I didn't order for anything " I mumbled .  Before rushing to the door because the irresponsible person won't stop terrorising the bell.

I opened the door only to see yoongi's red and swollen face.

"Wh-" I was immediate cut off by yoongi when I saw tears fell down from his face .

Wow , I didn't expect that.

"Miyeon-ah , Please come back , I won't hurt you or do anything to you but please come back . I can't get out off my mind , the memories you left behind are driving me crazy . I just need you in my life as my little sister" Yoongi hold my hands went on his knees .

"No , please yoongi stand you " I begged

"I won't stand up until you accept to go back home with me" he refused to stand up .

"Okay if you don't want to stand up then don't Stand up , it's getting late and I wanna sleep" I said before slamming the door.

He is going to leave me alone if I do that but I feel kind some kind of guilt in me.

Yoongi is totally messing up with my head. I feel restricted .

•°•°•°•°° Seven hours later ( Morning )  •°•°•°•..

I couldn't open the door fearing yoongi might still be outside but that could never happen , he would have gone home the moment I slammed the door.

I had this biggest guts that yoongi won't be there but I still have to confirm . I walked to the door and opened it .


I was shocked !!!

"Yoongi ..." I said barely hearing myself.

He slowly raised his head , his skin looks pale , his eyes are red and swollen.

"Yoongi , are you okay?" I asked he spoke but I can't hear what he is saying . I think he might be sick.

"Please stand up" I almost cried , but yoongi refused unless I follow him home.

"Okay , I will go home with you but please stand up first" I said as I lift yoongi up but he suddenly passed out.

"Hey Yoongi , Min yoongi !!!" I felt like he is just going to leave me like how my mom , dad and jungyeon left me .

"Yoongi please wake up , why are you doing this?" I tried to drag him inside but he's weight is too much so it's crushing me .

I quickly packed my bags and find the car keys .

I told the security to help me carry him in the car and I drove him home.

I called his men to help him out of the car .

They were shocked to see yoongi in that state.

I entered the house but I was shocked to see a weird looking guy in the house .

"W-who are you and why are you here?" I stuttered  but he replied by raising one of his eye brow.

"That's the question I'm supposed to be asking you , who the hell are you and why is he unconscious ?" He asked harshly , I was scared.

"I am-" I was cut off by him

"Are you working for the OTHER SIDE ? Are you sent here by Yugyeom ?" He added .

"I am-"

"Tie her up" he ordered yoongi's men but they refused because they already know me but he still told them to so they did .

They tied me up in one of the rooms , it's full of gun and bullet . I was crying like shit , If yoongi don't quickly don't regain consciousness, this weirdo might kill me.

I raised my head up when he entered and close the door behind him . I knew I need to do something to wake yoongi up , maybe make some noise but I don't think he will wake up but at least I need to try

"Let me go , you rascal!!!" I yelled but he landed a hot slap on my left  cheek .

"Did you just-" before I could even get to finish my sentence, he slapped my right cheek with his large thick hand .

It stings !!!

"King Agustd is sick with a fever , tell me exactly what you did to him or I will make you suffer" He put his hands on my neck and harshly choke me.

"Pl-ea-se yo-u a-re hur-ting m-e" I cried out , my hands and legs were tied so I couldn't move.

"How did you even get close to king Agustd , he hate woman , he hates sly b*tches like you"