Can I sleep with you?

"NOT NOW BUT I WILL USE IT SOMEDAY" I know there will be a time where I will need him to leave me alone or something like that.

"Now that Yugyeom is scared of me , can I go on that mission?" I Know he still doesn't want me to go but now that I gone through Yugyeom, maybe he will let me .

Yoongi is the only person I care about in the world now and I don't want anything to happen to him. He's helped me through my difficult times and I will do anything to help me too if he needs it.

"Of course , but you will need some training because I will not let you just go on a mission like that " He said before tucking one strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Let go home" he whispered and hold my hand dragging me out of the room , Namjoon was behind the door outside so when he saw us walk out , he followed us .

We walked to the same entrance in which passed when entering , he opened the door and release my hand from his grip , I went out and waited for him to close the door behind him.

It was like a new world behind those close doors , Where we are looked so ugly and disgusting . No one could think there is a huge club full of criminals Behind that door.

We walked to the car and yoongi being a gentleman , he opened the door for me.

"Enter Ma'lady " he said acting like we are in some kind if British movie .

"Whatever dude " I said and enter the car.


I fling my purse somewhere in room before throwing myself comfortably on my comfy bed .

Neverless , I still feel uncomfortable . I wonder why .

I raised my legs up because I'm way too lazy to sit up . Those red heels are killing my feet .

I quickly sit up forgetting the fact that I'm lazy and agressively remove the red heels and I felt a little weight being lifted off my shoulder.

I took a deep breath before throwing myself back on the bed but I still feel uncomfortable. It's because of the dumb sexy dress I'm wearing.

I stood up and completely strip down. I bend down and picked the dress . I lazily dragged myself to my closet and threw the dress somewhere there . I don't know where because my eyes were closed.

I really want to sleep but I won't be able to sleep comfortably if I don't have a nice hot shower.

I slammed the bathroom door and enter run the water .

................Skip Bathing

I put on a black huge hoodie that says 'IT MUST SUCKS TO BE YOU' and socks .

I tied my hair up in a high pony tail and jumped on my bed .

I was mentally and physically ready to sleep until I heard a knock on my door. It's probably yoongi and something must be wrong .

He loves to sleep and never disturb other people sleep so I wonder what could be wrong .

Without wasting any time , I quickly run off to the door and open it .

"Yoongi , are you Okay? " I asked worriedly

"Depends" he simply said . What does he mean by 'depends' .

"Can I sleep with you? " He said and that came out so wrong . It's just me and my perverted thoughts . I need to wash my dirty mindset.

"Of course " He just wants to cuddle with his fake sudden sister .