Chapter 1.
"Life is more fun if you play games." - Roald Dahl, My Uncle Oswald
"Just do it already." Alexandra- or Alex, as they used to call her, muttered to herself. She was standing outside a bar, arguing with herself for the nth time. Her legs hurt from walking around practically the whole day, dragging around her suitcase, and she was starving, so she was not in the best mood.
Finally she took a deep breath and went in. She stopped in her tracks the moment she stepped through the door, she was assaulted by the music blasting so loud her heart was thumping to the beat of the bass.
She considered leaving for a second but the growl in her stomach gave her courage to venture further inside the bar.
"I think you've entered the wrong establishment, forever 21 is 5 miles to the left." Alexandra almost jumped when she heard the guy behind him. She turned and was stunned with what she saw.
The man standing before her is gorgeous. Definitely panty dropping- as one of her friends would say. His eyes were the lightest shade of brown she had ever seen. His nose slightly crooked but in a way that made him even more attractive- if that was even possible, his dark brown hair all tousled up made him very sexy indeed. He stood there smirking with his perfectly perfect lips. And since he has to be close for her to hear him, they were only a few inches apart. Alex could feel a slight blush already starting, she just hoped that it's dark enough for him not to notice.
"What?" her mouth was able to function again after gawking at the gorgeous man..
He chuckled, a soft beautiful sound. "Are you lost or something?"
"Uh.. no. uhmm. this." She held up the help wanted sign so he could see.
"You want to work here?" he asked incredulously, amusement and disbelief evident in his face. Looking her up and down, there was a gradual change in his face, noticeable enough for Alexandra to notice. Suddenly he doesn't look so amused. "Yes. Why not?" she asked defensively.
Alexandra knew she didn't look like she wanted to work there. She was wearing all branded clothes, and despite not showering for 2 days she still looked pampered. She definitely doesn't look like the type to work in a bar.
"Do you even know how to work? What can you do?" he asked, his tone changed from the playful amusement to annoyance.
"Anything." she answered confidently. At least, she hoped she sounded confident.
Again the boy chuckled and even though it was harsher than earlier Alex found herself liking that sound.
"Alright then 21, follow me.. I'll take you to the boss." he moved through the crowd, heading to the back.
Alexandra followed, dragging her bag behind her.
"Your name?"
"Your name 21.. if you want a job here you really should learn to listen."
"Alexandra." Alex was slightly taken aback. Why is this guy being such a jerk all of a sudden? He seemed nice at first.
"Too long."
"They call me Alex." She offered
"Too common." he muttered and stopped in front of a door. He opened it without knocking and went inside, stepping aside to make way for her.