Sleepy Girl 11.2

Lexie felt something tickling her cheek, instinctively, her hand raised to remove it. Before her hand could even go down, her hair was back on her face again. Lexie felt the wind blowing around her, causing her hair to go to her face. She scratched at her nose, slightly annoyed at the wind for disturbing her sleep. Wind? Why is there wind? Did I leave the living room window open? Am I even in the living room? Slowly, Lexie opened her eyes to see that she was still outside.

Nathan felt Lexie stirring behind him, he felt her move her hand. He shifted to see what she was doing, her hand raised to her face to move the hair that got blown to her face. Later, he felt her head raise from his back and her other hand moved from his waist.

Lexie was stunned to see that she was still outside. And not only did she fall asleep outside, she fell asleep leaning on Nathan's back and her hands around his waist. She felt her cheeks getting warm, she quickly tried to get away from him and ended up almost falling as she slid off the motorcycle.

Nathan had grabbed her hand, keeping her from totally sliding off and falling on her ass.

"What are you doing?" He was looking at her with brows furrowed.

Lexie felt her face becoming redder by the second. "Uhh.."

Nathan held her hand firmly to keep her balance as she stood up properly. As soon as he let go, she quickly went to the door wanting to hide from him. She stopped in front of the door and cursed silently when she remembered she didn't have a key. She would have to wait for Nathan to open the door. She slowly turned to face him. Nathan just watched with confusion.

"Can you open the door please?" Lexie called out, avoiding Nathan's eyes.

It took a moment for Nathan to realize that she was talking to him. She didn't understand why she was acting strange. He got up of the motorcycle and went to open the door to the apartment. As he got in, Nathan immediately went to the comfort room to finally relieve himself. He had been holding that in for a while.

He went back out to the living room to see Lexie still standing by the door, looking at her feet.

"Aren't you gonna come in?"

The sound of Nathan's voice startled Lexie, she looked up in surprise and he was looking at her still with that confused face. "Oh. Yeah." She entered, closing the door behind her then sat at the couch, looking anywhere except at Nathan. Lexie felt Nathan move towards her, she kept her eyes on the coffee table in front. Later, Nathan's legs blocked her view.

"You might want to take this off." Nathan knocked on the helmet that Lexie had forgotten she was still wearing. "I think it might be to tight, it could be messing with your head that's why you're acting weird."

When Lexie didn't react, Nathan moved to remove the helmet himself.

"Oh, I'll do it." Lexie's hand went to the strap just as Nathan's did. Lexie felt his warm hands and she quickly moved her hands away. It was strange, she felt something when their hands touched, she didn't want to admit it, but she felt like it was kind of electricity.

Nathan pulled off the helmet as Lexie sat frozen, looking at her hand. He tilted his head, looking at her face. What's wrong with her? "Will you say something. You haven't spoken in a while."

Lexie looked up at him, clearing her throat. "Uhmm.." Her mind raised to come up with something to say, anything.

"Is there something wrong?" He raised an eyebrow, he was actually starting to get worried.

"Oh, no." She shook her head. "I'm just… tired I guess." She managed a smile.

With that, Nathan exhaled. His shoulders that was tensed up started to relax. "Al right then. Continue your sleep. I'm gonna go get some sleep too." He headed to his room and went back out in a few minutes.

Lexie looked up at the sound of his footsteps.

"I forgot. Here." He placed his phone on the coffee table and walked back to his room stopping by the door. "In case you get hungry again later, just order something there's nothing in the fridge. The code is 111114."

"What does that mean?" Her head tilted a little, November 11, 2014? November 14, 2011? Or maybe it's not a date.

"Codes doesn't have to have meaning." Nathan answered smirking.

"Oh." She nodded. "You don't have to leave it here you know, I mean we just ate a few minutes ago."

Nathan laughed. "Princess, you've been asleep for two hours." He then closed the door, leaving Lexie wide eyed as her face once again started to get red.

Lexie looked at her watch, it was already 11 am. She couldn't believe she had slept that long, why didn't Nathan wake her up? She doubted it was comfortable. She lay on the couch feeling the warmth of her face, this is so embarrassing. She covered her face with the blanket, wanting to scream. She peeked out to make sure the bedroom door was closed, she didn't want Nathan to see her looking like that. She didn't need to add to the embarrassment. Her eyes darted to the phone on the table and another wave of embarrassment coursed through her. She covered her face once more.