That’s husband material

We enter the library and make our way to the back corner because they have outlets so we can charge our phones. There's a stack of magazines next to us so I reach out to read one. "Hey umm Patricia?" "Yeah?" I pause for a moment and say "Isn't this CNCO?" I say while showing her the back cover of the magazine. "Woah it really is them!" They must really be known if they're on the 'Seventeen' magazine. "That's crazy, they must be making a lot of money if they're featured on these really popular magazines." Says Patricia. We end up going on our phones watching Vampire Diaries until lunch is over. *RINNGGGG* "Well that's the bell..." I say because I was really getting into the episode of Vampire Diaries. We pack our things and head to 5th period. Both of classes end up being upstairs and man was that a leg workout. "Ugh we're really going to be getting up and down these stairs everyday?" I say cuz I hate exercising. "Dude it's not that much, it's like 20 steps." Patricia says "Easy for you to say, you've been doing track since middle school so your used to this. I do volleyball and we had to do drills that KILLED my thighs!!" I say exhausted. -Towards the end of the day-*RINNGGG* Finally, schools over!!! I call Patricia so we can walk home together. "Hey where are you? I'm at the spot?" I say while waiting under the tree that we've waited at since Freshman year. "Yeah I'll be there soon, give me 15 minutes, looks like my period decided to start today ugh I'm in the restroom right now though, be there soon!" She whispers and hangs up. Aww poor Patricia, mine isn't until next week. While I wait I sit down and put my earphones on so no one bothers me. I play my favorite podcast, 'Pretty Basic' and play games on my phone. "Elizabeth!!" I look up and see Christopher, Richard, Joel, Erick, and Zabdiel waving and walking towards me. I quickly take my earphones off and smile. "Hey what are you doing here all by your self?" Asks Christopher. Ahh he's so nice. "Oh I'm just waiting for Patricia to come so we can walk home together." I say while putting my earphones away. "You walk home too?" Asks Richard. "Yeah we walk home together all the time because we're neighbors so we just walk together." I say "Are you guys also walking?" "Yeah we're going to xxxxx street." Says Zabdiel. I pause for a moment and realize something. "No way!!!! That's actually close by to where we're heading." CNCO looks at each other looking shocked. "Then we should all walk together." Says Erick while smiling. I still can't get over those eyes. "Yeah sure!" Patricia just appear out of no where and joins in the little huddle we made. "Hey guys what are you up to?" Asks Patricia. "Nothing but now that your here let's go, the guys are waking with us cuz they live close by, is that cool?" I ask her just to see if she's cool with it. "Yeah of course, that's great!" She says. We all head home and pass by the park. "Wow that place looks great to take pictures!" Says Joel. "Yeah me and Elizabeth love to come here and take cute photos for Instagram." Says Patricia. "By the way we don't have you guys on IG, what are your usernames?" I say pulling out my phone. We exchange usernames and keep on walking home. As we're heading home I notice Patricia's pants are looking a little...dark? I'd it blood? Did she leak through her pad? I text her *Dude I think your leaking!* because it would be embarrassing if they found out. *DING* she received the text and touches her pants and turns out she was leaking. "Aww shoot!" She says loud enough for everyone to hear. The boys look over and ask what's wrong. Patricia is a person who feel no embarrassment and explains the situation to them, like I could NEVER!!!! "Here you can use this to cover it." Says Richard while offering his flannel that was wrapped around his waist. This man is literally husband material. "Really? Thank you so much Richard! I'll make sure to wash it and return it to you tomorrow." She says while wrapping it around her waist. "Yeah of course, no hurry." He says while smiling. We make our way home and go our different ways.