OPJ Chapter 6: Freedom

The news that Saitama would soon become a Marine quickly spread throughout the small thief's den, eliciting varied reactions from everyone.

Dadan, who knew it was Garp himself who had invited the bald-headed man, waited until Saitama went out for a walk before quietly seeking out Garp in private.

"Hey, Garp!"

Dadan whispered, pulling Garp away from the three little kids he was teaching. "About that guy Saitama... He may seem strong, but let's not forget that we've only known him for a few days. What if he's actually a spy sent by pirates to infiltrate the Marines?"

Garp was taken aback. "What? How could a bandit like you be concerned about such matters for the Marines?"

Dadan persisted, "But he's been staying with me for a few days..."

Dadan held the cigarette with a worried expression and said, "If it turns out that he's got some kind of problem, it might implicate me too."

Garp chuckled and reassured her, "Don't worry, Dadan. Stopping Ace and Sabo from getting a free meal might have been a ploy to get close to me, but repairing a damaged door by himself is not something a bad guy would do, especially not someone as strong as him."

Dadan wanted to say something, but Garp interrupted her immediately.

"The people of justice, no matter where they are, are as dazzling as the sun, and this old man will not take his eyes away from him!"

Saying that, Garp stretched his finger to the distance: "Look, that guy has come back!"

As Garp pointed his finger, Dadan subconsciously followed his gaze. In the sun's bright light, a shining head caught her attention. She gasped in surprise, exclaiming, "Ah! Mr. Garp, that guy is as radiant as the sun!"

Garp let out a proud laugh, saying, "Ha ha ha...This old man is always right."

Meanwhile, in the distance, Saitama approached Garp and greeted him, "Hello, Garp Sensei."

Garp nodded approvingly, "Welcome back, good soldier."

As Saitama approached closer, Garp couldn't help but think of his son, Dragon. The smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he let out a sad sigh.

"Damn it... That stubborn boy should have followed in my footsteps and become a Marine. And then there's Luffy, led astray on the path of piracy by that rascal Shanks. I must find a way to set him back on the right path."

With determination in his eyes, Garp resolved to do whatever it takes to bring his grandson back to the side of justice.


Saitama arrived at the Bandit's nest and was preparing to enter the room, but two small figures suddenly blocked his way. It was Sabo and Ace who had flown down the road and came running to stand in front of him. They stood side by side, looking up at Saitama with curiosity.

Saitama scratched his head, feeling a bit perplexed. "Hmm... What's going on here?" he asked.

"Is it true that you're joining the Marines?" asked Ace with a hint of disdain in his voice. "Becoming a lapdog for the world government is not something I expected from you."

Sabo, on the other hand, seemed puzzled. "You're so strong, why not set sail to pursue freedom?" he asked.

Luffy chimed in, "Yeah, why not become a pirate like us?"

Saitama tilted his head and thought for a moment before responding, "Pirates, huh?"

"I've been reading a lot of newspapers lately and it seems like people in this world face the threat of pirates every day. The Marines are stationed all over the world to protect people's lives and property," he explained.

Ace stepped back in dissatisfaction and waved his hand, saying, "Pirates are the free warriors of the sea, recognized by the whole world!"

Luffy, standing next to Ace, quickly applauded and said, "Well said, Ace!"

Unfortunately, neither of them noticed an old man standing behind them, preparing to deliver a painful punch.


Saitama's curiosity piqued, "But why did you choose to become pirates?" he asked.

"What?" Ace responded, sounding confused.

Saitama continued, still puzzled, "I mean, why do you have to be a pirate to be a free man? Can you explain it to me?"

Ace let out a sigh before responding, "Of course! The sea is a man's love, and pirates are the freest and most unrestrained warriors!"

"I see," Saitama nodded.

He paused for a moment before adding, "Actually, I've met someone who shares a similar view as you. This world is not so different from mine, where people do whatever they want in the name of 'freedom.' However, the Heroes Association fights tirelessly to protect people. While there are some not-so-friendly heroes, there are countless real heroes who are willing to die for their belief in justice and deserve recognition."

"What are you talking about?" Ace retorted with anger. "Do you think we're misbehaving in the name of freedom?"

Saitama held up a hand to calm Ace down. "I don't mean to offend you," he said. "But claiming to be a pirate is like calling yourself a monster. It's not something to be proud of."

The bald man recalled his encounters with heroes and continued, "I know you both have done some good things, but you've also caused obstacles for the heroes. And let's not forget that time we met, you ran away without paying for your meal. You may enjoy your freedom, but should those who were hurt by you just accept their losses? Is that fair?"

Ace was taken aback by Saitama's words, but he couldn't deny their truth. "I suppose you have a point," he admitted.

Saitama looked at the two boys seriously and spoke slowly. "No matter what you're pursuing, it's not a reason to hurt others. It's important to think about the consequences of your actions and consider how they affect those around you."

Upon hearing these words, Garp's eyes lit up with excitement, and he exclaimed, "Well said, soldier!"

Ace, on the other hand, covered his ears and refused to listen. Beside him, Luffy made a puzzled expression, indicating that he didn't quite understand.

Meanwhile, Sabo, who was standing with them, gradually opened his eyes, as if struck by a sudden flash of inspiration. "I think I've got it!" he exclaimed. "That's exactly it!"

Sabo's youthful spirit was like a river cascading into the sea. "This is the freedom I've been striving for," he realized. "I detest this heartless country, but the innocent people living in the kingdom should not suffer for its sins. What I aim to eradicate is the ignorance and greed ingrained in the nobility's bones. They rule the world with indifference and lack of empathy... Ace and I can't change anything, no matter how much we try. The kind of freedom I yearn for is the one that grants everyone the ability to control their own destiny!"

"Mr. Saitama!"

Sabo suddenly stood up, his face bearing a grave expression. "Thank you for the lesson! However, my strength is not enough to pursue the freedom I desire... It's just not enough! Please accept me as your disciple and teach me how to become as powerful as you, Sensei!"

'But Sabo..."

Sabo's unexpected request surprised Ace, who felt betrayed and voiced his anger, "Don't you still want to go to sea? We've all agreed on that..."

"I will still go to the sea!" Sabo's eyes shone with unwavering determination. "But not as a pirate. My aim is to change the world, to make it possible for all individuals to pursue their freedom!"


Thank you!