OPJ Chapter 9: Patrick · Redfield

Garp squinted as he looked back and said, "No, even though you look similar, you're not Kuzan."

The stranger ignored Garp and replied, "This pirate went into hiding because an Admiral appeared here. Nobody's left in town, as everyone's gathered at the execution platform to witness the public execution of a Marine Commander," explained the stranger humbly.

"Public execution? Smoker?!" Garp exclaimed in surprise.

He swiftly turned his head towards Saitama, who was seated on the warship, and shouted, "Saitama! I'll handle this. Please hurry to the execution platform at the center of town and save Smoker!"

"Okay, leave it to me," Saitama replied calmly, his unwavering confidence shining through.

He promptly disembarked from the warship and strode purposefully towards an alley, swiftly disappearing from their view.

Aokiji, however, showed no concern for Saitama and instead turned his cold gaze towards Garp.

In response to the tense situation, Garp barked orders to his soldiers, his tone sharp and commanding. "Stand down, soldiers," he ordered firmly. "This is not a fight that you are authorized to participate in."

His words left no room for argument, and the soldiers immediately fell back, leaving Garp alone with Aokiji.

Garp's forehead turned black with rage as veins bulged out. His fists were now covered in Armament Haki, as he furiously shouted at Aokiji, "You impostor! Let me show you the true strength of Kuzan!"

His voice had hardly faded away when Garp launched himself forward like a cannonball, breaking the sound barrier as he moved with blinding speed towards Aokiji. The air crackled with energy around him as he closed in for the attack.

-Ice Block: Pheasant Beak!!-

Aokiji sprang into action, gathering ice around his right arm with lightning speed.

He formed an ice bird that charged towards Garp with tremendous force, freezing everything in its path.

Aokiji's moves were powerful and lethal, showcasing the true strength of the real one.

But Garp was not one to be intimidated by his opponent's display of power.

"Impostor," he spat with disdain.

Without hesitation, the old man charged forward and smashed Aokiji's ice bird with a powerful punch. Following up with another hard punch to the fake admiral's face, he shouted with conviction, "You're going down!"

In an instant, the crystallized face of the imposter Aokiji shattered like glass. Renowned for his unrivaled strength, Garp had defeated the fake Marine Admiral with just one punch to the face, leaving everyone in awe of his incredible power.

"He's a monster," Rockstar muttered in fear as he lay on the ground with blood on his face. He had once believed that he would dominate the East Blue and attain a prominent position in the world, but his confidence had been shattered by Garp's show of force.

The Marines on the warship erupted into cheers, celebrating Garp's impressive victory over the impostor.


As the fake Aokiji lay defeated, all the ice melted away, and the body transformed into a withered, yellow leaf. Then, a tall, slender old man adorned in a flowing blood-red cloak and wielding an elongated umbrella with a bat on its handle emerged before Garp.

"Garp, it's been a while," the thin old man said, his scarlet eyes shining with an inexplicable light. "Since you locked me up in Impel Down..."

With every legend comes trouble, and despite the many years that had passed, Garp recognized the man immediately.

Red the Aloof- Patrick Redfield!!

"It's you... Patrick Redfield! You were caught alongside Roger and Shiki," Garp exclaimed, cracking his knuckles with a grin. "I heard that you escaped from Impel Down with Golden Lion Shiki, but now that I've found you here, I have the opportunity to send you back where you belong."

Garp's expression hardened as he prepared to confront the notorious criminal.

"Oh?" Redfield replied with a somber smile, as he threw a handful of multicolored leaves from his back onto the ground. In an instant, the leaves merged together and took on human form.

Golden Lion Shiki, Pirate King Roger, Whitebeard Newgate, Aokiji Kuzan, Kizaru Borsalino, and Akainu Sakazuki all stood before Garp.

The very sight of them caused the world to feel as if it had shifted on its axis.

Redfield had harnessed the power to transform leaves into objects and had summoned a legion of soldiers from both the strongest ranks of the Marines and the pirates of old and new generations to fight for him.

Holding his bat-shaped umbrella, Redfield glared coldly at Garp. "Now tell me, who were you planning to send back to Impel Down?" he taunted. Whether friend or foe, it was jarring to see such familiar faces used in this way.



Saitama had finally located the execution platform.

As Rockstar had warned, the area was teeming with people. However, it was evident that these individuals were not there by choice.

Numerous wicked individuals had taken control of the gathering, preventing anyone from leaving. These strange, evil people had imposed their will on the captive crowd, manipulating them with their sinister powers.

On the very platform where a notorious pirate had once met his demise, a young Smoker knelt in a pool of his own blood, about to face a similar fate. Shackled to the guillotine, an aged man with a weathered face stood behind him, poised to deliver the final blow.

If Saitama had arrived in this world decades earlier, he might have recognized the villains present as famous pirates and marines from history. And the old man about to carry out the execution was none other than the World Government's Commander-in-Chief, Kong.

Taking a deep breath, he scanned the crowd that had gathered before him.

With a resounding voice, he addressed the audience, "Ten years ago, the legendary pirate Roger passed away, but his demise marked not the end, but the beginning of a new era - the era of the great pirates! And now, the haughty and powerful Red the Aloof has acquired the ability to live forever! Lord Patrick Redfield shall claim his path to the throne by sacrificing a naval officer's head!"

"Observe him closely... This is the Marines' retribution!"

As soon as he finished his declaration, he sliced the rope that held the knife above Smoker.

The sharp blade descended with incredible force, poised to snap Smoker's neck and sever his head from his body in a split second!

But just as the situation reached a critical point, a sudden gust of wind swept over the platform.

The guillotine plummeted heavily onto the floor below, but it became stuck, and Smoker vanished in an instant.

"Hoo, that was a close call... If we had been a minute late, it would have been too late," exclaimed the bald man, his back to the sky.

He gently placed Smoker on the ground, his cloak billowing behind him like that of a divine being.

"I'm a hero," Saitama replied, placing a hand over his chest.

"A hero?" scoffed the man. "Ha, haaa... In this day and age, there are still people who run around calling themselves heroes..."

Saitama turned around, his face expressionless. "I'm a hero for fun," he said quietly.

Kong waved his hands, and the legendary pirates in the audience immediately leaped onto the execution platform, blocking all possible escape routes for Saitama.

"We are the ones who have made our mark on history. We control everything in the sea... Do you really think you stand a chance? You're a dead man..."

But before he could finish his threat, a figure dressed in red and yellow suddenly appeared.

In a flash, the figure struck Kong in the head with a powerful punch, causing blood to rain down from the sky.

The once-formidable Kong crumbled into a pile of leaves and vanished without a trace, leaving behind a stunned and silent audience.


Thank you!