O.P.J Chapter 30: What Are You Talking About?

"100 million! How did he know that I have that much of money? He even got the exact amount right!?" Nami's eyes widened in shock.

Suddenly, she seemed to understand something and angrily rushed forward, grabbing Nezumi's collar and questioning him, "How do you know all of this!? How did you know I live here!? Why do you... why do you know so much!?"

At this point, Nezumi could no longer hide anything and confessed with a sense of resignation, "It was Arlong! He's the one who told me all of this! He promised me one-third of the money if I helped him with this task." As he spoke, he suddenly remembered something and quickly turned to Saitama, "No, no, no! All of this money belongs to you, Commodore! Anyone who disagrees with that, I'll kill them!!!"

"Money?" Saitama waved his hand with a deadpan expression, "I don't want it."

"No way... He doesn't want it!? There must be some mistake! How could anyone remain calm in the face of such a huge sum of 100 million beli?" Nezumi was confused.

"Saitama-san, maybe you didn't hear clearly just now..."

Nezumi desperately struggled to break free from Nami's grasp, grabbing onto Saitama's sleeve in desperation. "Nami's house has 100 million beli! One hundred million beli! So much money, even if you worked for ten years, you wouldn't be able to..."

"Ugh, so annoying!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Saitama impatiently punched Nezumi, sending him flying. "I said I don't want it! Please don't bother me anymore!"

Nezumi's nose spurted blood and he did a beautiful backflip before crashing to the ground, his eyes rolling back in his head.

The scene was swift and decisive.

A true hero never accepts ill-gotten gains.

Without the righteousness in one's heart, one cannot truly be called a hero!

As their superior was being attacked, the surrounding Marines remained silent, not daring to speak up.

The villagers also kept their distance, fearing to be caught up in the Navy's internal strife.

It was only after Saitama walked away, becoming smaller and smaller in the distance, that Nami realized what was happening and hurriedly chased after him.

"Wait... Please wait, Commodore!" Nami caught up to Saitama's brisk pace and said through gritted teeth, "Arlong broke his promise to me, and I will no longer hold any illusions about him! I can guide you and fight alongside you. Please, let me fight by your side!"

Saitama glanced at her and picked his nose, "Whatever."


With Nami leading the way, Saitama quickly arrived at their destination - Arlong Park.

He kicked open the gates with the force of a thousand men, revealing a bald figure standing in the midst of the debris.

"Oh? We have guests," sneered Arlong, the fishman perched on his throne. He eyed the newcomers with disdain. "But this is not a place for strangers, especially not lowly humans like you."

Saitama's eyes narrowed, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Well, excuse us for not making a reservation. We're just here to kick some fish butt."

Arlong's face twisted in anger, his sharp teeth bared. "You dare insult me? I'll make you regret ever setting foot in my territory..."

Before he could finish speaking, Nami had already charged out from behind Saitama and, without hesitation, rushed towards Arlong, grabbing him by the neck and angrily demanding, "Arlong! Did you order the Navy to search my house!? You broke our agreement! Didn't you say you would...?"

Her voice abruptly stopped.

Because Arlong's webbed hand had tightly grasped Nami's delicate neck, and he sneered, "What's wrong...why does our navigator suddenly look so upset..."

Nami's pretty face turned red from lack of oxygen, and she could only stutter a few syllables, "You...you broke your promise..."

"You say I broke my promise?"

Arlong's slit-like pupils were bloodshot, "When did I break my promise? Come on...tell me!" he laughed maniacally, his crazed laughter echoing throughout the Fishman Park.

The fishmen sneered at the girl's naivety and stupidity.

How could she actually believe that a powerful and evil pirate would talk about integrity with a little girl?

"Ridiculous! It's really ridiculous!..."

Helpless and hopeless, Nami had never felt so helpless and pitiful before. The thing she had believed in for the past eight years had collapsed in an instant.

Tears began to fall.

All these years...

"The moment I dreamed of..."


"Allow me to clarify my understanding,"

Suddenly, a bald man appeared next to Nami and said, "You do know those fish are dangerous, right? What were you thinking following them?" He then grabbed Arlong's fin with his right hand, which was adorned with a red glove. "Don't worry, I'll handle this."

The sound of the voice fell.

With a -snap- Arlong's arm bones were crushed and his flesh was torn apart!

The excruciating pain made him scream in terror!

He stepped back suddenly, but his right hand was already broken and bleeding profusely on the ground!

The bald guy stood there, still looking as ordinary as ever, as if he was just taking a stroll and sipping some water, with no change in expression.

"But... But!!! Who...who the hell are you!?"

For some reason, Arlong was reminded of the panic and helplessness he felt when he was stomped on by the Admiral Kizaru!

"That kind of absolute dominance and oppression! It's like they're playing with ants, but instead of ants, it's us!" Arlong murmured with anger

"I'm Saitama," he says with a smug expression on his face, as if he's effortlessly swatting away all challengers.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest, a look of smug satisfaction on his face. "I used to be a professional hero!" he boasted. "But now, I'm just a marine officer. No big deal."

"Saitama... Saitama!?" Suddenly, Arlong remembered something.

As Arlong pondered over his encounter with Captain Nezumi earlier that day, his mind suddenly jolted with recognition.

'The Bald-Devil!'

It was a name he had heard of in hushed whispers and fearful tones, but never had he given it much thought...until now.

"You mean...you're Commodore Saitama!?" he blurted out in disbelief.

Arlong's eyes widened as he realized that the infamous bald headed devil, who had sent shivers down the spines of even the boldest pirates in the East Blue, was not just a mere pretender with an overhyped reputation.

"I see... I see now!"

Desperate to save himself, Arlong waved his hand frantically and blurted out, "Do you want money? women? We've worked with the Marines before, and if you're willing to work with us too, we'll make sure you get even more benefits every month than that Captain Nezumi! How about that? If you want women, Nami is my navigator. You can use her as you please! I can even pick a beautiful woman from the town and send her to you every month! How's that for a deal?"

Saitama's confusion was palpable. "What in the world are you talking about?" he muttered.

Arlong smirked. "Oh, don't be so naive. I know what you're after. Power. Control. It's all the same to me. I'll give you whatever you want, as long as you agree to work with us. Think about it, Saitama. With our resources combined, we could rule the world!"

Saitama usually said, "No."

Arlong's grin widened, his eyes narrowing as he addressed Saitama. "You may have caught me by surprise this time, Baldy, but mark my words. Once I kill you, I'll make sure every last villager pays for what you've done to me. They'll suffer. I'll destroy everything they hold dear and I'll kill everyone, just like I did to this coward's mother. And there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me! Haaaahahaha..."

Without warning, Saitama materialized before Arlong, whose reflexes were too slow to react.

In an instant, he unleashed a devastating punch that obliterated Arlong's head, showering the pool with a gruesome mix of brain matter and blood.

Silence descended upon the scene, shattered only by the imposing figure of the bald-headed demon king, whose might was now fully unveiled.


Thank you!