kill or be killed

That night I didn't get a sound sleep. I was thinking about what the shadow man had said. Was my owner calling him right now. Setting up a time and place to meet. I don't want to be bred. Sure I love the idea of my own kid but I don't want it to grow up in this world. At least not with this owner. As I thought I slowly felt blood run down my leg and the blood coming to the surface of my knuckles. I stopped hitting the punching bag but I knew I wasn't done so I started to practice my kicks. After an hour of kicking the bag I still can't sleep. I took off my clothes shifting into my huge wolf. I has bigger than most alphas. My wolf's name is Claw. She's the only one I really talk to. It's out of choice as I'm the best fighter all the others try to talk and be best friends with me. Mainly I don't make friends as I push them away so that if I'm in a fight theres no. feelings stoping me. It's a kill or be killed word.