Surface Beauty

In our minds we have created a "beauty"

One where thin is a "body goal" it's truly a pity

On animals if you see their bones, they are being abused

But to the guys and girls of the world it's a goal much overused

Now strangers are judging our looks

Or would rather look at those photoshopped books

Every person is beautiful in their own way

It should matter much more what someone has to say

Let us be free to be ourselves, not just copies of that magazine you took

The mental freedom to stop caring who will look

This is for the people who hide behind a mask

Please stop judging, it isnt your task

There is no such thing as "perfect" that is a made up term

So stop treating us big teddy bears like we are a germ

Everyone is beautiful, wonderful and special in their own way

Beauty is not only on the surface, and that's all I have to say