Chapter Ten: Famine

I took hold of a potato and slowly it began to rot, bugs became attracted to the rotting thing as I dropped it to the floor. Russia is a boring place they have already tried to kill us many times but they have failed. you cannot get to close to Pestilence for fear the disease he carries will kill you, it could be anything from the black plague to the common flu.

The tanks came first, but somehow they all died, blisters covering their skin, coughing and slowly the tanks stopped moving. I do not hate humans, nor do I like them. The fear they show as the crops they worked so hard to grow begins to rot from the inside out, no stopping it, no slowing the process, just having to deal with it. The cows begin to get mad cow disease, sheep become infested with maggots, pigs dying of swine flu.

I never did like animals to become infected with whatever rotten gift I was given but that's the luck of the draw. Satan, Lucifer whatever you may call him gave us our abilities for a reason.

I look to Pestilence as he sits quite formally on a rock as if he is in an expensive bar.

"What is it Famine?" He is bitter to be in the cold of Russia but the maggots in his face, wiggling under his skin is most likely what's bothering him more. Pestilence is full of disease himself, he carries them all. He is in constant pain, his skin rotting and covered in maggots, eyes are yellow. The poor man.

"I grow bored here." I stamp on the rotten food and move forward a horde of demons following, Pestilence hobbled next to me, nodding his head once its time we move to the next area and get this job over with. Maybe we can call Death or War over to help us out, they will be growing bored of keeping the Queen of Hell entertained. But then again War always did like the chaos she brought with her.