
Greir had questioned Ender under threat of torture for some before heaving a sigh and exiting the room swiftly. The interrogation had continued for two more days. Ender knew extracting information from a vampire was a game of patience, simply threatening pain with wounds that would quickly heal was little motivation.

Ender knew he would spill nothing of Caroline no matter what Greir threw at him. He had pledged to keep her safe until his last breath, and Lord Ender Mont had never broken an oath. He didn't intend to start now.

Then, he was surprised when the thick wooden door creaked open only an hour after their last session. Ender shackled to the wall by unbreakable magical bonds while Greir lounged easily on a sturdy wooden stool. Maybe Greir had decided to pry Ender farther this morning. Little good it would do him, Ender thought to himself. The train of thought ended abruptly when the recognizable short curls that could only belong to Aniyoh peeked through the narrow opening.