
Aniyoh awoke abruptly to icy water being splashed on her face. The room before her slowly came into focus and it took her a few moments to remember exactly where she was. Flashes of the battle raced through her mind. Memories of fire raining from the heavens as the earth shook beneath her played like a vision in her mind's eye as she recalled the events that brought her to the castle she was now in.

For it could not be anywhere but a castle. She stared at the ceiling for a moment, cavernous and well lit, it's arches sloping gracefully. "Where am I?" she mused.

The girl who had introduced herself as Sana, popped her head into Aniyoh's line of sight, "Welcome to Agremonth, Aniyoh," she said with a cheeky grin. She briefly wondered how the girl knew her name and her face must have reflected the question because she continued, "Ender told me who are and how you came to be captured. You've only been out a few minutes though."