
Ender followed Astrophel down the great hall's expanse and through several corridors before reaching a small study at the front of the castle near the doors. Ender supposed the room could be considered small in comparison to the rest of the keep, but it was quite spacious, indeed. Still, the place seemed comfortable and well lit.

As good a place as any to murder an ancient vampire, Ender thought to himself as he took the seat offered by a gentle wave from Astrophel, his expression benevolent and serene as ever. 

"You mean to kill me?" Astrophel said as he sat gingerly in a highbacked armchair across from Ender. The silver of the circlet reflected the late morning sun pouring in the from a nearby window. The vampire did not have a single wrinkle or mar of time on his pale skin, but everything about his movements and speech spoke to Astrophel's advanced years.