
Lorna pulled the hood of her cloak in closer as she rode along-side Gareth on the dusty path. He never strayed far from her side these days, and for that, she was grateful. The conventicle was due to arrive in a week's time, but they had enough time to go out on a short scouting mission.

Autumn was well on it's way to Ovandale, she noted, as a cooling breeze cut through the light fabric of her cloak. Ibudal's climate seemed to be different than here, the leaves would not begin to turn there for another few weeks, but already Lorna could start to make out tinges of red and orange in the trees along the dirt road. 

Autumn had always been her favorite season as a girl, but her appearance did not as she grew older. Lorna started to resent nature's ability to shift and change while she remained forever stagnant. Both her looks and circumstances were fated to stay the same under the Ibudali army's contract.