
The air felt brisk against Aniyoh's skin. Far chillier than the night air that was almost warm surrounding them outside the White Palace. She glanced around at the expanse of fields surrounding them and couldn't put her finger on what was different about the place. Surely Caroline had brought them close to Agremonth as Nim had instructed her. 

Lucian let out a huff to her side, "I was going to share another dance with Lady Anna before all this occurred," he said, waving a long arm gesturing at the scenery around them. Tallgrass swayed in the breeze, reflecting light from the full moon above them.

"Shut up, Lucian," Aniyoh told him with a roll of her eyes and a gentle shove as she clomped through the field. The four of them were quite a sight, she thought, dressed as they were in regal apparel, stuck in the middle of nowhere.