"He will come, do not worry, Ender," Aniyoh said as she walked with him to the front of the gathering.
"I am not worried. I understand if Lucian does not wish to attend," he replied, stopping under the trellis laden with fall florals and sprigs of pine. It seemed the entire village of men and women staying in the tents around Nim's farm had arrived for the wedding. Looking out into their smiling faces, Ender had to admit that a part of him did want his only semblance of family to be there, though he knew the thought was selfish. It wouldn't be fair to ask Lucian to attend, given how his brother felt about his soon to be wife.
Aniyoh adjusted the front of his crisp linen shirt and jacket and smoothed an errant curl of his red-gold hair into submission. "Hmph," she grunted, "He'll be here."
Pushing away from the thought of his melancholy brother, Ender changed the subject. "Shouldn't you be with Caroline instead of fussing over me?"