
Rain pelted sideways through the air as Ender helped lower the final coffin into the shallow dug graves between the field and small copse on the side of Nim's farm. Fragments of bouquets were smashed into the ground were the only remnants of yesterday's wedding. 

Ender forced his feet to trudge through the mud that had formed around the piles of dirt, ready to be piled back into the earth. The witches would see to moving the mounds, as they had for the previous graves. Turning away from Gareth's final resting place, he willingly accepted the small arm Sana offered him. 

Words had been spoken for the fallen by almost everyone in their tight-knit group. Lorna, having been moved more than most to recount Gareth's gentle nature and ever honorable disposition. Nim appeared to be as equally distraught, surprising Ender considerably. He had never taken the woman to be overly emotional in any sense, but it was apparent to all Nim had formed a close bond with the lad.