Upcoming News, Fun Tidbits and Another Note to My Dear Readers

December 8, 2020

As a new year approaches and the end of another, so does the wrapping up of Witch Are You?. Updates will continue daily through December but look to January as a closing up of sorts for this novel. Do not worry, though; an exciting new adventure awaits in my next novel Kissing Shadows, the synopsis of which can be found at the end of this auxiliary chapter!

I never thought in a million years when I set out to write Witch Are You that I would actually garner readers who would fall in love with the story and characters as much (if not more!) than I have. Witch Are You is a love story written to every great book that has influenced me as an author. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Twilight, Outlander, The Witcher, Six of Crows, and many more all served as points of inspiration at one time or another. I wanted to write a story that I, myself, would love to read. The fact that you and many others love reading it too, simply put, is humbling and amazing.

So for some fun stuff! I always wonder how my readers pronounce names in their minds as they are reading. For years when reading Harry Potter, I pronounced Hermione's name wrong until it was clarified later! So here are a few of our major characters and how I planned for their names to sound as well as how I picture them/their inspiration:

Lucian- (Lew-shun) His mannerisms and speech were loosely based on Loki from the Marvel universe when I set out to write him but have evolved over time to be a mixture of that and Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. Of course, he is entirely his own character now!

Ender- (End-Er) Think Jamie from Outlander

Nim-(Nym) Her character is not based on anyone from pop-culture. She is purely herself!

Aniyoh- (Ah-nigh-oh)

Marcaius-(Mahr-Kay-Us) His character's looks are based on every handsome prince-charming ever, with a malicious twist.

Let me know in the comments if there are any other characters you would like clarification on!

Once again, another HUGE thank you to everyone who voted, commented, sent gifts or powerstones, posted a review, and subscribed to locked chapters. I know paying by chapter to read can sometimes be a nuisance, but I firmly believe artists/authors deserve to be compensated for their work. I have poured countless amounts into other webnovel authors, webtoon comics (Midnight in Poppyland is my current favorite!), books on amazon and artists who create my covers. Together, we keep the arts alive in a world that I think needs them now more than ever.

My next novel, Kissing Shadows, will start with chapter updates on January 1, 2021, and I am so excited to begin rolling out this book. Keep in mind, Kissing Shadows is 18+ and quite a bit saucier than Witch Are You? and right from the start! Keep reading for a synopsis of my next work.

As always, I am eternally grateful for every single one of my readers!

Love and Light,


[Kissing Shadows:

An unlikely assassin, Mouse was orphaned at the age of seven. As quiet as the nickname given to her when she was a small child, Mouse can barely remember her parents and has no family to speak of. So it was no surprise when no one came to claim her the day she was brought to Middlebay by boat. Adopted into a crew of criminals and mentored by the most skilled assassin in the city, Mouse quickly rose through the ranks to become one of the best.

Now living a semi-comfortable life in the den of thieves known as the 'the docks,' she takes contracts on the lives of the rich and powerful while the city watch turns a blind eye. Mouse only has two rules she abides by when it comes to snuffing out the lives who are unlucky enough to find her at their door: no women and no children.

So when a contract makes its way across her desk for someone by the name of Ashe Stone, a fake name if she ever heard one, her life is forever changed when she goes to scout her next target. Tall, muscular, and incredibly handsome, Ashe looks more like a warrior than a simple banker's assistant. She finds herself more intrigued by the unassuming man who is neither rich nor powerful as the deadline approaches for her contract to be completed.

Will Mouse be able to kill Ashe in cold blood, or will she delve deeper into the plot behind his contracted killing?

Start reading this fantasy-romance set in an early industrial metropolis to experience an exciting world of intrigue, suspense, and thrilling romance. A world where holding the moral high ground becomes more and more difficult amongst thieves, cutthroats, and corrupt noblemen.]