
King Undair was dead.

Word traveled quickly even across oceans, and the news of the king's passing had reached Ender in Ovandale only a day or so after the announcement was made in Ibudal. Time was not on his side. He had to get to Caroline before Marcaius did something he would live to regret.

Oh, Ender had every intention of putting an end to his father. How swiftly that death came depended entirely on Caroline's wellbeing when Ender retrieved her. 

 Ender crumpled up the missive declaring the news and threw it on the ground as he strode back to the farmhouse. Silas trailed behind, and as much as Ender appreciated the man's loyalty, he found himself missing Gareth's easy presence during times such as these. Where Silas was now nervous and placating, Gareth was firm but unworried.