
Defending oneself was an entirely different endeavor than mounting a surprise attack, Caroline decided as she held her knife against the witch's neck with a carefully controlled hand. Protecting herself using magic and wielding a blade were also two completely different tasks. In short, Caroline felt herself woefully unprepared to escape the White Palace both mentally and physically.

She sent a silent prayer up to the heavens for the witch in her grasp. The black-cloaked woman seemed surprisingly calm for someone held hostage, and Caroline was grateful for at least that. Still, the fact she had even taken a hostage in the first place did not sit well in her belly. Caroline fought the nausea threatening to overcome her.

Commotion rang out in the corridor. The other witches tasked with guarding her, who had always remained eerily silent, now called out into the night. Caroline knew it wouldn't be long before armed guards arrived because of their cawing.