
"Caroline, I know you can hear me. Follow my voice and come back to me. I need you. More than anything in this world, I need you, Caroline. You are the air that I breathe. You're the blood in my veins. When the sun rises in the east, it is only to shine upon your face. Without you, the flowers do not bloom, and the birds do not sing.

All I knew was the cold before you fell into my world. Life was a bleak deserted wasteland that I was fated to walk alone for eternity. The gods may be looking down upon us, but you are the god of my world. The only light and truth I know in this wicked land radiates from you. Come back to me, Caroline. Come back."

The words reverberated in Caroline's mind as if they were spoken by someone sitting next to her. Floating in a sea of magic, her vision had left her entirely, but the words had sounded so...familiar.