Epilogue 1 Aniyoh

Rain pattered lightly on the fields surrounding the outskirts of Ravin-Sha as groups of soldiers walked aimlessly about, clearing the area of debris and the remnants left by the occupants now departed. The White Palace stood ominous in the distance.

Aniyoh stood on a hill overlooking the goings-on as Nim shuffled at her side, clearly annoyed by the slow progress of the soldiers working below.

"I don't know why we have to stay and look after the clean-up crew. The siege has been over for weeks, and we're still stuck in this gods-forsaken land." Nim's voice cracked in the cold but held little contempt. As much as the woman grumbled, Aniyoh knew she was nothing but ecstatic with the way events had unfolded. 

Aniyoh pushed a stray strand of hair away from her forehead, slick from the mist enshrouding the dreary hill. "It's not so bad, Nim. Besides, do you really want to be back on the farm organizing all the people who have taken up residence there?"