Meeting the parents

I sat at the counter with my mother, both of us with our heads in our hands exasperated by the situation.

"Your being unreasonable!"

"I'm a father, I can be."

Caleb and my father were at it again. It has been this way for about 30 minutes now. They have been going back and forth since Caleb stormed into the house. This morning my father informed me we had to go see the doctor again, stating that I had to cancel my day with Caleb. I was disappointed because no matter how much time Caleb and I spent together the draw was never sated. Caleb must have felt the same because he rushed here after we hung up and barged into the house. I admit I was afraid he was going to attack my father with the anger I saw flaring in his glowing eyes, but instead they were back to their usual arguing back and forth trying to get the other to submit.

"They're exactly the same you know?" My mother whispered to me.

"What do you mean?" I responded as I glanced back at the two men arguing.

"They're both stubborn and have to be right." We both smiled chuckling slightly.

I watched as they both had veins popping out and their faces darken with a red tint as their blood pressure rose.

"Alright, I guess I better end this." My mother placed her hands on the table and slowly stood. Her eyes glowed as I heard a low growl emitted from her chest. This was a first! I am familiar with hearing this sound come from both Caleb and my father but this is the first time that I heard my mother make this sound. My father quickly turned to look to her, Caleb's response was slightly slower.

"Jeremiah it is their day. They will spend their scheduled time today." My mother spoke with finality

"Elise, do you know what you are saying? She has not seen the doctor since we've been here." He slowly walked to her side his goal obviously to persuade her.

"She has been taking her medicine regularly, and Amira has not reported any issues." She looked to me, "Have there been?"

��No," I quickly spoke up.

Though sometimes I have felt a little different. Mostly I keep getting these headaches At times I feel my senses are slightly skewed. Still, I don't feel like anything big has changed. People get headaches and it is allergy season. People who never had them before are starting to get them nowadays.

"See Jeremiah you're a man of your word aren't you?" My mother played the 'aren't you a man card'.

"Im sure we can reschedule your appointment. Caleb you know what time she needs to be back, not a minute later." My dad walked out of the room looking exasperated.

I now felt bad. I wanted both Caleb and my dad to be happy, but if I made Caleb happy then my dad was unhappy. And if I made my father happy then Caleb seems unhappy.

"Don't worry honey, go have a good time, I'll tend to your father." Mom rested her hand on my shoulder as she headed to exit the room.

"Are you sure?" I asked filled with concern.

"Go have fun," Mom looked at me over her shoulder and headed in the direction of my father.

I still felt uncertain, my hand becoming my focus as I thought things through. I felt Caleb lurking over me.

"I'm sorry," His voice feathered my face.

"There is nothing to be sorry about," I said smiling up at him

"Do you not want to go anymore?" Caleb attempted to reassure me as he rubbed his hand up and down my back, "We can spend our day here."

"No, it's our day, what did you have planned?" I grasped his hand in mine.

"I figured we could spend sometime with everyone." He said squeezing my hand.

"Everyone, meaning?" I asked him wondering who that included and excluded.

"Ava, Cameron, Alex, Lexi, and Mark," He seemed reluctant to name Mark.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I grabbed my bag and followed him to the door.

"Probably to hangout at the park," Caleb opened the door and allowed me to walk out first. Once I was out of the door he closed the door behind himself and followed me to the passenger side of his car. He opened the door for me and then walked to his side. As soon as he was in the seat he pulled out his phone and began texting.

"I'm hungry." I said

"Of course you are." He smirked at me as he put his phone down in the center.

"Hey!" I playfully slapped him on his shoulder feeling pure muscles pushing back.

I spotted the rest of the group as we exited the car. I loved being in the company of Caleb but being with everyone brought about another sense of delight.

"It took you guys long enough!" Alex called to us.

"Someone had to get their fix of milkshake and pretzel."

"Your going to stop talking about me," I playfully glared at him.

Caleb nodded to Mark and received one back. I felt a pull on my arm and looked to see Ava pulling me away from everyone.

"We'll be back," She called behind us.

"Where are you going?" Cameron asked in a terse tone.

Ava paused and rolled her eyes. She slowly turned to more than just one pair of eyes questioning her.

"We'll be in eyes sight. We're going to the swings."

No one objected as we walked away Lexi tagging along. I didn't say anything, for some reason I felt that she wasn't carrying her typical hostility. When we reached the swings I instantly sat on one of them Ava plopping next to me on the other swing. Lexi stood next to me leaning on the pole.

"So what up? You dragged me all the way over here."

"Nothing really, I just felt suffocated by all of them. I haven't been out of the house without an escort for about a week. This is the first time I have been out 'n about in a while."

"I'm sorry." I tried to emphasize my sympathy.

"I know you had to endure it too." She stated

"Not really Caleb has been taking me out."

"But not out. It's different for us, it's the outdoors that makes us feel alive." She leaned her head back and allowed the wind to flow by her as she allowed the swing to sway.

I copied her and allowed my senses to inhale my surroundings. I felt it, as if my body was awakening. I could taste the wind, hear the earth, and sense there was more to the world than just the surface.

"I need to let her out, she wants to run." My eyes opened as I glanced at Ava in confusion.

At the same time I heard Lexi growl in response.

"I know." Ava gritted her teeth. "I am careful with my words."

They stared each other down and I was not sure if they were going to fight. My attention was consumed with watching their body movement trying to determine if I needed to intervene. It wasn't until I heard Mark's voice when I realized the guys had joined us.

"What is the matter?" Mark asked

"Your sister is loose with her words," Lexi snarled and walked to Alex's side, all while delivering a dirty look to Ava.

"Mind yourself," Alex warned her

"She is just stressed," Cameron stated as he lightly touched Ava's hair.

"I don't need anyone speaking for me," Ava drawled clearly annoyed.

I have never seen her so agitated before. I felt as if she was ready to attack anyone who looked at her wrong.

"Let's run." I blurted out before thinking.

Everyone looked at me in confusion, and instantly I realized that my comment meant more than I intended.

"Ava stated that she needed to run."

Caleb eyes instantly fell to his sister in a disappointed mannerism. I ignored Lexi's disapproving chuckle, she was just adding fuel to the fire.

"What?" I asked, "You guys don't want to?"

"It's not that…" Caleb stated as he pulled me to him. "We can go running."

Caleb placed his chin on my head as he hugged me.

"Solis run only." His voice held a warning I am sure was meant for everyone else.

Caleb led us all to a path in the woods. Though the path looked worn I was not sure if this was a designated path or a hidden route often taken by those wondering off track.

"It's an expert path for hikers." Ava stated as she stretched next to me

"Can she run on this path." Lexi remarked as she stretched

"She kept with us in gym I'm sure she'll be just fine" Alex interjected as he stretched out his hamstrings.

"Not all of her sense are gone." Caleb stated as he pulled on limbs stretching them out. "Make sure you stretch well."

"Aww" Alex commented.

Caleb playfully slapped his back.

"I'll race you?" Alex taunted him

"I'll pass on beating you." Caleb jeered.

"What about you?" Alex found his next target and Bega tempting Cameron.

"Sure I haven't seen you cry in a while." Cameron smirked at Alex

"I was six!"

everyone laughed. It was nice seeing the spark in everyone. This is what they needed and everyone was set in the mood. It was rare to see everyone liked this even Cameron was playful.

"Mark set them off so Alex doesn't call cheats, " Caleb continued to taunt Alex.

"On three. One…two…three." Mark signaled for them to go and they speed off quicker than I expected.

Everyone took off leaving Caleb, Ava and me.

"You ready." Caleb excitement was barely contained.

I smiled at him, then to Ava and we looked off without him.

"Fine leave me."

I felt Caleb tap me on the shoulder and stuck my tongue out at the fact he caught up to us so quickly. It was only a second later when we caught up to Mark who I was sure, intentionally slowed his pace.

"Want to race." Caleb nudged Mark.

"Ready, set, go." Mark picked up speed.

"Cheater!" Caleb yelled as he took off after him.

"They are so immature." Ava shook her head.

"Want to race?" I asked


I took off running and I looked back to see then shock on her face. Ava pushed her self as she ran faster. I ran passed Lexi who growled at me, and caught up to


"Amira wait." I heard Ava as she attempted to catch up to me.

"Yeah right." I laughed as I pushed my self to gym faster.

I speed past Cameron who almost stumbled when he seen it was me.

"Amira?" He questioned.

Running became effortless as I continued to increase speed I spotted Mark and Caleb running almost side by side and I set my eyes on my target. As I caught up to Caleb I tapped him on his shoulder and watched his face changed to one of surprise. I didn't wait for him to speak as I surpassed him moving faster taking the lead. The wind that I felt on the swing was nothing compared to the run. I closed my eyes as I traveled through the trees. My direction changing slightly as sensed the foliage and debris in front of me.

"Amira" I heard Caleb call me but still I continued to run

I wanted to move faster the wind spurred me and made me feel integrated with my surroundings. It all ended quickly when felt arms around me and instead of the calm I usually feel when Caleb held me I felt his panic. In an instant everyone was by my side, their eyes carefully scanning around us. Caleb's eyes began to glow and for the first times his glistening teeth elongated and became pointed.

"Get them to the house, Alex, Lexi." Caleb pushed me behind him

Cameron copied the action, both me and Ava ending up in the hands of Lexi and Alex. Something burst through the trees and before I could see what it was my mind exploded as I seen the human figures of Caleb, Mark, then Cameron shift into a wolf form.

The aching, though not the same as when my father forced us to separate, was setting in as we pulled away from the park. There was an unsettling feeling and it made me want to run to the side of Caleb. What just happened? He just turned into a wolf right before my eyes. Though I didn't want to part of me feared him. I glance around the car, a part of me feared them all.

The drive to Caleb's house should have taken longer with the distance but it didn't. Everyone around me was moving quickly and I could feel the urgency of what was going on. As soon as the car stopped Lexi and Alex escorted us into the house. Greeting us at the door were to adults a man and a woman. The doors quickly closed behind us, he began barking orders to Lexi and Alex.

"Take the militibus and make sure they are okay, check the surrounding areas for more rogues."

"Yes sir." Alex and Lexi spoke in unison.

His stern eyes soften when they landed on me as the women stepped forward to join his side. She stretched one of her arms over her mid section to wrap around his arm placing the hand nearest to him on his shoulder. Together they appeared a united and loving couple.

"These are my parents. The pack refers to them as Alpha and Luna."
