Fleeting Feelings.


Anton watched Alice's reaction, it was slow, but she cleared her throat and looked him in the eyes. "So, that idiot went for my uncle then?" She said angered by the news of her brother's plan.

"Yes, my lady, he's on his way as we speak. Honestly, I would've intervened and tried to stop them, but I wouldn't doubt they'd tell me to leave with Yumi and Io regardless." He replied trying to justify leaving Jackson.

"It's fine." She quipped seeing through his try at pleading with her."Miller, what do you think?"

He stayed silent, it was a shock to hear how Ruby felt and her words as described by Anton were painful to hear. He remained silent and just shook his head. "Well, we better send out a search party. More than a few Senators that fled Asmeria owes your family a debt that can only be paid with their lives and as Gregorian citizens now, it's my responsibility to see that every member of the noble Scottkey family is saved."

"Well, I think if Jack saves our uncle, then it would do more good than bad. Besides, won't it be easier free them both if they're together?" She asked.

"Aye, it would be but the damn fool has to be alive for us to save his arse," Miller said as he brushed his hand through his hair. "I'll start organizing a party and I know where to start as a matter of fact," Miller replied.

Alice turned her wheelchair to face Yumi and Io. "It's been a while Io; I remember that when mister Keller first started working for my father you were always by his side."

"Yes milady, I loved him a lot and he was very kind to us. Anton has also been very kind to us as well and I look forward to serving him." She said excitedly.

"How many times do I need to tell you two? You're not going to be my slaves or servants." Anton quipped. "There's no need to think like that anymore."

"Well then, how about we serve dinner?" Talia said as she headed to the dining room.

Jackson waited outside of the inn while Carter was inside asking for lodging for the night. Ruby waited with him on the steps. It was near impossible to find an inn that allowed Varin's to stay inside. However, the amount of gold could easily change any innkeeper's mind. Jackson gave an eighth of the silver and gold to Anton when they separated. He also took one of the horses for Ruby to ride on. Even still, traveling was slow, and monotonous without a wagon or cart. Carter came back outside and waved Jackson and Ruby in.

Jackson thanked Carter and the innkeeper as soon as he entered. His cloak did a good job of concealing his face. "Where's our room, Carter?" He asked.

"Upstairs, first room on the left." Carter grabbed the packs and followed them upstairs. The room was small, about the size of the cabin at the castle. Jackson sat down on the straw bedding and laid back. "This is nice." He moaned as he stretched out his tired legs. "Oh man, that felt nice."

"So, who's sleeping where?" Carter asked as he set the packs down at the entrance.

"I'm not moving, so I claim this bed as mine." Jackson yawned as he laid fully on the bed. He fell asleep almost instantaneously. Ruby sat down next to him and took off her cloak. "Carter, you can have the other bed, I'm used to sleeping with Jack anyways."

"Thank you miss Ruby; I'll gladly accept the offer." Carter laid down and shut his eyes, straw beds weren't his favorite, but they'd do for now. He didn't realize how exhausted he was until the morning, the sun shined through the window and struck him in the eyes. He woke and saw Jackson and Ruby were still fast asleep. He looked out the window and down onto the street below. The news of Lord Daniels being murdered was spreading fast. Guards were frantically handing out fliers and interrogating everyone for information. Carter thought it best to step back from the window and close the shutters.

Jackson woke up, his eyes were heavy, and he stretched out his legs and arms. He looked over at Carter who was eating a biscuit from his pack. "Good morning." He said as he sat up straight.

"Mornin, how are you feeling, master?"

"Cut the master crap already, just call me Jackson."

"Ok Jackson, so, how are you?"

"Oh, you know, tired, worn out, hungry."

"I see, well then, how about we go and get some more food. We have plenty of coin left to spend should it come to it. I was also wanting to purchase new clothes for us. Other than your cloak, you have nothing but rags."

"You and I are about the same size so that's not an issue, the only problem is buying clothes for a Varin."

"I know, I could always alter the clothes I get for her."

"Fair enough, do you know where you would get the clothes?"

"There's a general store across the street, I could go look there."

Jackson climbed over Ruby without waking her and investigated the purse of coins. He pulled out three Asmerian Silver coins and handed them to Carter. "Take these, purchase a set of clothes for each of us, including you, and use whatever's left for today's food."

"I'll be back shortly then Jackson, don't let anyone in, okay?" Carter shut the door behind him, and Jackson locked it. He sat at the foot of the bed and ate an apple that was in the pack. It was slightly bruised, but it didn't bother him. The apple was full of juice, and his mouth watered after every bite.

"Could you munch any louder on that apple?" Ruby was barely awake and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't expect that it'd wake you up. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, that smells amazing, are there any left?"

"Yeah, I saved the better-looking one for you." Jackson reached into the bag, grabbed a bright red apple, and tossed it to her. They silently ate their apples and sat in bed for what felt like ages.

"You know, I never thought my life would end up like this. I thought I'd be a knight in the Order of Asmeria by the time I turned eighteen but here I am. Probably the most infamous man in Asmeria and a runaway from everything I ever believed in. And I don't suppose you're any different. I mean, you were freed from slavery and found a family of your own."

Ruby was puzzled by him, she just looked down at her apple and took another bite. It was awkward, and she felt like she was to blame even still for being captured. She finally looked up at Jackson. "Do- do you think we'll die?"

"What makes you think that?" He asked but got no reply. "Well, yeah, there's a good chance of it…" Jackson swallowed the last of his apple. "If I did die, I don't think I'd be against it. After all, what am I? I'm a traitor, a murderer, and a failure of a Scottkey. I just keep going to spite the king I guess; someone has to repay him for these scars." He said as he tossed the apple of the core away.

"I don't want to die Jack; I want to be a mother or sister or... well anything. Just not dead."

"I guess so, and to be honest with you, I wouldn't want to go without having done something like that either. And if I could make those dreams come true I would but, there's so little going in our favor that I can't really see any further than us getting out of this damned country."

"I just hope we find your uncle and get to Gregoria Jack. Then, we can do whatever we want."

"Ha, that's the plan, just hope we live long enough to see it-"

There was a knock on the door, and he got up to look through the peephole. It was Carter, still dressed in his uniform, and he had all sorts of items with him. Jackson swung the door open and to his surprise, the innkeeper was with him. She was a younger girl, probably nineteen or so, and well dressed. She wasn't the most beautiful woman Jackson had ever seen but she was one of them.

"Welcome back Carter." Jackson returned to his seat on the bed and Ruby moved next to him.

"Don't mind me, I'm just cleaning the room for our next patrons, and I'll only be a moment."

"Thank you miss, we'll be on our way in a few anyhow, so please take your time," Carter replied. "Now, here are the clothes I managed; I also got some tasty treats for the day. Let's see here." Carter laid out the sack of food before Jackson and Ruby and it was filled with salted meat and some Grear Jerky. There were also more apples and berries in the sack as well.

"Amazing, all of this for three silvers?" Jackson said, astonished. "Ruby, try these out."

Ruby caught the berries; they were red and shaped like an oval. "What are they?" She asked.

"They're Fenaries, they grow around the river and they're really sweet." Jackson dropped a handful into his mouth. "Damn they're good, go-ahead Ruby, they're like candy."

"Oh, well here I go." Ruby put one into her mouth and swallowed. Her face lit up and she didn't quite know how to react to the sweetness of the berry.

"Ya liked it huh? Well, we have plenty more but I best safeguard them for now." Jackson laughed a bit as did Carter. "Well ma'am, we won't keep you much longer however I would like to get changed if you don't mind."

"Ah, of course, I'll finish up here once you're done. Have a nice day gentlemen and lady." She said.

Once she exited the room everyone quickly changed, Jackson's clothes were black and were fitted to him. He was surprised at how well they fit, he stretched his arms out and the jacket didn't restrict his movement at all. He threw on the trousers and they had many pockets for all sorts of items.

Ruby's new clothes were mute in color, but they were comfortable and concealed her tail. Carter had also bought her a little grey cap that covered her ears. Her beautiful red hair shimmered against the muted colors of her clothes and her skirt. Her hair was down to her knees and Jackson thought she was akin to something like a princess from the novels his mother read to him when he was young.

Carter just bought plain clothes for himself, a t-shirt and some brown pants. "So, everyone is pleased with the clothing then?" Asked Carter.

"Yes, I'm impressed, to say the least. Now that we're all changed, let's head out of here. Our next stop will most likely be around Greendale so let's use the well to fill our water bladders." Jackson grabbed his pack and led Carter and Ruby outside and to a well he saw the night before.