Man's Curse (Final Chapter of Book One)

Jackson opened the door ajar and peaked out onto the street. Soldiers were running amuck, their sets of plate armor clanking down the streets put the fear of God into any poor soul unfortunate enough to get caught in their path. The innocent and poor were unable to resist the soldier's advances. He watched as two children were torn away from their parents and forced to watch as their father was interrogated on the street. It ended as it did four years ago, the two boys watched as a soldier ran his sword through the man's gut. They were ruthless beyond reason and merciless beyond any doubts. Jackson bit his tongue, and the taste of blood filled his mouth.

"Remember," James said as he grabbed Jackson's shoulder. "there's no end to the evil of man. There's nothing you can do for them now. Let them grow in resentment and hatred for those who did them wrong and one day they'll pledge loyalty to any who share their beliefs." James took a deep breath and turned to Miller. "I'm assuming you have horses or know where we can find decent mounts?"

"Aye, there's a tavern down the street and our horses are tethered down there." Miller said as he opened the door and set foot outside. "Come on lad, these sorry sons of bitches don't stand a chance in hell."

The streets were covered in a thick layer of blood, rioting ensued after only a few minutes. The cries of widows and orphaned children fill Jackson's ears and brought back memories of his past. The same cry he let out as his mother fell limp to the dirt of the road and his father lying motionless in the grass were images he would not soon forget. Miller, James, and Ruby were still with him, that brought more comfort than anyone could imagine.

There were many random patrols running in complete disorder. Miller led them through many alleys and back streets until they came across an inn with a sign hanging from above the door that read 'Sheltered Lass'. Miller opened the door and the Gregorian's all piled into the lobby of the inn. Ruby and Jackson were hesitant to enter, it took James stepping into the lobby for them to follow. The man behind the counter didn't bother to question them, he simply continued with his duties. "Come lad, you and Ruby will take the horses on the right side of the stable and follow the rest of us. There'll be some clothes in the side satchels that the both of you can change into." Miller said as he headed into the back room of the inn. It was filled with sacks of food and barrels of beer. Ruby couldn't help but snatch an apple from one of the open sacks on the ground.

Jackson nodded his head in response to Miller and exited the inn out the back door where two soldiers were standing. They appeared to be out of breath as they stood over the bodies of two men where were recently cut down. Jackson wasted no time; black mist enveloped the back alley, and the soldiers felt their swords be pulled from their hands. Jackson dispatched them easily, it was no challenge to cut down two unarmed men just as they had done. He wiped the blood from his blade with his cloak and continued towards the stables. The way was clear and as he led the way forward. He was careful to not run into the patrols that now controlled most of the streets and alleys. "Over there lad." Miller said as a large barn came into view and the sounds of startled horses neighing filled their ears.

Jackson looked back to his uncle who gave was eagerly watching Jackson's every move with excitement. He gave him a thumbs up and crossed the street into the barn. A squad of soldiers were there securing every horse they could get their hands one including Miller's. Jackson went to work, using the black mist to hide himself he approached the first of the soldiers and cut them down as the most filled the air of the barn. Two men were now dead, and the others started to panic as their vision became impaired with a thick fog that blocked out any light. Miller entered followed closely by Thomas. They immediately started engaging the men nearest the horses. Asmerian soldiers littered the ground, and the three men went to work. It was a grand sight for James who applauded the Gregorian's and his nephew.

The mist faded and the violence ended with all the soldiers either dead or dying. Miller took a quick glance around and then mounted his horse. "Come on then lad, let's get the fuck out of here!" He shouted with motivation and excitement as he raised his sword to the air. It was soaked with blood and bits of flesh freed themselves from it and flew across the air. Jackson lifted Ruby onto the horse Thomas directed home towards then sat behind her and took the reigns. James took the other horse and rode up alongside Jackson. "Let's go son." The door opened and a blond-haired man staggered inside the stable. "Erik?" Miller asked as he patted the cheek of his horse.

"Aye, their coming!" Erik said as he ran over to his horse and climbed up on to his saddle. Blood escaped from a large gash in his forehead and his lip.

"Let's go everyone! I'll take point followed by Private Fritz and Corporal Lukas." Miller said snapping the reigns and riding out onto the streets. There was a platoon of soldiers running down the street towards them from both sides. The only way forward was straight through more alleyways and tighter corridors. All seven horses ran at near full speed in a single file through the city's alleys and streets. Many peasants cheered on the cloaked riders and most of all Sir James Scottkey. Before they knew the city was chanting Scottkey and Death to the King; the chanting only grew loader and more passionate as they entered the outskirts where it was a total battlefield unlike any other. Civilians were taking up arms against their masters and the soldiers who were sworn to protect them, and the streets ran red with the blood of many patriots and tyrants alike. The battle of Lexington had begun and there was no amount of Asmerian Soldiers that could stop the ensuing insurrection.

James couldn't help but to look back to the city. Horrified, there were fires roaring in the city center and many tried to escape but the soldiers prevented them from escaping the flames. There was not a merciful soldier or guard in Lexington who would let even the children flee the fires that spread throughout the city center. Jackson also looked back, with a grimace he turned back and followed Miller as they entered the forest. Ruby, who was riding with him, pulled his arms around her waist and leaned back into him for comfort. Her clothes were tattered and torn but her beauty was indescribable in that moment. A stark contrast to the horrors that Lexington now faced. James knew the new breed of soldier in Asmeria did not care for her people or for ethics and morals. Those soldiers that were now raping and plundering Lexington were brought up by Lord Daniels and Wentworth. All in the name of vengeance and justice they would say but there was no vengeance or justice, just murder and depravity.

"How long till we reach Gregoria?" Ruby asked to break the silence. Her innocent voice was welcome by the men, and they all rode on with their minds at ease with the completion of their mission and Erik's promise.

"Two days if we don't rest, three if we only rest the beasts, and four if we take our time." Miller replied as he pulled a loaf of bread from his satchel. He tossed it back to Jackson who caught it and broke it in two. He gave the larger piece to Ruby and kept the smaller one for himself to eat later. It was hard and stale but a feast none the less for Jackson and Ruby who had only been getting by with rations. "James, arm yourself." Miller said handing him a small arming sword; it was cheaply made but better than nothing.

They continued until nightfall and setup camp, it was only a gathering of rocks for a firepit, and some blankets laid out on the ground, but it was comfortable enough for the Gregorian's and nothing new for Jackson and Ruby. The fire was short lived, only lit to cook the stew Sir Miller prepared with the aid of Private Fritz. Jackson took advantage of the darkness to change over into the clothes Miller had brought. They were fine clothes consisting of a white undershirt, undergarment, stockings and a dark blue Jacket that had to be worth a few gold coins for the pigment alone. Let alone the fine tailoring of the jacket itself. Ruby got curious as to where he went and was surprised to find him in the middle of changing, not that she minded.

She walked up behind him as he was putting on his shirt and gave in a gentle hug. He didn't react until she pressed the side of her head between his shoulder blades. She could hear his heart skip a beat as she pulled herself tighter to him. "What are you doing?" He whispered so as not to attract the attention of the others.

"Nothing, I just wanted to get dressed with you Jack." Her innocent voice and flush red cheeks made him let out a sigh and agree to help her get dressed. Her clothes were simple, a white undershirt with matching undergarments and a brown skirt that went down to her ankles. The skirt was accompanied by a brown blouse of the same shade. There was a hole in the undergarments that let her tail through and allowed it to move liberally. It was still concealed by the skirt but that was of no discomfort to her. "How do I look Jack?" She asked shyly as she twirled the skirt from side to side.

"You look like a free woman, and a beautiful lover." He pulled her close and kissed her. It was a whirlwind of emotion that they dare not act upon out of the embarrassment of being seen by the others. Their hearts raced together as they continued to kiss. Jackson had to be the one to stop before they went too far. Ruby groaned as he gently pushed her back. "Wait until we get to Gregoria Ruby, then we can." She just gave a simple nod in response and headed back to the camp to sleep. He stayed behind and watched over them as they slept. Private Barker was still awake on his turn for watch as Corporal Lukas slept, he witnessed everything from his post and decided to take this time to talk to Jackson. He made no attempt to silence his footsteps and as he got closer, he was met by Jackson's intimidating glare. "How may I help you?" Jackson muttered.

"Help me? Well, I guess we could start with introductions? I'm Dan Barker, I know your sister well and I've met the two Varin's you saved from slavery." Barker started, he noticed Jackson tense up and stop making eye contact. "You see, I thought everything they said about ya was complete bullshit lies made to entice us into coming out here just to get killed. But here we are, alive and astonished."

Jackson raised a brow and shook his head. "There's nothing astonishing about me. I couldn't describe anything extra ordinary about me other than my ability to use magic at will. But that's not me, it was given to me."

"By whom?" Barker asked as his expression turned from curiosity to surprise. "Who could grant such power?"

"I don't know, but I want to find out someday and repay them."

Jackson leaned against his horse and rested his forehead on the horse's hip. He was exhausted but he couldn't bring himself to sleep, not when he was so close to freedom. He was both excited and scared, he couldn't fathom the future he may have in Gregoria. The unknown is the most frightful of all for him, he grunted at the thought of it all. Not to say he wasn't excited, but he was on edge. This was the same feeling he had when he abandoned Anton and the two Varin children, Yumi and Io. Dan decided it best to leave the troubled Jackson alone and returned to his post next to his corporal. The Black Mage who was tormenting all Asmeria was also tormented by his past, that much was clear.

Daylight broke over the treetops to the west and as the moons fell from the sky the wind would pick up and blow a cool breeze down Ruby's back. She woke with a shiver; it took only a moment for her to realize that she was pinned to the ground by Jackson's arm. He held her close and dared not let go even in his slumber. She turned to face him and gave him a peck on the cheek, he was starting to grow a beard and it was stubble and coarse. In her eyes he was only becoming increasingly handsome and attractive. She lusted for him now in this moment than ever before. He opened his eyes and saw her gazing at him as if he were a saint. "Good morning." She said softly so no one else could hear but James heard her and couldn't help but laugh.

"Please," he cried, "forgive me, I mean no offense."

"Good morning to you to uncle." Jackson quipped. He rose slowly and dressed himself in his new jacket. "Everyone up, we best be going!" Jackson barked, he was eager to get moving and on edge. The past was ever more the greatest of teachers. His inability to leave the scene where his parents were murdered led to him and Ruby both being captured by Lord Wentworth. He dared not make the same mistake twice and so he was the first to mount his horse, Ruby, aided by James was able to sit in Jackson's lap. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, her tail starting to wag against his chest. She relaxed into him as if he were her very own bed. He didn't mind and he too rested his head on her shoulder.

Miller led the troop through the woods. As the day passed the sky greyed with clouds and started to drizzle. The canopy of trees provided plenty of protection against the rain the breeze sent a chill down everyone's spine. Jackson used his black cloak to shield him and Ruby from the elements with great effect. And by the end of the day Farmville was well within sight. Though it was nearly surrounded by campfires and the appearance of an Asmerian bivouac filled the fertile farmland that gave Farmville its name, made everyone on their nerves. "We'll cross at the sandbar, go, Erik take point and I'll guard the rear!" Miller ordered. Everyone snapped their reigns and pushed their exhausted horses as hard as they could. The poor beasts wheezed for air and we're clumsy in their movements. As they entered the river the horses nearly refused to enter until Erik dismounted and led the way on foot pulling his black horse behind him as he waded into the frigid waters. The horse squealed as they trotted head long into the Verio River.

Jackson was the last to ride into the water, his horse was more than hesitant on the way forward. It, with the aid of Jackson's calm commands and slight nudges with his boot, crossed the River along the sandbar and to the northern bank. He was now on Gregorian soil for the first time. His heart began to beat rapidly, and his breath heightened. He felt a sense of euphoria and bliss. Ruby heard his heart race and nearly pulled his off the saddle as she hugged him tightly. Her tail was thrashing throughout the air and her pointed ears propped up high and proud. "Yes!" Jackson finally exclaimed as he jumped from his horse. "Yes! Oh my… we made it, yes!" Tears flowed down his cheek, and he fell to his knees.

"Easy boy, the battle may be won but you've no time to rest." Miller said as he offered his hand from on-top his steed. Jackson squashed his excitement for the time being and followed Miller into the City of Concord. The streets were remarkably clean as workers swept the cobblestone streets of dirt and horse dung. Many inns lined the street leading towards the bridge that connected the two countries together. Many merchants and peddlers were scrambling for a room to stay in, the way onto the bridge was blocked and the Gregorian Marines and Soldiers patrolled the streets. Any Asmerian was arrested and brought to the Baronet. Jackson did his utmost to take in every site and sound he could.

He stopped as he watched a group of children playing in the street. It was an Asmerian game they were playing called Molly in the road. They would put the youngest or the smallest in the center on their group and have them sit down. From there it was 'Molly's' job to command the others into doing simple task in view of Molly. He watched on as the children working intently on cleaning the windows of the nearby shops. A worker exited one of the shops with a handful of chocolates and insisted on the children taking one each for their hard work. James noticed Jackson's onlooking. "Remember when you and your sister would pay such games?" He said fondly, he was weak, starved and struggling to breathe but he was still his uncle, still the man that raised him.

"Yes, she would always want to be Molly when we playing, she said that sitting around and barking orders was what she was best suited for uncle."

"Take it easy, it's been a long time for me as well. She'll still be the same young girl you knew as I am the same mentor and knight."

"If only it were true uncle, if only." Jackson said as he took a deep breath and tugged on the reigns. They had arrived, the manor sat on the riverside, Gregorian Officers and nobility awaited Miller's return. There were two generals and colonel, and several other officers all in their best dress uniform. Even the nobility were dressed as generals in fine clothes designed to mock that of military uniform and dress. One of whom was General Romstad, the man who commanded Sir Hughes and Sir Miller in the wars with the northern tribes.

"Greeting's gentlemen, I apologize for my absence." Miller said dismounting his horse. "I had unfinished business in Asmeria."

"The Prime Minister awaits you sir." General Romstad said as he opened the gate for Sir Miller. "I beg you to not keep her waiting any longer."

Miller rushed inside, Jackson heard Erik groan and mutter something under his breath before chasing after him. The night grew long as the rest of the troop waited for their return. The generals and officers, the nobility and the Scottkey's. The door creaked open and out came Alice bound to her wheelchair, aided by Yumi and Io, Alice was dressed in a white gown with golden designs sown in. Yumi and Io were also finely dressed in clothes that exhibited their Varin features. Jackson tried to run to her but was stopped by general Romstad. "No one may enter until the prime minister says otherwise boy."

"That's my sister, now unhand me."

"She's coming, now stand still and be patient." The general barked.

"General, it's quite alright. Lady Ariya sent me to fetch everyone." Alice said as she stopped at the gate, opening it. Before she know Jackson tore her from her wheelchair and holding her tightly.

"It's been so long." He teared up as he held his precious sister.

"Jack, I've missed you so much. I thought you were dead and buried until Anton came baring word of your escape."

"How have you been? I trust you've been treated fairly?"

"Yes, and I see you've already met Daniel Barker, he's a dear friend of mine."

Jackson faced Private Barker and looked him dead in the eyes. "You never said anything about knowing my sister. And you're also a Barker?"

"I'm sorry but the topic never crossed my mind in all fairness. And do you also have a problem with my name?"

"Do you know a Fritz Barker, the uncle of Audrey Barker."

"I know them both, Audrey is my cousin and Fritz was my father." Dan said jumping down from his horse. "What of it?"

"I- I'm sorry, I'm the one who killed your father."

"I already knew you did; my father was a traitor and scum. He deserved what came to him." Dan said as he walked into the garden. He was hurt but couldn't admit it. Jackson just scoffed and followed Alice inside Miller's mansion.

The interior was immaculate and far grander than the cabin he lived in Greendale. Jackson saw the Delrock he saved all those years ago. It was encased in glass on a marble pedestal. It somehow looked even grander to him now. Corporal Lukas noticed him staring at the Delrock. "You know it?"

"I saved it from the Asmerian's in Greendale when Miller was exposed by Fritz Barker." Jackson sighed and moved on into the living room where Miller, Erik and the all mysterious Prime Minister was. She was a surprisingly youthful woman, most likely in her thirties. She was dressed in a silver dress that was adorned in diamonds. Her fair skin was pure of imperfections, Jackson couldn't look away. Her crown of gold with Ruby inlays, made her presence felt by everyone in the room, even Miller and Hughes were humbled.

"Oh? The Assassin Scottkey and the Knight of the Asmerian Order. How ironic." She said as she finally noticed everyone making their entrance. James rested his hand on his sword Miller had given him. "Please sir, I jest. Besides, I doubt you could even make it to me."

"No, but I could." In a puff of black mist Jackson vanished and appeared behind the Prime Minster.

"How impressive young assassin, a skill that befits you." She said applauding him. Jackson started to feel weird, the same feeling that he had in Arthur Asmeria's manor. "I to am a mage, hence why you feel as if you can no longer use Eelixny, the impressive power that all mages use."

"So that's what the mist is called?" He asked as his head was rocked with a sharp pain.

"No, that's simply how you visualize it, nothing more. You could learn how to use Eelixny without the mist if you desired. But black mist is something not seen since before the founding of Asmeria." Jackson muttered underneath his breath, but no one heard him or dared to ask him to repeat it. Lady Ariya waited on Talia, who was busy handing out freshly made tea, to leave before continuing. "Now gentlemen, we all know the consequences for aiding the Scottkey family. War will be declared by the end of the week if not sooner. I propose that we lead an invasion before we are put on the defensive."

"A pre-meditated attack?" Miller asked, crossing his arms and going deep into thought. He was the equivalent of a general and he knew the land so well he could plot routes for armies in his head.

"Yes, Sir Miller, I do not plan on Asmeria's invasion of Vern to go unpunished. Vern was created by all nations as a place of peace and trade. It holds the key for trade to the east nations who rely on commerce with Gregoria to survive. The Kingdom of Koro and the Luccian Empires will undoubtably be our allies in this war."

"My lady," General Romstad interrupted. "How can you be so certain of our allies. Sure, it is in their best interest to aid us in our conquest of Asmeria, but what make you think they will hear our call to arms. They did no such thing during the last war, why would they now?"

"They dared not to intervene in the Asmerian civil war because Franklin Scottkey demanded they didn't. This time, the Scottkey family is not an issue."

James chuckled to himself, but everyone heard. "I apologize, but I have no intention of not being an issue to anyone who stands with that snot nosed king."

"So, then you'll work with us?" Miller asked.

"Is that what I said? Well, we Scottkey's don't have much of a choice. After all, my nephew married a Gregorian knight's daughter." James said as he pulled Ruby close. "And I must admit, I'm quite fond of my beautiful new niece."

Miller turned to Jackson, his expression was either troubled or overjoyed. Jackson couldn't tell which. "Is it true, you and Ruby entered wedlock?" He asked.

"It is." Jackson replied, he took his place next to Ruby and pulled out a Peiron ring from his pocket. The same one she stole from Arthur Asmeria. She grabbed her own pockets, but it was her ring. He slid the ring on to her finger. "She's, my wife."