The Ball Pt. 2

The king's face darkened, "What?"

"I checked all the doors and all of them are locked."

"They must have done it as you came in. Did you notice anything off about the servants?" Justin asked.

"Besides the table, not really," I said.

"What about yesterday, you were working with the servants. Did anyone seem suspicious?" the King asked.

"Not that I can think of. Everyone was busy cleaning and decorating," I stated.

"It might be an outsider then ," Justin said.

"When you saw the people setting up the table did you see a girl with red, red hair. It's super pretty and bright." I said, thinking of Tina, who was one of the people in charge of setting the table.

"No, there weren't even any girls there. It was all guys who set the table."

The group was silent.

"They must have switched out."

"Do you think they're okay?" I asked, now worried for the other servants I worked with.

"Maybe. The perpetrators couldv'e tied them up or killed them. But if they were wearing the uniforms, my bet is on killed," the King said.

"Who do you think they're targeting?" Justin asked.

"If all the servants have been switched, then they're planning something big. Probably a massacre. They might be a rebel group planning to completely take over," the king said.

The King turned to Justin, "Tell all the guards to station close to the entrances and block them. They're going to have to get in somehow, we'll try to stop as much of them from there."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Justin replied, turning around and marching away.

"Go to the front and wait at the wall, I'll spread the news and other people will join you."

"I'll help," I said.

"No, it's dangerous. The perpetrators can come in at any moment."

"Exactly, we need to inform as many people as possible," I said. I turned to leave but my arm was yanked back.

"You warn the people near the front then. I'll go near the entrance," he said.

"The people near the front are safer any ways. It's better to start at the entrance," I said. I tried to pull my arm out of his grasp, but he kept his hold strong.

"No," He said blatantly.

"Your Majesty, the longer we spend here the more people are in danger. Please, let me go," I asked calmly.

"You better run to the front as soon as they come in," he warned.

"I will," I reassured. He reluctantly let go of my arm, and I went to where Sophia was immediately. I warned her, leaving it to her to get her family to follow as I spread it to the other nobles. Most didn't believe it at first, but after a glimpse of the soldiers blocking the entrance, they followed directions. I was speaking to a Marquis when a bang resounded through the room. I looked to the door as another bang bashed the wood. Once more, the door was hit, causing me to come back to reality. I started to run, telling as many people as possible to get to the front, away from the entrance. I didn't look back as the sound of clanging swords and screams pushed me forward.

As I got near the thrown, I noticed people talking sorting each other out, some being pushed to the front and others to the back.

What are they doing?

I got there and someone grabbed my arm, "You're one of the queen candidates, you must be a Marquis's daughter at least."

"No, I'm not," I said confused as they dragged me further into the crowd. They stopped and looked at me.

"What's your noble status," They asked.

"I'm a commoner. I don't have one."

The man left go of my hand as if he was burned and promptly shoved me to the ground in the front.


"I'm sorry, but we have to those of noble status in the back," he said. He sounded disgusted but I could hear a tinge of sincerity. I sighed, standing up and brushing off my dress.

"It's fine, I perfectly understand, My Lord. Please stand back for your safety," I said professionally.

He looked at me up and down.

"You.. Are you sure you're a commoner?" He asked.

"Yes, My Lord."

He was silent as I turned around to view the fight going on. I tried to locate the king in the hoard of metal and swinging swords. Movement in the corner of my eye made me look to the overhang that the servants use to lower the chandeliers. My eyes widened seeing one of the intruders set up a cross bow on the railing. He stayed still, waiting for his moment to shoot. I looked at the crowd, finding his highness right in the field of the shooter's view.

"Your Majesty!" I screamed. He couldn't hear me over the roar of the men fighting. I kept glancing at the man who was still aiming. The king was moving too quick to get a clear shot. But the men were dwindling in numbers. I sprinted across the marble floor calling for his majesty, hoping he would hear me. He was cutting down the men around him like flies, creating a pile corpses around him. He finally stood tall, turning around to the sound of my steps. Seeing the chance, the intruder shot his cross bow, but I was already there, and I used all my weight to shove his Majesty. He stumbled a single step back as the arrow wizzed past us. I saw a glimpse, close enough to feel the air brush across my face. It pierced the marble floor with a unappealing crack. His Majesty glanced at the arrow, and before I could blink, took a dagger and flung it at the shooter. The man stumbled back, a blade now stuck between his brows before collapsing out of view. However, my eyes were trained on the arrow still in the ground.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. That was so close. Too close. Way too close. That could've hit me. I could've-

"Eleana," He called. I looked away from the arrow and to his Majesty.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded.

I was about to not be though.

He examined the surroundings, checking for anymore intruders on the overhang. The noise of clattering metal and groans of pain died down as the rest of the men were getting massacred

"Keep some of them alive for interrogation," The king ordered. After the last one was restrained, the King looked to the nobles, now having to deal with them. He took a couple steps past me to talk to them, however a sudden rise of panic made me follow in step and clutch his torn cape. He glanced at me for a moment, but I didn't let go of his cape. Together we walked forward, enough so that his majesty would know he would be heard before he spoke to the rest of them.

"My nobles. you may be thinking that this shows weakness. That the enemy was able to infiltrate our caste and attack. But know that this is actually a display of strength! Do not be afraid! The enemy was able to try whatever it wanted, but in the end was obliterated, and not a single one of you got hurt. As long as you stand by me, your king, it goes to show that our kingdom will forever be safe against traitors and their kind!"

"Long live the King!" they replied and bowed.

"However, I cannot deny that I had caused all of you a significant amount of stress and even some traumatic memories. Please, you are welcome to stay here or return home at your leisure and you will all, of course, receive rightful compensation for this unfortunate event," he announced.

"Yes, Your Majesty," They responded together. The nobles dispersed leaving as soon as the side doors were opened.

His Majesty turned around and faced me, making me let go of his cape and clench the fabric of my dress instead.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty,"I said quickly.

"For what?"

"For holding your cape. I shouldn't have touched you so carelessly," I said.

"It's fine. You should go back to your room and get some rest."

"Yes, Your Majesty," I replied.

He's hilarious if he thinks I'm gonna get some sleep after this.

I walked though the side door only to be squeezed by Sophia.

"Eleana, why did you run out like that?!" She cried squeezing me. I hugged her back, tears welling up as my emotions flooded.

"I'm sorry," I said sniffling. Sophia pulled back and we started to walk back to our room.

"Don't be, I'm glad you're safe." She said.

"I'm glad you're safe too," I said smiling. "Honestly," I started, "I really didn't want to have to walk back to our room by myself so I'm really glad you're here."

Sofia laughed, "Honestly, me too. If any more rebels come at us, we'll kick their butts!"

"Yeah! Watch out!" I said bravely before both of us broke out into a fit of laughter.

We made it to our room and closed the door behind us, plopping on our beds.

"Now we get to take our dresses off," Sophia remarked. I groaned, not wanting to move.

"C'mon," Sophia encouraged getting off the bed and walking over.

I sighed, "I guess it wouldn't be too bad to get this corset off."

So without further ado, we got undressed and went to bed, thankful for the ball to have finally ended.