
After a quick saunter to the general store, Parc had exited with a handful of useful objects costing him a neat total of 848 CP, or Conquest Points as he came to learn, bringing his total down to 152 CP left in his stores. It was actually surprisingly simple, he'd taken those tags he'd gotten from Luna in the courthouse and handed them to this old, much older than David bya good few hundred years, and things just went from there.

He'd gotten a list of all the things he could possibly need in the beginning of the RWBY world, he'd be going to after he spent some time in his terrarium. He'd even been offered a small booklet complimentary from the store clerk filled with a few scant details of the world. Nothing particularly interesting or in depth of the plot but simple things in the world, the two main sentient races of humans and faunus, which were basically just humans with animal appendages. They'd been suffering through slavery not a hundred years before the start of the series but like America, the world, apart from one kingdom, basically abolished slavery.

The most expensive object he got was a small pill called the Aura Unlocking Pill, which would supersede him having to find someone to unlock it for him or deal with some life threatening or life changing event. Though he wasn't completely in the loop of how aura's unlocked naturally it just felt like it made sense it would start with something like that. Semblance on the other hand, yeah, he'd have to figure that out on his own. In total this single pill cost just about half of what he'd spent. The rest being tossed around to an advanced scroll, RWBY's version of a phone, with worldwide coverage, 200 cp. Lastly, he'd gotten a few different types of dust, a specialized crystal found exclusively on RWBY's world and is exclusively usable on RWBY's world of Remnant. In total he'd spent 50 CP per base element of dust he'd gotten, Air, water, fire and wait for it… electricity. Yeah, Parc was still trying to figure out even now, years after he'd first watched the show why they went for electricity, and not earth for the naturally occurring crystalline embodiment of an element.

The rest of the used-up CP was spent on basic things, food rations, water, a few bandages here and there. All neatly tucked away in the complementary Terrarian satchel he'd gotten when he handed in the second tag of the green metal leaf. The closest Parc could liken this little satchel was a games inventory, it had plethora of space, more than Parc could be assed to count. All of which could each hold a single item or a stack if—if applicable—as well as provide him an auto replenishing ammo source, meaning reloading or knocking arrows was a thing of the past for him. Not that he's really used long distance in the past, but hey, he's going to RWBY where everything is a gun. So that much was to be expected.

Along with the satchel, Parc had also been granted several beginner terrarian items like a copper pickaxe, axe, and shortsword, that he doubted he'd be using because his dagger-which was half the size—looked and was ten times as sharp.

But his gains did not just end there, tossed into the deal of freebies was a thick book, a guide some might say, describing several techniques related to various basic crafting techniques, tailoring, carpentry, metalworking, weapon making, armour making. If you could name it, the book held the the bare bones of it inside. The moment he'd flipped it open he was greeted by a surprising and positively exilirating scene.

[Skillbook discovered: Craftsmanship and me]

[Skills learnt: Craftsmanship]

[Do you wish to learn this skill?]

The answer was yes, yes, he did. And that was the story of how Parc got the skill, Craftsmanship Lvl1. If he wanted any higher, he was going to have to put the effort in and break his back learning the trade. It did give another perk of a new scroll down window he could call up with his know recipes, of which his pickaxe, axe and shortsword were the only things within.

The actual final thing Parc had been left with was a special tincture, another skill granting object the clerk had told him. And the skill it was would simply change his life.

[Eye of the Terrarian]

[If the Host focuses on an object the host will gain insight into said object]

What that meant was not hard to figure out as when he'd gotten the tincture the clerk urged him to drink it and test it out on a few of the objects he had on him. Starting with his poor, poor copper shortword.

[Broken Copper Shortsword]

[5 melee damage]

[4% critical strike chance]

[Very fast speed]

[weak knockback]

That was worse than he even thought was possible. What he held in his hand was a glorified, shiny, blunt, oversized butter knife.

Pulling out his dagger, he inspected it.

[Nephelim's Respite]

[20 melee damage]

[30% critical strike chance]

[Very fast speed]

[weak knockback]

It was better in every way except for speed and knockback. Both of which Parc never really made use of. If he needed to knock someone back, he'd just do that himself, knock them back through other means, kicking punching, or, what he preferred. Outright killing them.

Otherwise he'd been told that the stats were more of a suggestion than actual fact. If you slit someone's throat with the shortsword they'd still bleed out unless they got some healing. But getting through the neck would be a chore. Once he got to the higher ranked stuff he'd be seeing the real differences, especially with the higher ranked tools which would speed up his mining and wood chopping up tremendously.

Digging through his pockets, Parc pulled out a thin yellow piece of parchment, the land deed for his terrarium which he could use to unlock the terrarium as an option to transport between up at the portal hub. Which was now thankfully free of MeMe's and disembodied limbs. They were apparently very quick cleaners considering it took Parc all of an hour to get his things from the courthouse and the general store.

"I should probably check out my rewards before heading out…" he muttered to himself and made his way to the café where he got a simple eggs on toast with bacon on the side breakfast. Pulling out the two main actual object rewards he'd acquired from his quests. The Bone of Icarus and the Blood of the Conqueror. The bone was just that a dull, white bone looking to be from some poor bastards—likely Icaruses—spine. While the Conquerors blood was a bright, glistening red liguid held suspended within a small thumb sized vial with barely a drop of the stuff within.

[Blood of the Conqueror]

[A specialized Tonic that will evolve one ability.]

Simple, and useful. If he used it on his [Scent of Attraction] he might gain a bit of control over it, or if he used it on his [Rush of the Nephilim] he may become able to dash longer distances or use less energy. He was more tempted to boost up the Rush of the Nephilim skill as that would certainly be more useful in the RWBY world. But that choice changed upon reading the description for the Bone of Icarus.

[Bone of Icarus]

[A bone taken from the angel Icarus. Grants the wielder the ability [Clay Wings]

The description of which went along the lines of:

[Clay Wings]

[An ability formed by the angel Icarus after his wings burned up from flying too close to the sun. User may grow clay wings granting the ability to fly for a limited amount of time.]

An ability that let him fly. Now that would just be perfect, no more worrying about foot traffic or having to run around everywhere. He could become his own Run. Even if the time was limited, that was still a great boon. Exactly how long, he'd have to see. But if he could say, lessen that limited to unlimited through the use of a certain ability enhancing tonic, well, he'd be absolutely thrilled.

Popping open the cork sealing the finger sized tonic, Parc brought it to his lips and tipped his head back. The moment the droplet of red touched his tongue he felt a surge of energy course through him. Waking him from any lingering tiredness he may have had. Mentally he was guiding the energy to that very clay wings ability. In just moments the abilities' description before him began to grow jumbled, the words across it swapping between symbols and letters.

When finally, it stopped Parc released a breath he didn't know he was holding in and began to pant, sweat trickling across his face like he'd taken a dip in the very sun Icarus lost his wings to. Quickly bringing up the skill, a bright smile rose across Parc's face.

[Nephilim's Wing]

[An ability formed by the Nephilim of Desire, Parc Evans. Allows one to grow a single wing granting the ability to fly.]

No sign of a limited amount of time in sight. Anticipation was building up in him, bringing him to nearly summon the wing out right here at this moment but when he tried he earnt a bright red flashing sign before him.

[Active abilities disabled within the Pleasure Hub.]

"Oh come on."



Question, Inori Yuzuriha from Guilty Crown, or Index from a Certain Magical Index?