Self-love part 2

'Oh god.' Was all Summer could bring to the forefront of her mind as was stuck staring into Ferry's pleading eyes. "I-this is something you should do on your own. Its not something I should be around for," she tried to dissuade the faunus girl but was only greeted with a whine and puppy dog eyes which Summer though was not possible for a donkey faunus. But lo, she could, and it melted Summer's heart… were it not for the fact she was asking Summer to teach her how to play with herself.

"Please Summer, I don't know what to do."

Summer flinched, pleading in silence for Ferry to not look at her like she was, it was too cute and she was too weak to cute things. "It's really not something I should be here for-"

"Please." Ferry strengthened the pleading tone in her voice. Her teeth coming to grind together with what looked to be pained pleasure.

It was a difficult choice to make, but one she had to make either way. Making her own whimpering noise Summer relented, "fine, but I'll… I can't believe I'm saying this… but I'll help you get started. After that I'll leave you on your own." And leave herself with a memory she was going to be stuck with for a long time.

"Thank you, Summer, what… what do I do?" she questioned.

Burying her face into her palms for a moment Summer tried to calm herself down, reasoning that Ferry was just scared at the new feelings taking hold in her body. 'Just one time Summer, you have to do this one time so be mature, she's just a young girl, this was bound to come up at some point.' Finishing her monologue, she slapped her cheeks and pumped herself up, more to get her own confidence up and calm herself down.

"Alright, so, to start off, you should take your panties off," luckily they had come across several suitcases from their ship that had washed up on the shores of the mist-shrouded-Island which had plenty of undergarments inside them. Enough to last them a few years with regular washing. Though they were far from the most comfortable anymore. "You can also take off the rest of your clothes if that's what makes you more comfortable-" Summer paused and glanced to the doorway, remembering how they had a new guest nearby.

"Ferry, I need to check on something, I'll be right back. While I'm gone you… you just get yourself ready," Summer rose to her feet and flickered away in a puff of white petals that streamed out the door, with Ferry left behind to slowly start undressing herself.

Finding herself outside the old radio station, Summer could hear wet squelching noises and a strange whirring noise. The sight of Parc standing crouched on the drawbridge. Not moving from his place, Summer shouted at him, "If you so much as come near this building I will shove my spear so far up your ass you will become the worlds first human shaped lollipop!" and rushed back into the radiostation.

Stuck blinking at where the origin of Summer's voice came from Parc saw petals gliding to the ground and disintegrating as they did. Twisting his wrist back, he caught a shiny blue yoyo called the Rally 1, the body caked in grimm blood and brain matter that quickly dissolved into the wind, likely returning to Salem in her domain, wherever that was. "As much as I'd love to be helping, I can't help but feel I'd be intruding." He mumbled throwing the yoyo out to decimate the skull of another shambler stuck in the moat.

As it died Parc heard a groaning noise from his left and turned to the mist to see a collection of bright red eyes and sickly neon yellow teeth. A shambler horde had arrived. "Hmm," he pulled the Code 1 yoyo back into his hand and stuffed it into his satchel. When he pulled his hand out it was gripping a large, two-meter-long spear with a thick tip and a dessert theme of two swirling metals of white and gold that opened right below the blade to reveal a bright blue sapphire gemstone. "Never tried this out," Parc hummed, twirling the storm spear in one hand crating small crackles of electricity in the air following behind the spear tip. "Lets see how grimm hold up to shocking revelations." He cringed at his joke and began to slowly stride towards the horde with an anticipatory grin on his face.


Summer's sprint came to sudden halt right outside the doorway to the recording studio slash mock bedroom and slowly came to bring herself into the room with a long held breath she released in a hiss when she saw Ferry sat on her knee's stark naked, her entire body shaded a pinkish tint from her estrus. An expression of utmost comfortability stuck to her chewed lips.

"I'm going to hell, oh I am so going to hell," Summer spoke silently to herself and forced herself deeper into the room, ending up by seating herself cross-legged next to Ferry. "Alright, that's done. N-now, where were we?" she didn't need to ask that, she knew exactly where they were. But it helped her brain process the situation.

"You told me to take off my clothes."

She knew, she didn't want to admit a woman soon to enter her forties had told a girl twenty years her junior to do just that. "Right, yes, okay. Now you should get into a more comfortable pose. You won't be able to do much on your knees," she said adding, 'actually theres a few things you can do on your kn- goddammit Summer. No. Now is not the time.'

"Just get comfortable."

"Okay…" Ferry moved from her knees to sitting on her bottom with legs parted just enough that Summer was able to see the light blue forest of her pubes, matted and stringy with her dripping lust. "Is… this normal?" Ferry asked collecting a finger full of the stringy juices dripping from her crotch.

"Yes, its also something that happens to a lot of girls. It's more important for actual sex. It just makes things easier in general really," Summer forced a smile to her face and made herself not twitch now that Ferry's most vulnerable area was open on display.

Humming, Ferry wiped her hand dry on the bed of clothes before returning her hand to between her legs, "then you said I just rub it?"

"Y-yeah, that's right, then your masturbating."

'And I no longer need to be here,' Summer attempted to rise back to her feet but stopped when Ferry called out to her.

"Wait! Don't go. Don't leave me alone."

Summer whined, taking after Ferry's own noises but still forced herself to her feet. "I'll, just give you a bit of space. I won't go anywhere," she said and strode to her own bed where she sat with her back to Ferry, her hands covering all her face feeling the scarlet heat of blood rushing to her head. "But next time you should do it on your own."

"I will," she responded and looked over her body, her thin, skeletal frame and small breasts with pink nipples grown rigid and sensitive as she learnt when she'd poked one of them while waiting for Summer to return.

Now that she was and had gotten Ferry ready. Looking down to her opened legs and her dripping wetness Ferry felt a strange anticipation rising in her that brought her to bringing her hands between her legs. Her fingers coming close to her vagina and pressed into the puffy mons eliciting her to let out a light chirp from the jolt of electricity it sent coursing through her body. Her eyes inadvertently catching how Summer jumped with the noise she made.

When the feeling died down Ferry gulped and pressed her fingers back onto her crotch once again forming the shivering feeling but she didn't pull away this time. Instead she slowly dragged her finger tips along her slit, soft, muffled moans pushing their way through her throat until she hit her unsheathed clit which at the moment she touched it, sent her bug eyed and made her cry out and clamp her legs tightly together, powerful convulsions attacking her.

"Fuuaahh~" she panted, the moist feeling between her legs growing stronger. As the convulsions died down Ferry began to slowly rub her fingers along her slit, lightly parting her labia to push just the tips of her fingers into herself which only made the pangs of pleasure stronger.

"Ahh-haa, nnn~ haann." Her finger went deeper and her back arched to the point she ended up collapsing onto her bed, one hand laid down besides her balled up into a fist collecting a handful of cloth. As if by instinct, her movements raised in speed, her fingers digging deeper until she felt an attraction to a small point in her depths and her finger curled and scratched against her newly discovered g-spot. When she did her hips thrust up and she cried out even louder than before, her body unused to the feeling having already been on the brink of climax with the scratching of her g-spot sending her over the edge.

Her eyes rolled and her hips bucked, a tide of fluids gushing from her nethers with a spritzing noise. Her hips dropped and her finger lulled out of her crotch. Her mind hazed and in disarray from her first orgasm.

Summer, for all the maturity she had had buried her face into her knees wanting to block out the squelching noises of Ferry going at it with her self. Ultimately ending with her hearing the telltale noise of a girl squirting. Throughout the entire thing, Summer was chanting to herself 'I'm going to hell, I'm going to hell, I'm going to hell.'

Now that she could only hear faint panting noises, Summer turned to see a shivering, nude Ferry with a tide of fluids coating her inner thigh and parts of her bed. It was far from a sight any mother should see of their surrogate daughter, and one she couldn't just leave be.

Getting to her feet, Summer collected a few pieces of roughly stitched together clothes formed into a blanket and brought them to Ferry, throwing the patchwork quilt over the girl and made quick work of exiting the room to let Ferry have some rest after that ordeal.

Directly outside the room, Summer leaned her head against the wall, pondering what she had just witnessed. Herself feeling a familiar and heavily unwanted urge ignited in her womb, "stop it body. Bad girl. Don't get antsy from hearing your daughter masturbating… we can do it later." She pushed off the wall and wandered her way slowly out the building and into the clearing surrounding the radio station. Finding thankfully that Parc was far away, in fact, she couldn't even see him, but she could hear a strange crackling noise not far away.