On top

It was hard focusing when Parc was out on a date with another woman. At least, that's what Summer was quickly figuring out.

After returning to Beacon she'd separated from Ruby and the others letting them head back to their dorm room to rest up for the next morning. Poor Blake though, she was completely out of it the entire trip back. That toxic little vial Parc had shattered in the alleyway had basically turned her into the very word of 'horny.' Thankfully the girl was able to hold back her faunus urges Parc had elicited and abused. Whether she could keep them under control back in the dorm, that was another question.

And not one Summer wanted any business in know.

At least, so long as she kept her hands off of Ruby. Yang was old enough and Weiss was the most reasonable, she was likely to be the one to just leave, hopefully dragging Ruby with her.

Summer herself though had made way to the cantilever, through its hidden tunnel—which had been moved after Esdeath's decision to go exploring—and back into the hobbit hole. Which had since been fitted with some quite high-tech air filtration making every breath feel like breathing in fresh foresty air. There were even a few sun pipes in the ceiling that let sunlight in, it would reflect against mirrors on its way down before being dispersed by some kind of thing meaning the artificial lights weren't as necessary in the mornings.

On her way in she'd passed by Esdeath's room, she had a tendency of freezing her door to the frame and letting frost crackle outwards along the wall and floor like her very room was sapping heat from the world around them. It was clear she wanted no one bugging her.

Kurome also had her own room, it was right next to hers and Parc's and it took no amount of refusal on Summer's part to stop Parc from acceding to Kurome's wish of letting her sleep with them instead. The girl may be cute, but sleeping with another girl Summer knew to be quite literally Parc's pet was a little much.

Ignoring the days when Summer was feeling a little raunchy, then she would only verbally resist Kurome's joining them.

That girl could do wonders with her tongue, Summer had learned.

She'd stripped out of her clothes, dressed up before the mirror and frowned as she stared herself down. Normally she didn't much like such provocative lingerie… frankly it made her feel like she was some type of prostitute. It's just that tonight, after watching Parc run around with Glynda that she couldn't help but gravitate towards this dress of lechery.

It was sheer, and that was the lightest way she could put it. It was of teddy design, a sexy camiknicker that trailed across her torse and covered her crotch with lace details of flowers shaded a dark hue of burgundy. It wrapped kindly around her bust and was cut to such a high point that it was slmost like her entire back was expose. Which it was. Turning she leaned her head over and peered at her back and bottom, flushing immediately at the sight. Just looking at herself like this it was like she was naked, the crotch of the teddy turned to a small g-string strap that dug into her butt crack before splitting just above her waist into straps that caught the front of the teddy. The only other straps atop her pristine white skin being the two crossing at the bump of her back.

"This… why did I buy this?" even as she flushed, Summer reached behind herself, her hand pressing into her buttcheek and pried it open to see just how deeply the strap dug into her. Gulping as she wondered if Parc would like it.

'Is it a little too… much?' She thought releasing her butt and watched as her plumpened flesh jiggled before stilling. It was still weird to her seeing herself so full, back on the island she didn't even have a but, it was more like a plank of finely carved wood if anything. Now though, her thighs had thicked, her bottom grew, her breasts perked and even her skin, it began to shine like she was constantly oiled in lotion.

A clacker from outside the room, soft, barely a murmur made her bounce and her head swivelled to the door. A low whistle in the distance told her exactly who it was, and the beating of his boots against the floor said he was close.

In her bout of panic Summer burst, her semblance coming out in full as she raced around the bed, tucked herself in and ripped the book she'd been reading and flipped it open to a random page just barely lit by dim lighting of the nightstands lamp.

The door clicked and slowly it was pushed open. Parc entering only for his eyes to follow a drifting petal of white and red as it faded into the windless confines of the room. His gaze trailed with amusement to Summer and in her raising head, embarrassment could be seen.

"W-welcome home." She stuttered, "how was it?" doing her utmost not to seem suspicious.

Snorting, Parc strode to the side, kicked off his shoes and began unbuttoning his top. "Went well. A few more times and Glynda's going to be putty in my hands."

"She's not an object you know." Summer tried to retort, shivering as she remembered how wrong Parc could make that statement with how he could turn Kurome into a literal ring.

"Oh, I'm aware." Tossing his blazer to the side he peeled off his undershirt and turned to Summer. Smirking on his approach as the girl's grip on her book shivered the closer he drew. Summer's eyes darting too and from his defined chest laced with more scars than she could count. Gulping as he loomed over him Summer finally pulled her head from the pages of gibberish and locked with his uncanny smile. "You look comfortable." He hummed as if staring through the lace of her bodice and to her breasts.

"I, er, am. Never more comfortable, I've been here, just, y'know, reading." Unable to stare directly at him with her wandering orbs.

"I'm sure you were." Reaching out he plucked from her trembling grasp her book and in a single swift motion shut it and set it down atop the nightstand. The next moment he knelt one leg on the edge and pressed himself over Summer, his hands bolstered against the backrest as his face drew closer to hers. "You definitely weren't running around following us, now were you?"

Her eyes darted, "pfft, nooo, of course not. I just… took Ruby and her team out for dinner. Yeah. Dinner."

"Right," whispering his breath tickled Summers lips rising from her depths a heat that coloured her skin a rosy tinge. Without touching, Parc trailed down her cheek then to her ear, "and I'm sure you weren't fantasizing about what I was doing to Glynda." He lowered to her neck, finally pressing just above her shoulders.

"Mmm." Summer whined. "I… I wasn't." the stutter belying the truth.

Letting his tongue reach forth, tickling her neck up to her jaw line Summer's body trembled. Her hands raised to his chest to feel his toned muscles like that of a perfect adonis. A tightness in her crotch seethed with her yearning drawing from her depths a yearning for her to give in to her true desires to have him press her down and fill that hole his date with Glynda had left.

Parc huffed against her cheek, breath teasing down her jawline like a predator just inches from its prey only to halt at her lips. "You don't what to hear how I dragged her into a ferris wheel and abused her pussy with these very fingers?" nails trailed with licentious intent across her skin, pressing between their lips to gently pull down her lower lips. A faint sweet scent rising off his fingers stirred her heart into excitement.

"Not-not really." She swallowed excitedly.

In response Parc chuckled, peeled his hand away and flopped onto his back to the side, letting out a sigh of comfort as his head came to rest upon the plush cushioning of hand woven pillows.

'Did he just-' Summer stared at him dumbfoundedly. His eyes were shut, his breathing still and most astonishingly, his pants weren't in a tent. "What are you doing?" she squeaked.

"Sinking into the bliss that is sleep. Unless of course," one eye opened slightly and tilted her way, "you want to do something else."

"No but—I thought you were going to- Why aren't you teasing me?" it wasn't that she was waiting for him for just that. Definitely not. She was just not used to him not taking the opportunity to do her.

"I'm tired. Spending a few hours walking around the city and screwing a woman does that to a man." No it didn't, maybe other men, but Summer knew very well that Parc was almost never tired. The days when he wasn't doing anything and just stayed home were proof enough for that.

Ticking noises echoed in her mind like a grandfather clocks pendulum clacking every odd second.

"You… you're joking, aren't you?" Desperation thinly veiled in her tone.

"Not at all. It's just 'I'm' tired and my hips ache so I don't feel like moving much." His hands curled behind his head, resting comfortably besides Summer's incredulous gawking.

It wasn't like his insinuation was hard to see. He was about as blunt as a hammer hitting a joint. Summer bit her lip, looked down to her breasts. 'Parc has been dominating me in bed… would being on top be any good?' she pondered turning to his chest of well-defined musculature and scars.

No sooner did a surge of confidence grow to a sparkle in her eyes. Tonight would be her night, he'd please him so much better than Glynda ever could.

Summer suddenly jolted, head shaking furiously to wipe her mind of the concept. 'I'm not fighting Glynda for his penis.'

Of course she wasn't.

She was fighting Glynda for the orgasm his penis brought about.



In case your wondering what Summer's wearing in this.
