Chapter 6 : What a tangled up life !

Third person point of view

Leo was working on his paintings and came out for a walk as a break. He had Jade beside him. They were just casually strolling around, speaking to each other. As he was walking around, he found a car parked and a guy leaning against it. They came to a halt when they saw the guy in front of them. Leo saw him turn his head in their direction. It was Luke. Luke lowered his glasses and smiled at Leo. He walked and stood in front of him. Leo was clearly irritated. " What do you want ? " " I wanted to speak to you ". " I don't have anything to speak to you about ". Leo pulled on Jade's arm and dragged him.

" Come, let's go ". Jade who was still trying to wrap his head around the situation, was now being dragged away. He tried making guesses. " Hey! Who is he ? Is it that guy ? Woah! He is hot ". He laughed as he spoke while still being dragged away by Leo. Luke could hear Jade. He smiled slightly at it, but didn't chase them. He knew it was of no use. He stood there for a few seconds. It was not easy after all. It looked like Leo is hot-headed indeed. Not to say, his first impression was not the best too. He sighed and scratched his head in despair. He went back to his car to drive to his office.

Luke was working in his office as he was discussing something with Ken. He heard a knock and answered. " Come in ". He was looking at the papers in his hand and didn't look up at the person who entered. " Hi baby ". He sighed and slammed the papers on the table. It was Kayla. She was his schoolmate. Ever since then, she has followed him. She was also from a rich family. Even if she was, she was not as much as he was. Luke had much power than them. But then he couldn't really push her away. Every single trial of his of pushing her away has failed, miserably. He could only put up with it. " I told you not to call me baby. I am not your boyfriend or anything ". " Aww, come on. Don't be mad ".

She was speaking in an ear piercing sweet voice. He took a deep breath to control his temper cursing under his breath. " Why did you come here ? " " Should I have a reason to see you ? " He clenched his jaw feeling irritated. The little patience he had was thinning down. " I am not free today. Do you not see ? I have a lot of things to do. So please leave ". " Please. I wanted to have lunch with you ". She was pouting. He shook his head in dismissal. He always ignored her, but she just doesn't get it, does she ? Luke mentally face palmed himself. " Not today. So leave and don't disturb me ". She huffed and stood up and he turned to Ken again. She took a few steps towards the door and stopped when she heard Ken.

" Doesn't she know about the marriage ? " She turned around clearly shocked. Luke looked at Ken with anger and shock filled in his eyes. His eyes were saying that he shouldn't have said it. Ken regretted what he just said. He closed his eyes and said sorry silently. " What did you say ? Who is getting married ? " Ken turned to her. " He is ". He pointed at Luke and saw Luke's eyes which were radiating killing intent . Ken immediately regretted it. Right then, if looks could kill, Ken would have turned into ashes. Not just that, even his ashes would've turned into ashes a thousand times by now. " How can you do that ? No way ! Who is it ? When ? Why ? " " I don't know as well ". Luke was happy that Ken has answered smartly at least for one question.

She turned to look at Luke, who was not even glancing at her. Kayla knew that she will not be able to get the answers from Luke. " I will find out myself. Let me see how this is going to happen ". She left swiftly. " You bastard. Can't you control that bloody mouth of yours for once ? " Luke massaged his forehead with his hand. " Sorry ". He could only look at Luke apologetically. " Sit. Let's finish this ". Ken maintained a safe distance with Luke the remaining time. Even though he felt that he shouldn't have let it slip out, she was going to find out one day anyway.

At the end of the day, Luke was tired when he was home. He was sitting on his bed, when his mother entered his room. He sat up properly. " I wanted to speak to you. Do you have time? " He nodded and his mother sat beside him. " Just check your schedule so that we can set up a date for marriage ". " Mom, please. Stop it already. I told you I don't want it. Just, please ". He was angry and begged his mother. He has tried every way, but it felt like his words were not even entering their ears. His mother sighed.

" I am not going to tell you once again. You are going to listen to us and do it. That is final ". She left the room after that. He felt helpless. He didn't like how he was being forced into it. He ran a hand through his hair. He fell back on the bed. He wanted to think of something to escape. He could only feel his head heating up. At the end it looked like he still couldn't find out a way out of this.