Chapter 16 : The new friendly meeting.

Third person point of view

Ken took out his phone and was wondering if he should text Jade. It has been a while, so why not ! He decided to do it.

Ken : Hey.

He wondered if Jade is going to reply. He waited for a few minutes and he did receive a reply.

Jade : Hello

Ken smiled and picked up his phone to reply.

Ken : Do you want to meet today ?

Jade didn't expect a text from Ken. But then he wouldn't mind meeting a nice friend and even more he played games with him. So he was of course willing.

Jade : Sure. Time?

Ken : Maybe around 6.

Jade : Sure. Ping me the location.

Ken : Okay.

Ken picked a restaurant which had a nice vibe which would feel less sophisticated. It had a cool vibe and the ambiance was relaxing. He went there a few times and thought it was good. He sent the location to Jade. When it was time, Ken left the office. Luke asked him if he had a date, but Ken just rejected and told him that he was meeting Jade. Luke nodded and let him go. Ken was the first one to reach the place. He removed his coat and tie. He checked himself in the rear view mirror and got down to go into the restaurant. He sat at a table waiting for Jade.

" Hey ". Jade sat down in front of Ken. " Hey ". Ken greeted with a smile. " The traffic is bad, sorry ". " Come on, you need not apologize. I didn't wait for that long. No problem ". " So you came right away from office ? " Ken looked at himself and then back at Jade. " It shows ? " Ken gave an embarrassed smile making Jade chuckle. " I guess the dress still shows even if you removed the coat and tie. It gives away the professional look ". Ken nodded with an 'oh' looking down at his attire and then back up at Jade. " So how was your day, Mr. Lawyer ? "

Jade sat back. " I am still studying. I am not one yet ". Ken nodded. " My day is like always. Since I am almost done with my studies, there is a bit more to do ". " Uh huh ". Ken smiled. " How was work ? " " As usual. There is extra work because of a few new collaborations ". Jade nodded. " Did Luke let you go when you have work to do ? " Ken chuckled. " He never complains as long as the work is done on time. So no worries ". " Cool ". " By the way, how is Leo ? " " I am here and you are asking about Leo ". Jade gave a teasing smile.

" You just asked about Luke too. So we are even ". Ken wiggled his eyebrows. Jade chuckled and nodded. " True. Leo is doing fine ". " I actually got to tease Luke more than before ". Ken giggled. " Why is that so ? " Jade was curious. " You didn't know ? " Jade thought for a second. " What didn't I know ? " " They are going to move in and they recently went to check the house ". " Really ? " Jade's wide eyes proved that he really had no clue about it. " He didn't even tell me about it. I didn't meet him in the morning recently, so I am not sure of the time he is coming. I should speak to him then ". Jade narrowed his eyes. Ken laughed and nodded. " Sure you should ".

Jade laughed when he heard the story of Ken teasing Luke to no ends the other day. " Shall we order ? " " Sure. Excuse me ". Ken called for the waiter. " And I wanted to know about that lady who keeps appearing all the time " Jade said while they were eating. Ken looked up and understood he was asking about Kayla. " She is just a leech which doesn't let people live in peace ". Jade sneered and couldn't help but agree. " I know right ".

" But I don't think we need to worry, our power couple will be able to get rid of her sooner or later " . " Oh yeah, true enough ". They ate and spent time happily chatting away. They walked out once they were done with it. " It was good ". Ken complimented. " Yeah. I liked the place too ". Jade said glancing back. " I said it was good having dinner with you ". Jade rolled his eyes and Ken just shrugged. " Just saying ". Jade laughed shaking his head. " How will you go back ? " " A taxi maybe ". " Let me drop you then ". Ken offered but Jade shook his head. " No, it is not that close from here and you need to drive long again. I will go by myself ". " Come on. I don't mind it. It is really fine. I will drop you ".

" But-" Ken interrupted jade mid sentence. " No, no. Save it for when we drive ". He pulled Jade to his car. " Ken ". Ken opened the door for Jade and stood there stubbornly. Jade gave Ken a side glance. Ken only stood there without even saying anything. Jade could only compromise. " Fine, get in now ". Jade said getting in the car. Ken grinned and walked to the other side. " What will you do once you are done ? And which branch will you choose? Prosecutor or Lawyer or Judge maybe ? " Jade chuckled.

" I am not sure yet, but for now I am looking to join as an intern for a Law firm ". " Oh okay. But with your score and talent anyone will definitely be willing to take you in. Don't you think so ? ". Jade laughed. " I am flattered. Thank you ". " I mean it. But then I am curious about something. Is it fine if I ask ? " Jade smiled. " Fine. I don't mind it ". " Why someone like you is actually interested in playing games ? " Jade laughed at the question. " I started it for fun during the start of my college days. I used to play if I was bored. But then I started liking it ". Ken smiled. " Oh. Nice ". " But then what do you mean by someone like me ? "

Ken glanced at Jade who was looking at him with slightly narrowed eyes, but his lips still held a teasing smile. " Don't ask like you don't know ". Jade laughed lightly nodding. " True ". They laughed together. Jade turned to look out of the window. " I wonder what they will be like when they get married and start staying together ". Ken glanced at Jade through the rear view mirror. " I think of that at times too. But I feel they are quite compatible, so I guess there wouldn't be much of a problem ". " I felt the same way. For Luke's temper , Leo is quite an opposite. Not that he doesn't have a bad temper, but it is different " . " Oh yeah, true ". Jade nodded.

" That is something that worries me too. But then Luke doesn't lose his cool easily unless it is really too much. But with Leo, I don't think he will ever do it ". Ken laughed. " With his temper he still let Kayla be ? " " He has a limit to his temper too. She never crossed her limits with him until now. I am scared of what he might do in case she does test his limits ". Jade nodded in understanding. " Generally Luke doesn't and never ever act out of instinct, but I hope she really doesn't see his other side. He can bear it if she is messing with him, but if it is someone important in his life, he wouldn't let it be".

" And I know who that person is ". Jade turned to look at Ken, who in return nodded. " But then I also know that, Leo will be good at taming Luke. So I think we need not worry so much about it ". Ken laughed. " So damn true. That is the reason I am a little less worried about Luke now ". They laughed and chatted as they drove. " Here we go ". Ken stopped near the house. He used the GPS according to the address Jade told him. He felt that it was indeed not that near to his house. " Thanks for the ride and sorry too ". " No mention and I am not accepting your apology ". They smiled and Jade got out of the car. " Good night. Drive safe ". " Good night ". Jade waved and Ken drove away.