Chapter 25 : A new day at work.

Third person point of view

Luke got into the car. He put the lunch in the seat beside and then drove to work. He entered the office and put his box on a table that was to the wall.

Luke had a separate elevator. It was used only by Luke and Ken. Ken was waiting for the lift. He glanced around and saw a person waiting for the other elevator. Ken found the dress familiar and when he noticed the face, he was shocked. He never expected Jade to be there. " Jade ! ". Ken's face showed how shocked he was. He blinked thinking he is seeing the wrong person.

The people nearby turned to look at them but then turned away to be on their ways. " Hello ". Jade greeted back with a smile. Ken saw the doors of the lift open with a ding. He was looking back and forth between the lift and Jade. He finally pulled Jade along with him into the elevator. The other employees were shocked to see that, but didn't dare say anything. " What are you doing ? " Ken pressed the button for the floor in which the legal team was. " You didn't tell me that you got a job here ". As the elevator was going, Ken turned to Jade.

He pinched Jade's arm. Jade chuckled rubbing it. " Ahhh, it hurts. I wanted to surprise you ". Ken let go of him and scowled. " How come I don't know of something this big ?" " Sorry alright ? I wanted to see your reaction. So I didn't tell you before ". Ken rolled his eyes. " So ? " Jade kept looking at Ken. " Forgive me ? Please ? " Jade was careful with his words. Ken finally smiled a little. " Fine ". " Don't try acting, you are not good at it ". Ken hit Jade only to earn a laughter. Ken smiled too. " But are happy to see me here ? "

" Of course I am more than happy to have you here. But why here? " " The most elite legal team of Elite enterprises, how can I reject the offer ? " Ken smiled. " It really is a surprise. You should take me out to dinner later. Your treat for the new job. Don't forget it ". " Sure, I will. And.." Jade turned his face to Ken. " You know you created a scene by pulling me into the elevator just like that ". Ken just shrugged. " You will see the actual scene when you get down this elevator ". The doors of the elevator opened at the floor of the legal team. " Have a nice day ". " You too ".

Jade waved at Ken and Jade got off the elevator. Ken went to the top floor. Jade thought that Ken wasn't lying when he said to look forward to the reaction of the people . They were of course shocked to see an intern get off of the elevator used by their boss and was along with their boss's secretary. They were looking at him very curiously. Jade put aside all these and decided to focus on the reason he was here.

Ken came in when Luke just opened a document on his desk. " Good morning ". " Morning ". " There are a few files you need to look through and also..." Ken told everything he has to, to Luke. " So these for now, I will let you know if there any changes ". Ken looked up at Luke. " By the way, Jade is working in our office as an intern ". Ken said with a smile. Luke was surprised at the news. " Wow. How is it possible that I didn't know about this ? " " Even I didn't know. If I didn't meet him at the elevator, I wouldn't have known ". " Good. He is talented. So it is nice to have him here ". " Yep, true. So..., I will leave now ".

Luke nodded and immersed himself with the work. It was half past 1 when he checked the time. He got up from his chair and took the lunch and sat at the couch. He took a spoonful and ate it. It was indeed tasty. He was enjoying it and Ken entered the room. " Lunch time ". He saw that Luke was already eating. He was confused and sat while still looking at Luke. " Where did you buy it ? You are not the type to do things like that ".

" This. I brought it from home ". Luke said proudly. Ken was now even more confused. " You are the type who is too lazy to wake up and come to work, let alone cook ". He was thinking hard when it hit him. " No way. Don't tell me-" " Yes way and your guess is right ". Ken sat back chuckling dryly. " Leo is not only cooking breakfast now even lunch ? What does he see in you ? " Luke rolled his eyes and continued enjoying his lunch. " Lucky enough ". Ken huffed.

" I told you before, you are just not lucky enough ". " You jerk. You don't even leave a small opportunity when you get to insult me ". Luke only smirked and ate the food happily. Ken also finished his. " You are such a selfish guy. Didn't even give me a bite. So mean ". Luke looked up. " Why should I ? He cooked for me not for you ". Ken sneered and stormed out of the room. Luke picked up his phone to text.

Luke : The food is delicious. Thank you baby.😘

Leo saw the text and smiled. But he rolled his eyes at the last part.

Leo : No need to thank me and one more time you 'baby' me, I will kick your ass.

Luke being himself, loved to tease Leo. He laughed at the reply.

Luke : Okay, baby.

Leo clenched his teeth.

Leo : You! Get lost.

Luke cracked up at his words. Leo couldn't even argue, so he could only let it be. He puffed his cheeks and put his phone aside. Leo shook his head and wanted to push the thoughts aside. Even if he couldn't actually accept their status, he believed they can at least be called friends. Not oh so close but friendliness was there. They had no problem with each other. Luke was neat and clean.

On the other hand Luke helped Leo with all the things, so everything is smooth. They were like roommates who were getting along well as friends. But...No! Even if it was like that, Leo didn't want to put a name to it. It is good as it is. Why bother going around giving names? He shook his head to clear the thoughts.

Meanwhile on the other side, Ken was huffing with anger. He picked up him phone to call Jade. Jade picked up the call. " Hell-" " Where are you ? " Jade was shocked at Ken's tone. " Cafeteria ". And Ken hung up. Jade was confused. He put his phone aside and continued to eat. In a few minutes, he saw Ken sit in front of him. " What is it ? "

" You know to cook ? "


P.S. My author notes are really long. Sorry for that.🙈 I just like to tell you guys too many things I guess.